What Makes The Difference Between a Nightmare and a Dream


Know a little bit of info about a lot of stuff
Apr 21, 2015
So I’ve heard and seen all the posts and forum discussions on the bs, the undercutting, the work place politics, the stresses, etc that make life miserable workin for spot....but on the other hand you see all these people posting all over social media of how choosing Target and working at Target was the best decision they’ve ever made, they couldn’t ask for a better company, they’re so appreciative of target, etc. What do you think the difference is between your experiences and theirs are??
theres a ton of diff things tbh

for me personally i wouldnt call it a nightmare but i wouldnt call it a dream

for all the stress and anxiety i feel because of that place, theres still its good points. im just not built for retail but im also not built for change so i just bunkered down here and hope for the best
Experience varies greatly from store to store, and also over time. I'm sure if you work for corporate it's a different story. Target has changed greatly over the last few years. It teaches you to be resilient and a problem solver. Now it's a real grind, with very little positive feedback. Not a fun place to work anymore. Every year the expectation is that you'll produce the same results with less payroll hours.
People often come here to vent, complain, etc. so it's biased towards the negative side of things. Because of that I don't think this forum is really indicative of the average Target employee.
People often come here to vent, complain, etc. so it's biased towards the negative side of things. Because of that I don't think this forum is really indicative of the average Target employee.
Then there are those lifers who remember when Target was a great place to work & a company we were proud to be a part of but things changed.
A lot.
How did your spot interview go?
Yep. Terrible TLs and ETLs can make your life hell.

Plus are the tms PT or FT (trying to scrape up enough hours to stay FT?) -- the tms who say that Target is a dream/nightmare?

A PT tm will have a very different perspective than one who is there all.day.every.day.

I can think of maybe one good TL that I have worked with, and he's an ETL at another store, now.

Most of the ETLs are barely more than brief memories. I have outlasted them all.
Yep. Terrible TLs and ETLs can make your life hell.

Plus are the tms PT or FT (trying to scrape up enough hours to stay FT?) -- the tms who say that Target is a dream/nightmare?

A PT tm will have a very different perspective than one who is there all.day.every.day.

I can think of maybe one good TL that I have worked with, and he's an ETL at another store, now.

Most of the ETLs are barely more than brief memories. I have outlasted them all.

Same and I need two hands to count all the STL's that have passed through.. Only two were worth anything.
Nightmare that I wish I could wake up from. But my mother is holding me down so I can't without upsetting her and having a shouting match with her. I give in because she guilts me. I really wish they would fire me so I could leave because I would have no choice in matter and she wouldn't say anything.She doesn't think I can do anything but Tarshit apparently. This is why I tell people to leave or apply elsewhere.
@Tarshitsucks , do you think you could find a way to improve your situation at Target with a re-evaluation of your feelings? To put it in basic terms, maybe if you changed your attitude and the way you think about your job, things would get better? I mean, I know that sounds very simplistic, but I've done that with past jobs/positions, and have family members who have done the same and it does work if you put your mind to it.

If you are stuck there, just think about the benefits that you have and the good things about working there and push them front and center, and stop giving the negatives so much weight, so much power. I mean, let's be honest, lots of jobs suck, and lots of people don't really want to go to work every day. But instead of wallowing in the negatives, focus on the positives (being employed at all, making ok money for retail, maybe some TMs that you enjoy working with). Again, I know that sounds simplistic but when one cannot change their situation, changing one's attitude and thoughts about the situation can go a long way towards making things better.

Worth a shot.
Nightmare that I wish I could wake up from. But my mother is holding me down so I can't without upsetting her and having a shouting match with her. I give in because she guilts me. I really wish they would fire me so I could leave because I would have no choice in matter and she wouldn't say anything.She doesn't think I can do anything but Tarshit apparently. This is why I tell people to leave or apply elsewhere.
Put together a resume and apply. If something better shows interest and makes an offer it'd be hard for her to tell you to not work.
Look for other employment. I wouldn’t recommend the new end to end, modernization Target. Unless Spot makes changes that improve the tms hours, insurance and overall work environment (looking at you ridiculous task lists) it’s a corporation circling the drain. “It’s the people stupid” and I mean take care of the tms. The boots on the ground in the stores. Corporate : demonstrate that you understand that and behave accordingly and you will have an army of determined, able employees. Ignore it and have a population of burned out, shiftless, disinterested people watching the door. Forget shareholders. Their heads are perpetually on fire. Take care of the people who take care of you. Rant. Not sorry.
Honestly, it dates back to at least the 90s, maybe before.

Companies cared about their workers, especially the long time workers. Workers were happy and therefore more productive.

Then accountants that looked only at the numbers used the numbers to influence hire and fire policies. Their charts didn't measure how output varied based on human emotion. What they saw was X employees were doing Y work each, and each employee was costing Z in benefits, and they started the squeeze to reduce the number of workers with the assumption that work output would not vary. Their numbers didn't measure the production cost of too much work, job uncertainty fears since layoffs were happening, reduction in benefits, loss of redundancy putting the brakes on using accrued time off, and overall stress level.

Unfortunately by the time that the loss in productivity due to the human factor was an obvious wrongness when running the numbers, companies were already in the habit of operating with a skeleton crew with not so great benefits.
^This 100%. Things were good years ago, then policies started to change around the mid eighties. I lived through this at another company, let’s call it Scrooge’s, and things went from good pay, benefits, and 40 hour positions over the years to no benefits and no guarantee of hours or anything else, period. As benefits dropped, so did morale and productivity. The company lost its veteran dedicated, productive workers and replaced them with non-benefitted part timers who had no stake in the business and didn’t give a damn about the store, their jobs, or the customers, and it showed. Managers were hired fresh out of college with no experience and no clue to run the Scrooge’s new process (sound familiar?). They never missed a chance to tell their employees that they were lucky to have jobs and were easily replaceable. The company went on it’s kool-aid drinking way, counting the pennies, screwing over the employees, and doing nothing for the customers, bragging about how brilliant their new plan was, all the while destroying morale and productivity, all the way to the sale of the company, bankruptcy and liquidation. Too bad Scrooge’s never understood that it’s people who make a company successful. Take care of the people who take care of you.
How did your spot interview go?
Very long process....but I’m back....I start in a couple weeks. I’m actually pretty excited and ready to jump back into the craziness. I’ll be the GMTL over Seasonal, Toys, and....forgot which other area.
Bullseye Playground i believe they said....time to start stalking The Break Room again to get tips, hints, and tricks to make things look easy 😋
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