Logistics What's everyone's opinion on the (possible) elimination of the Reverse Logistics Expert position?

How bad are these violations?

Fines can add up quick depending on how they are calculated. Usually Weights and Measures does not fuck around. Where I am at they we don't worry about them in my store but the gas stations are really good about being right about the gas the sell cause if the pumps are off they are shut down until they get fixed. Or if a pump is acting up they shut it off until it gets fixed.
First they came for the specialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a specialist

Then they came for the presentation/price change TMs
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a presentation/price change TM

Then they came for the GSAs
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a GSA

Then they came for the recievers
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a reciever

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
I particularly love the idea that they'll get rid of the position in January, forcing the receivers to fight for hours in other departments amid the worst month for hours, especially at stores slow to cull the seasonal herd (like mine last year). Great way to make morale even worse by making desperate TMs hate a new person for ~taking their hours~ 🙄
I particularly love the idea that they'll get rid of the position in January, forcing the receivers to fight for hours in other departments amid the worst month for hours, especially at stores slow to cull the seasonal herd (like mine last year). Great way to make morale even worse by making desperate TMs hate a new person for ~taking their hours~ 🙄
Who’s gonna do your sweep? Your salvage , crc? What about recalls , irs, transfers , esim , sort esim , brqa, sts, receive your vendors , credits , item merge and etc. One thing I got for sure from my sd yesterday and my dtl today was that reverse logistics it’s not going away. And by the way my receiver wouldn’t have to fight for hours , since he is my thrower , back of the line and whatever else needed . I would make him gm even if I had to get someone else out .He is amazing 😎
We will still h
First they came for the specialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a specialist

Then they came for the presentation/price change TMs
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a presentation/price change TM

Then they came for the GSAs
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a GSA

Then they came for the recievers
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a reciever

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Incredibly insensitive. No one is being put in concentration camps over modernization.
Who’s gonna do your sweep? Your salvage , crc? What about recalls , irs, transfers , esim , sort esim , brqa, sts, receive your vendors , credits , item merge and etc. One thing I got for sure from my sd yesterday and my dtl today was that reverse logistics it’s not going away. And by the way my receiver wouldn’t have to fight for hours , since he is my thrower , back of the line and whatever else needed . I would make him gm even if I had to get someone else out .He is amazing 😎
I do most of that as the backroom/inbound sponsor for my small format. I know it’s a different world but for most low volume stores that’s all doable by the inbound GMTL and fairly quickly. I don’t spend much time doing it every week. I just have my receiver receive, credits and then push/pull the rest of his shift. Not possible in higher volume stores though.
I particularly love the idea that they'll get rid of the position in January, forcing the receivers to fight for hours in other departments amid the worst month for hours, especially at stores slow to cull the seasonal herd (like mine last year). Great way to make morale even worse by making desperate TMs hate a new person for ~taking their hours~ 🙄
You're a real bitter person.
You're a real bitter person.
Bitter? No. Fatalistic? Yes. I feel bad for the receiver who will be villainized because moderation made their job disappear, and I feel for the TMs who will have their hours cut. If you think I'm bitter, I'm bitter toward Spot.
Preach! I can fix those repacks and 20 minutes later walk past them and they are messed up again.
As someone who works sweeps at the dc I curse stores constantly over improperly sorted / or pallets of mixed repacks or some don’t care and put them in anyway they wish so upon arrival to me they are fallen all over or strewn from one end of the trailer to the other
As someone who works sweeps at the dc I curse stores constantly over improperly sorted / or pallets of mixed repacks or some don’t care and put them in anyway they wish so upon arrival to me they are fallen all over or strewn from one end of the trailer to the other
Is this the equivalent of the stores being upset a pallet of water is on top of something or cribs were stacked up and fell over everything? Is it the same as when we get the mystery box of assorted items in repacks? Hm that’s gonna go on a shelf somewhere in the store, might as well toss it in the same box! Bonus points when one is stuffed full and the one right after it has literally a lone spatula in it. It seems it’s just a vicious cycle of nobody has the hours to do their job well, there is only enough time to do the minimum required 😕

Edited for spelling like a blonde..
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I was going to say, pretty sure our store curses the DC daily due to all the shit piles of freight tossed onto the trucks.

Yay! -- leaking boxes, smashed boxes, Repacks that fall apart when you pick them up! Love opening the truck door, and having stuff just tumble out the back.

Or how about all the stuff that arrives after being crushed inside a Repack? Straight to defect if you are lucky -- leaky shit everywhere if you are not.

Bitter? No. Fatalistic? Yes. I feel bad for the receiver who will be villainized because moderation made their job disappear, and I feel for the TMs who will have their hours cut. If you think I'm bitter, I'm bitter toward Spot.
Whatever helps yourself through the day
Whatever you do, however you can, be your best. It makes you better than the rude guest, the inexperienced manager, the worn out coworker. And you will thank yourself later. And it ain’t easy.
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One thing I got for sure from my sd yesterday and my dtl today was that reverse logistics it’s not going away.

Dictates by corporate will only be followed if the GVP and DTL embrace it. If they are smart and actively question corporate's rolling and fluid idea of "common sense", it allows their corresponding stores to stick with what actually works.

Unfortunately if SDs do not have cover to do what is best for their store, very few will buck the herd mentality that envelopes executives. The "you are with us or you are against us" mantra gets worst the higher you go up. A lot of great SDs have gone to the wayside, based on this and not on some relevant and ever more abject metric(s) that they did not meet. If the DTL and GVP are "corporate love" children and are scared of losing their position, only the weakest minded SDs will survive. The old idea of being careful of how you treat somebody because one day they might be your boss rings true in executive circles and Target is no exception.
I particularly love the idea that they'll get rid of the position in January, forcing the receivers to fight for hours in other departments amid the worst month for hours, especially at stores slow to cull the seasonal herd (like mine last year). Great way to make morale even worse by making desperate TMs hate a new person for ~taking their hours~ 🙄
The Hunger Games: Target Edition.
AKA: Expect More: Pay Less.

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