This past Saturday night was a party for me and my usual group of co-workers whom I regularly hang out and party with. We try to keep these parties and gatherings secret since our SD and other ETL's don't like us getting together (as if it's their business) but this latest party was our biggest yet. We all pitched money to rent an Airbnb for the night and we went out of our way to invite as many TM's as possible, even the ones who normally don't hang with us. There were even some TL's and AP at the party.
Things almost got ugly really quickly. One of the girls who works the front end took a group picture of some people sitting at a table and the picture included our front end TL. He immediately began telling her to delete the picture just in case she posted it and someone else at work saw him there, but she refused. He began trying to grab her phone from her and it reached a point where he got physical with her and began grabbing her by the arm. This girl's boyfriend (another front end TM) obviously took exception to this and it looked like a front end TL and a front end TM were about to get into an all out fight. Things calmed down, the girl was convinced to delete the picture, and the TL and the TM along with his girlfriend ended up leaving the party early.
The rest of the party was mostly event free, but now is the fallout. I didn't work yesterday, but the rumor going around is that our SD called the front end TL into her office after he clocked in and our store's cart cleaner claims that she saw him leave the store looking really pissed off. He apparently left work just moments after clocking in and it legitimately sounds like he got fired. He wasn't at work today, nor was our AP TM whom I saw was scheduled to work today. On top of that, a Style TL who was at the party also looked like she was in a bad mood about something. She just looked and sounded very upset all day and I'm wondering if the party had anything to do with it.
More than anything though, I'm worried about my status. I'm a GM TM who's in development to become a GMTL and I'm worried about how this party might affect my promotion ambitions. I heard that a ton of people called out yesterday, which put inbound behind not only for yesterday, but also today. When I got in this morning, yesterday's truck was still sitting in the back and we had virtually no free vehicles for today's unload. All of GM spent the day trying to clear vehicles and by the time we were ready to finally unload, the morning Inbound/GM team had to clock out for the day and a whole bunch of leaders had to unload. I know that the SD, HR ETL, GMTL 3, and a few other leaders had to work the unload and it seems like this is a result of the call outs from Saturday's party. I'm just worried that I'll be found out and that'll be the end of my promotion aspirations. But since it's an off the clock event outside of Target property, there's no way that the SD can actually do anything, right? What type of power does she have here?