Archived What to wear as a team lead?

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Sep 16, 2015
Hey team! I am starting in a team lead position quite soon and was wondering what you guys normally wear on your shifts as I assume T-shirts don't cut it haha.
I wear only t shirts. I spill literally anything on me in consumables so I don't wear my best.
Red polo shirts and khakis were pretty much the TL uniform at my store before jeans were allowed, but ASANTS. You might want to check out the other TLs at your store and see what they are wearing. Bring a jacket that’s not red to wear if you go out on sales floor during breaks or anytime you are off the clock. Saves a lot of problems. Good luck!
Biggest thing is to decide your comfort level in terms of matching your peers. As long as you follow dress code, you’re fine. If you want to wear a T-shirt and won’t feel conspicuously underdressed, go for it. If you want to dress it up a little more, do it. The thing to be careful of is I thought dress code says ‘neat’ and/or ‘clean’, and while that tends to be less enforced for TMs, some STLs/DTLs/BPs/GVPs etc may have a higher expectation and may use it as a reason to call out your chosen attire.

At my store for the guys half of us wear red vests over various button shirts, the other half wears tucked in polos or more casual red flannel type shirts, and log TLs wear T-shirts. Khakis or jeans, kind of just switch it up to match the rest of the outfit. Some tend to mostly wear jeans, some mostly khaki. When I initially became TL, the trend was more casual, but over time my peers have elevated their wardrobe choices a bit.

The ladies usually wear some kind of red blouse or a red cardigan over another shirt.

My take on it is it feels good to look good, and I spend most of my time at work so I want my appearance to be more put-together. It’s a little self esteem boost, and anything to improve quality of life at target is a win.
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I think it really depends on the position honestly. You want to look nice yes but say you are the logistics lead, you’re bound to ruin a few outfits at times. So keep a spare outfit and deodorant at work. In cases of a surprise visit you might not be able to do much but at least if you have advance warning you could freshen up before the visit. Many of our leads wear t-shirts with the exception of the GSTL who always looks done up because they don’t worry about getting dirty and sweaty. Congrats on the leadership spot BTW!
I wear Polos strictly, red or black, and on occasion I wear a red or black button down tucked in.
As a gstl.. my go to is nice khakis (jeggings sometimes to show off my ass) with a tucked in polo, red blazers, cardigans, expensive north face/polo jackets.

On occasion red dress shirts.

A nice dress shoe or boots are a regular thing. Sometimes a nice high heel. Vans when I know I will be running around a lot that day (which is great when I support my team for OPU).

The last time I wore a plain t-shirt was way back when I was a cashier. I just don’t find a t-shirt for a TL brand unless we have an event going on it looks.. tacky?
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When I was GSTL I would always have something nice on since you’re typically the go to “I want to speak to the manager” so either a button up and a red vest in the fall/winter or a quarter zip/polo the rest of the year. Now as a key carrier I’ll dress up when I’m LOD, otherwise I’m doing POG work so I wear one of the target red card shirts if I know I’ll be strictly POG for the day or a light weight golf polo. It really depends on your store director and what they prefer. I’ve had SDs that want TLs in collars and others that don’t care. Just wear something business casual the first couple days then dress in whatever the rest of the TLs wear
When I was GSTL I would always have something nice on since you’re typically the go to “I want to speak to the manager” so either a button up and a red vest in the fall/winter or a quarter zip/polo the rest of the year. Now as a key carrier I’ll dress up when I’m LOD, otherwise I’m doing POG work so I wear one of the target red card shirts if I know I’ll be strictly POG for the day or a light weight golf polo. It really depends on your store director and what they prefer. I’ve had SDs that want TLs in collars and others that don’t care. Just wear something business casual the first couple days then dress in whatever the rest of the TLs wear

My store is so lax about dress. As a GSTL I'll wear tie-dye underneath a red zip-up vest sometimes. Though I won't do that on that weekends, or days I know we'll have a visit. Then it's usually nicer jeans and either a red button down or the Target branded polo I have.
I usually wear a polo, but I’m wondering if it’s acceptable to wear the cargo khakis that are on bullseye shop. I am the closing team lead at my store and I find they come in handy being on the floor. Plus I prefer using pockets for equipment to using the holster. I’ve even worn a holster before and still ended up putting the equipment in my pocket just cause it felt more convenient. Also, being on the floor I cannot wear any sort of nice shoes. Tennis shoes only!
I usually wear a polo, but I’m wondering if it’s acceptable to wear the cargo khakis that are on bullseye shop. I am the closing team lead at my store and I find they come in handy being on the floor. Plus I prefer using pockets for equipment to using the holster. I’ve even worn a holster before and still ended up putting the equipment in my pocket just cause it felt more convenient. Also, being on the floor I cannot wear any sort of nice shoes. Tennis shoes only!
There are leads at my store who wear cargo pants. As long as they’re not super stained or have holes I think they are fine. There’s nothing wrong with functionality!
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