Archived What do you say when going on a break?

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Since the Plano Team always went on break at the same time the PTL would get on the walkie and say "Plano talking 1st or 2nd break." then when we got back he'd let them know that too.
Then the new HR ETL made us stop putting the 15s together into one break, which the store had been doing with flow and plano for years.
I was working Pharmacy this last year with Target so I either just said I was taking my break or one of the Techs would tell me it was time to take a break. Back there we just let each other know, we didn't use the walkie.
When I was a cashier I had to wait for the GSTL to either tell me to go or get someone to take my place. On the floor I would use the walkie and say "this is ..... I'm taking break/lunch." If no one said anything after about 30 seconds I'd just go.
You can't sit outside and smoke because a guest will want to know why you aren't helping load their futon.

You can't shop on your lunch because a guest will want to know why you aren't helping them.

You can't walk to your car when you get off because a guest will want to know why you aren't getting carts.
I always lock out for lunch in the backroom so I can always say that I'm off the clock which means get the hail away from me. I've had instances in which I didn't clock out for lunch and got stopped by guests and had to help them.
If you're on lunch and off the clock, are you even suppose to pick up your walkie and call someone to the area where a guest needs help? Wouldn't the be considered working off the clock? I mean what if you pick up your walkie talkie and dislocate a finger or your shoulder? You screwed.

I once had an uppity radio edit demand that I go tell the GSTL that someone wrote a hot check. I was in line checking out and heading home for the day. I was off the clock. This radio edit was demanding that I do her job. Are you serious? She then made the cashier that was checking me out go tell the GSTL. Idiots!
Yes, you can't push the walkie button when you're off the clock. I'm also not going to call back when you leave me a voicemail, so quit asking!
What are these "breaks" you speak of? All of us ETLs at my location never really got breaks on our officially "10 hour" but in reality more like "12 to 16 hour" shifts. If we got time to grab a sandwich we were lucky.
Day-um! You guys all have walkies? I just go. It's not like anyone knows that the instocks team is on the floor...
If im on the salesfloor I will just say "This is (name) and i am going on my first break/30 min lunch)". but if i am on pricing i just go and dont say anything. the only people that do say anything is salesfloor
"Team, this is mrknownothing, I'm headed to my break/lunch."

15/46 min later: "Team, this is mrknownothing, I'm back from break/lunch."
I tell my fellow tm's too. Hey mr k! Can you cover my area while on break? I teach new tm's to tell tl & other tm's to make they know where you are.

Sorry, but I haven't completed my learning plan for that area yet. Is anyone else available to cover who knows the area?
Yeah, I can see how you shouldn't even push the walkie button to speak because you could break your finger doing it and be screwed because you off da clock. I think it's always cute and fun to explain how you aren't protected by insurance if you get hurt while working off the clock to guests.

They are like this
We just say "Salesfloor <name>, going on (First|Lunch|Final) break." Same for salesfloor team-leads. In Electronics/Fitting Rooms, we've worked out who's covering our station, so don't say anything about breaks, other than "<name>, what's your location, I'm about to go into compliance." (doesn't really happen all that often though)
What are these "breaks" you speak of? All of us ETLs at my location never really got breaks on our officially "10 hour" but in reality more like "12 to 16 hour" shifts. If we got time to grab a sandwich we were lucky.

Your ETL's actually work 10 hour days???
What are these "breaks" you speak of? All of us ETLs at my location never really got breaks on our officially "10 hour" but in reality more like "12 to 16 hour" shifts. If we got time to grab a sandwich we were lucky.

Your ETL's actually work 10 hour days???

I'd say that especially during the 4th quarter that's average.
I know our ETL LOG would often do 11 or 12.
One of our LOGs would come in at 9pm and I would routinely see him doing trash at 2pm.

Edit... oops... originally wrote 9am when I meant 9pm.
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"Lod I'm taking my 15/break/meal/last 15" they all know my walkie voice for the most part so I don't say my name. If I don't have a walkie, I just go and I'll find someone else in sl to make sure I'm not leaving the floor empty... Not that it really matters if I don't have a walkie anyway.

Our ETLs don't all eat. The ETL ap and sales floor always make the effort to do so and if they get called away, they go. I hate when they're lod and eat in the break room while I'm on break because then I have to listen to walkie calls and such.
We call out for the LOD and then state our name and that we'd like to take our 15 or break. There doesn't seem to be any code words or numbers for breaks at our store which is weird because everything else that is Target is coded or is an acronym.
I tell them im gonna take my 5-teen, all I do is kill a cigarette before the guests drive me to do something similar to them.. Then get back in the trenches:lP
I'm on flow. Morning break announced. Lunch always between 11 and 11:30. Afternoon break at 1.
on the lanes we just go but when It is my turn and I am the breaker I just let the person in charge of the front at the time know with "im heading on my (15 or 30)"
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