I personally would drop all the "cutesy" little terms of endearment such as "guests" or "team members" etc and refer to everything by their actual names: they're customers and we're employees... I don't feel any more warm and fuzzy simply because you call me TM; it doesn't really change my psychology at all, because I'm paid to be there and follow your BS rules! Same with the customers, they're not "guests" because this is not a hotel and they are not staying for extended periods of time... and while we "invite" them to shop in our store, we wouldn't invite them any more or less if we simply referred to them as customers. With that said, STOP harassing the "guests" with "CIHYFS" or pushing red cards at them. Be there to answer questions, and offer them the card if they want it, but if they say "NO" don't push the matter any further, PERIOD. We have one cashier that's like a used car salesman and won't shut up about the red card even after the guest politely declined and said, "No thank you." It's behavior like that, which in my opinion, keeps guests out. Also: we should have more employees covering the zones; I like your idea about excess cashiers helping us on the sales floor, because if you're required to zone multiple areas and aren't there for a customer, who has to hunt you down... they get pissy and take it out on you AND the survey, if they fill one out. It's not our fault, we're short staffed. We had TWO people in hardlines and three in softlines, how do you expect us to be EVERYWHERE at once? I also think, and this is for my own personal benefit, that every TM should be required to pass a quiz regarding the store's content and layout so they have a pretty general idea of where everything is. I'm new and when I ask the more seasoned people, sometimes they don't even know. How does that look to the customers? And yes we can search, which I was rudely reminded of by a jerk off TM, but it's so much quicker for everyone to ask, "Do we have grill brushes?" Yes they used to be in seasonal, but WHERE ARE THEY NOW? And it's probably not fair, but I'd like to get rid of the employees I HATE, because I know others dislike them too. ... "K" came into the break room and was like, "OH WOW, there are so many of you in here!" I said, "Yup." He said, "I was being sarcastic as I just took three back up cashier calls!" I said, very deadpanned: "Oh." It's not our fault... our scheduled breaks are scheduled for a reason. He's always "that guy" though; he trained me and said, "Well don't tell anyone, but I'm one of the best zoners here... a little better than (insert name here)" and I said, "Wow, good for you!" He's also the one who constantly wines because he, as if alone, HAS to cover people's breaks or come in when he's not scheduled or has to help softlines w/ shoes, when he has "A" to zone, which is the worst area in the store. Unless it's "G" he's zoning, then g is the worst... but in every scenario he acts a freaking martyr... it's like, "we're all busting our ass here too ya know!" and he says some of the douchiest things to everyone and is cited as being "the worst," which for the store maybe... but in the "real world" I bet he's kind of a p.... because the things he says would get his teeth knocked down his throat, but in an environment like Target where we're all "subdued," he's safe. He even openly insults/harasses the managers; which, at any other job, he'd be FIRED! He once said, "E... it's all your fault!" And she said, "I am your boss I do have the power to fire you," and he said, "No you don't! Try it... FIRE ME!" and she just stared at him. The little SOB is still there! And when he laughs, he REALLY has to emphasize it, which is annoying, you know he's over exaggerating his laugh, simply to make people aware, "Hey, I'm here... look at me!" He's a short, thin guy so I think he compensates by being loud and obnoxious... he's one of those younger community college guys w/ tattoo on his arm and a lip ring, he's really something... anyway I'm ranting: but I'd get rid of him and a few other ppl to clean the store up. If we did that, it'd be a perfect work environment!