Archived What Does NOP mean?

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Sep 5, 2016
I've heard this at work and seen it here, but still not sure what it really means when an item is NOP....
It means "leave this on Guest Service's counter and run away before they notice."
Seriously tho, if items that come up as NOP when scanned, should they be sorted with damages/salvage and taken to guest service?
Yeah, I try to ask the LoD or a TL about it first, but if they're busy or I'm not as comfy with them depending who it is, sometimes I'll throw it with clearance. Usually I'm in toys, so they're smaller/cheaper items anyways.
Speaking of backstocking, is that something I should ask about being taught how to do myself? Now when I have backstock, I usually just go to the backroom with it, and find a backroom TM, and say "hey, I got some backstock here, where do you want it?" But be nice to not have to bother them....unless that's what I'm supposed to do as a hardlines TM.

In my store, Backroom or Presentation handles the backstock. Don't want anyone to fuck up our backroom.
Speaking of backstocking, is that something I should ask about being taught how to do myself? Now when I have backstock, I usually just go to the backroom with it, and find a backroom TM, and say "hey, I got some backstock here, where do you want it?" But be nice to not have to bother them....unless that's what I'm supposed to do as a hardlines TM.

What you are doing is fine. No backstock isn't something you will do as hardlines in general. Do you know about the colored clips? Look like chip clips but are pink(backstock), green(CAF Pull) or yellow(Resarch pull). If you can't find anyone take said backstock to the back room find empty tub and a pink clip and leave it. If that is acceptable in your store.

My stores asks you put it near the section of the back room it would go, but if you don't know ask or try your best. Just no food mixed with chem or other product.

NOP is not on planogram and if you have a Mydevice see if you can tell when it came in. Tap the description on the top of the screen it will take you to the info screen when it was researched and other what not. You are looking to see if it is was actually delivered on a truck and might be on a planogram coming up. Cause if it is an item that will set next week - Backstock that shit! But NOP can also be items we got back as an internet return and while NOP its NOP cause your store doesn't sell it. And probably not labeled correctly by guest services or just a return from a sister store that your store doesn't sell, those you want to flex out somewhere since it backstocked will never see the light of day cause there will never be a reason pull it back out.

Hope that helps.
In my experience, NOP items usually turn out to be returned online items that never got a clearance sticker. So when I scanned the item at GS, an online barcode prints. When I scanned THAT new barcode, it gives me a location.
Yeah, I try to ask the LoD or a TL about it first, but if they're busy or I'm not as comfy with them depending who it is, sometimes I'll throw it with clearance. Usually I'm in toys, so they're smaller/cheaper items anyways.

Toys and stationary are both notorious for NOP items because there is a good chance these are vendor items. Vendor items generally don't go clearance (maybe no vendor items go clearance??), so their merchandise will just sit in the backroom forever, never triggering a pull.

A good way to get this junk out of the back is to learn which aisles this product frequently gets backstocked down. As I said, toys and STAT are common, but there is probably stuff floating down all your grocery aisles as well, including dairy and frozen. There are probably more that I'm missing, which others could point out. The easiest way to purge your backroom of this stuff, and then get it to the appropriate vendor so they can do what they like with it, is to pull the detail report for that aisle. I believe when you sort the report by status, it groups all NOP items together, but I could be wrong. If that works, just find the vendor merchandise, which will be of all the same 'class' (the 2-digit part of the DPCI), and get it out of there. If that doesn't work, just skim the report to find these vendor 'classes,' then LOCU the location, taking out what shouldn't have been brought back to backstock in the first place.
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Yeah, I try to ask the LoD or a TL about it first, but if they're busy or I'm not as comfy with them depending who it is, sometimes I'll throw it with clearance. Usually I'm in toys, so they're smaller/cheaper items anyways.

NOP items could be vendor product (like trading cards, or greeting cards & stickers.)

They could also be items that your store simply doesn't carry, or doesn't have a place for on a Plan-o-gram.

NOP could also be the result of a POG becoming untied.

NOP is not clearance. Please stop throwing random crap on Clearance endcaps. 🙂

Generally, NOP can be put :
- on an endcap with other discontinued products (for the same department)
- with other matching Vendor product
- in backstock
- flexed Correctly into an aisle with similar product, and have a Generic Label Printed.
if your not sure ask your TL's how to show you how to find out if it is an item that is in a future transition (Which should be backstocked, or put with staged transition product)

or is "D-Code" which are NOP/Gonna be discontinued Items that should always be Flexed out to the floor, so we can try and sell it when it is NOT 70% off. Plus it creates some entertainment when you watch your Pricing TMs try and hunt for it (We tend to put all of our D-Code/Clearance on one end-cap per area of the store.
When something is NOP for some reason tms like to just throw the shit in a three tier with a note that says "NOP" lol i cant stand that. Depending on how much it is, backstock the crap. If its a lot, flex the crap on the floor. I cant stand NOP vehicals just floating around for days.
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