Archived What is this?

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Probably a Sociopath
Apr 6, 2015
Over the past two weeks, I have seen a couple of women in the make up area. They're wearing solid black, not any form of red or khaki. There's a total of three, but only two stick around for 6-8 hours. What are they? Are they target or an outsourced workforce?

I could ask them, sure, but I'm off the next two days and it randomly popped in my head.
Thanks for that. Cool idea. They seem to be good at what they're supposed to be doing.
The beauty concierge at my store pulls in sales like crazy. We've had one for over a year.
Its a ruse! The government is spying on your store and collecting all sorts of information . You might have aliens working under the cover of Target team members , think about it. Aliens , make up , and people in all black? Someone let Michael Moore know this is taking place!
Its a ruse! The government is spying on your store and collecting all sorts of information . You might have aliens working under the cover of Target team members , think about it. Aliens , make up , and people in all black? Someone let Michael Moore know this is taking place!

Please keep that round man out of my store. I'd rather have tommy dick visit.
Its a ruse! The government is spying on your store and collecting all sorts of information . You might have aliens working under the cover of Target team members , think about it. Aliens , make up , and people in all black?
We had that in MY store!
Oh, wait.......that was seasonal.
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