Archived What to do after training?

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Jul 23, 2015
I finished my last day of training a few days ago and now it's my first day going in without a trainer. I was wondering what I do when I first get there? At my store they have a sheet which lets you know what area you're in...but do I just go ahead and go there or do I check in with someone first? Also...someone (manager or lod i'm not sure) asked me to come in earlier than scheduled but it hasn't been updated on my schedule...should I call and ask?
Ck in with your to or lod & look at the sheet. Your trainer should of cover this part with you.
My trainer never even mentioned it...she just told me that I would probably be on my own today and good luck. Do I check in over the walkie or find them? I have no idea what I'm even doing today
It's gonna be my first day alone soon and, like @axlo, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I'm not even cashier trained, I had only 3 days of hardlines/electronics training (which, I think, is not enough), I don't even have an ehr password or name badge...

What should I do if no one responds on the walkie? Last time I called for the LOD no one responded... luckily I found my trainer when I was walking out to the hardlines area.

Should I just start zoning and continue paging the LOD over the walkie?
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It's gonna be my first day alone soon and, like @axlo, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I'm not even cashier trained, I had only 3 days of hardlines/electronics training (which, I think, is not enough), I don't even have an ehr password or name badge...

What should I do if no one responds on the walkie? Last time I called for the LOD no one responded... luckily I found my trainer when I was walking out to the hardlines area.

Should I just start zoning and continue paging the LOD over the walkie?
Look at schedule for assigned area.
Oh, I know I'm in hardlines. Sorry, I should've mentioned that.
Los, I need equip, please. When lod comes to get equip. You say, I am hardlines today. What is my area & get the reshop? But, I will go for the cafs, first.
Thanks. But the LOD doesn't seem to reply on the walkie a lot of the times, but I guess I'll just ask for them until they do - I mean, they have to respond eventually right? And I have no problem with doing nothing until they do :p

I never learned how to do CAFs... my trainer told me that the backroom does that? I asked my trainer what we should do for empty or light shelves and he said something like "I've never done that, the backroom usually does that"

I know where to get walkies... and I have to get the mydevice from the LOD anyway so I guess I HAVE to talk to a LOD to work efficiently.
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You need to go for tmsc for equipment. You can ask the GSA/gstl at the front end help, too. At my store, salesfloor tm's push cafs.
Thanks. But the LOD doesn't seem to reply on the walkie a lot of the times, but I guess I'll just ask for them until they do - I mean, they have to respond eventually right? And I have no problem with doing nothing until they do :p

I never learned how to do CAFs... my trainer told me that the backroom does that? I asked my trainer what we should do for empty or light shelves and he said something like "I've never done that, the backroom usually does that"

I know where to get walkies... and I have to get the mydevice from the LOD anyway so I guess I HAVE to talk to a LOD to work efficiently.
Yeah just keep calling for the LOD and say "LOD, come in" until they respond. Sometimes at my store they don't bother to respond to the first call so just ask again. Not sure why your store doesn't do CAFs or maybe it's just that TM but they are pretty easy. They became my favorite thing to do. All you have to do is get some of the carts in the backroom, open the boxes, and put the product in the right spot. It can be tough if you're on a time limit but it's not too bad. If you ever have questions just ask over the might be afraid to at first but it's better to just ask. Even ask another TM that's around you or call your trainer over walkie if they're there. Also at my store we have a paper that let's us know what area we are in for that day so you might want to look out for that. If you have any questions you can ask me! I don't know everything yet but I have most of it down.
If the LOD isn't answering (and you know who it is at the time), you can always call out on the walkie "LOD Bob" and hope they'll respond more quickly to their name.
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