Archived What do you eat at work?

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If I eat out, it's on my closing nights. The LOD, and the TLs that night (sometimes the GSA) will try to eat lunch together. We'll usually order out or one of us will go pick something up. we're in a shopping center, so there's plenty of places to get food in our center and there's lots of other places within a mile or so in any direction.
HA! I didn't either until my TL did it. Now I cannot eat it cold!

At work I just microwave those, but if I bring it home, I put it in the oven for a bit. The pretzel bun is so good when it's toasty.

I've been bringing food in lately. If I work early, I brink breakfast to eat before clocking in. I made these oatmeal jars (Pinterest) with oats and coconut shreds and freeze dried fruits and such. Different variety every time, pretty much and I just put boiling water in it and close the top for a while for food oatmeal. I Find that oats get gross and overly mushy if I microwave em.

I do premade burritos that I freeze, and at one point I did little meat loaves in a pan that makes six little loaves and single serve frozen broccoli. During lazy times, I buy soups, Starbucks, frozen junk (though trying to do less of that... You know, summer body and all that jazz), and during broke times, lunchables and chef boyardee.

Irrelevant but I just pulled a grey sticker off my stomach while typing that. Idk how it got there lol
It used to be FA (grill days) Pizza Hut, cheeseburger combos and chicken quesadillas. With removal of the grill it turned into the ham and turkey sandwiches, Lunchables, frozen meals, pineapple/mandrian oranges, or usually went out. Sorry for you guys now, Food Ave doesn't carry crap anymore.
A bag of gummi bears (I have a slight addiction to gummi bears and animal crackers) if I'm not closing. Sometimes if I'm closing I'll grab lean pockets if I think I'll get home late or have to open the next day.
Sometimes I try and bring fruit, chicken, etc. but usually I don't and I'll get a hot dog from FA or some chobani yogurt from P-fresh. If we're having a food event in the break room I'll usually get some of that.
If I don't bring anything from home, I'll eat something like fruits or vegetables from pFresh on a good day. Frozen meatless dinners on a bad day.
Turkey sandwich with turkey bacon and spinach. A pear and a bottle of water. 400 calories all together. I eat this every single day and it's never really gotten old.
I bring from home. Most days I am scheduled just enough hours (less than 6) to not get a meal break. So I typically bring a piece of fruit and if my break will coincide with a traditional meal time, I add in 1/2 a sandwich. And there almost always is some food in the break room as our store has some sort of food day at least twice, and sometimes up to 4 times, each week.

Probably one of the best things we have. I dont get it all the time but its my favorite thing, its really good for a frozen meal
We don't have Food Ave anymore, but I never ate there anyway. Kind bar and water for my 15. Greek yogurt and water for lunch. Once in a blue moon a artisan breakfast sandwich from starbucks. Sometimes pb&j if it's in the break room.
1st break I just have a cup of ice water from the soda machine at Starbucks. I used to grab a candy bar as well but Spot kept discontinuing the ones I liked.

Am I the only one who eats out for lunch? After 5+ hours, I can't wait to get out of the building! There are so many fast food places around my store that I could easily go 2 weeks without going to the same place twice. My top 3 are probably Wendy's, Panda Express, or Taco Bell.
Your store is near a Panda express? I am jealous
This post just gonna show that I spend more then necessary ranging from:

Deli BBQ Wings plus Potato Wedges or 4 piece Hawaiian bread
Hungry Man (frozen meal)
Taco Bell
Local Chinese order to go
iHop (last choice if bored of others)
I eat healthy as I can at work. To sound special I buy the big bottle of smart water and a yogurt and maybe a salad or a fruit and bam.

I can pack some pretty decent lunches/snacks but it takes prep.
Saves me a lot in the long run tho.
My store is connected to a mall, so I go out and usually get a Subway and Jamba Juice or a deli sandwich from the grocery store on the opposite corner.
If you don't pack your lunch, you must be rich and have an outstanding metabolism.

Just saying...
I eat healthy as I can at work. To sound special I buy the big bottle of smart water and a yogurt and maybe a salad or a fruit and bam.


I buy the little bottle. Or if there's lines I buy a dasani from the break room vending machine. It's cheaper than the cold ones by the register, but still not as cheap as buying a bigger warm dasani or warm smart water. I hated both brands when I started at tgt 3 years ago lol

We have sort of a lackluster yogurt section in my store. We have all the 0 and 2% (I eat it but prefer full fat) and none of the better fage flavors. But I do love the kiwi fage and a noosa when I'm feeling like I could go for a little diabetes.
Maybe OT, but I've never bought water in my life.

Water (here) is FREE, like oxygen.
I've lived in places with great tap. I don't right now. And my store's water is magnificently terrible. It tastes like mud water or something. It even ruins tea. I have a filter (every drop by whirlpool because it travels well) buuut sometimes I forget it. I bring it for regular water and for tea and sometimes for my oatmeal water

That sounds so snobby, but the water here is awful. No one who's ever tasted it would ever exclaim about free water. Also, water isn't even free. Someone pays that water bill.
1st break: Iced coffee
Meal break: carrots/ranch, OJ, Cheese stick (or the occasional chipotle, but I can't eat that too often on GSA pay...)
2nd Break: water
You must weigh as much as my left leg and arm.
If you don't pack your lunch, you must be rich and have an outstanding metabolism.

Just saying...

No, I'm just lazy and forget to pack a lunch, every damn day, and don't have to worry about too many bills yet.
Plus the every store in the mall, other than our very own Target, gives people that work in the mall 10% off, so it's relatively inexpensive.
As for the metabolism, I wish. That's why I go to the deli places, I can get healthier food for less than any of the food court places.
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