Who do I contact? We need a better myDay

Jul 26, 2023

I would like to contact corporate to help them improve the workplace. Specifically, this assignment sheet deal is becoming a nightmare. We have to save it for 3 years, and nobody reads it or the TMs forget what I write on it. Now, corporate is demanding to even put timelines for every single task. So, instead of managing on the floor, I am stuck in the office writing a plan (to the min) and to make it better having to rewrite it another 2 times because of call outs.

We have a device. Every single TM has a device. Why aren't we creating a task application to sort this out? This way, we can check if we are on task and be more clear.

And additionally... we have a phone app in our devices. Why don't we have a walkie app? I am literally using Apple Watch daily to communicate with my team because we are out of walkies.

Simple things make me nuts.

What improvement would you like? For productivity and clarity?
I am literally using Apple Watch daily to communicate with my team because we are out of walkies.

How does that work?

Do you send them texts?

I don't use my personal phone for work.
I have all TM's numbers on my personal phone. It works exactly like a walkie. If you dont have their numbers it wont work.
And additionally... we have a phone app in our devices. Why don't we have a walkie app? I am literally using Apple Watch daily to communicate with my team because we are out of walkies.
Zebra does have a walkie talkie app that sometimes shows up on some devices. From what HQ told me is they would need to build out significant infrastructure to ensure this app works in a power outage. (no wifi) I think that is what they were trying to do with putting Verizon SIM cards in the devices, In return they shoved Verizon's placement in tech to the very front of the aisle, but then they pulled out of all stores so there went that. However they are back now as Total by Verizon, and they seem to have a good relationship with ATT. Hopefully they are still thinking about it.
Zebra does have a walkie talkie app that sometimes shows up on some devices. From what HQ told me is they would need to build out significant infrastructure to ensure this app works in a power outage. (no wifi) I think that is what they were trying to do with putting Verizon SIM cards in the devices, In return they shoved Verizon's placement in tech to the very front of the aisle, but then they pulled out of all stores so there went that. However they are back now as Total by Verizon, and they seem to have a good relationship with ATT. Hopefully they are still thinking about it.
I wonder what version of Zebra?

Target could just buy more walkies but that would cost money.
your PML Needs to order more walkies.
adding to this, using your personal devices for consistent work communications is not allowed for a variety of reasons.

Grapevine said that HQ tried the Zebra PTZ thing but it created a safety concern.

Also if you’re so insistent on using devices, you can call depts via the phone app.

also i think there was a concept like Slack for store TMs in the myDevice forever and ever ago don’t know where that went
"adding to this, using your personal devices for consistent work communications is not allowed for a variety of reasons."

I never thought of that.

Target would have trouble getting access to any work related texts between employees sent through personally owned phones paid for by the owners.
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Target would have trouble getting access to any work related texts between employees sent through personally owned phones paid for by the owners.
Exactly this. I used the walkie talkie feature on my watch with 1 other team member and it was when I was working with him in electronics. was just faster than switching between private channel. But that's it.
Until you get fired for it , since you are not supposed to use your phone to text team member ,just like your Etl is not allowed to text you tasks that needs to be done
The entire store will get fired! 😳

And the entire district leadership!

You can contact people, you just have to add 15 min to their timecard if they are not working when contacted, which I don't do unless I want to give them extra hours. We sure do like to avoid personal conversations and it is not wise to share phone numbers, but hey.... I need to get stuff done and avoid the total corrosion of my mental health by looking for TMs without a walkie. I do about 10 miles per day in that building... I'm not going over that.

I use my phone but created a Google number specifically for work use. I do not task TMs via text, I walk the floor with them, go through the workload, and write everything in the assignment sheet.

We order walkies every month, 15 is the max. It's good for a while and then they just disappear and I remain the only one with a walkie. The calling app is not always working correctly. It logs people out or they log out because the phone calls going through are too many.

My TMs have each other phone numbers and mine. That's how we organize breaks, especially in fulfillment. That's how they send me pictures of their zoning or make me aware of something. I gave them the option, you can send me a before-after pic or I can get there and check. The majority opt for pictures as proof of their work. And it's perfect because every time the day team overstocks I have proof it was not the night team.

Anyway. Our Zebras run with or without wifi. A walkie app would be ideal. And also would save money in the long run. 6 of those walkies are something like 1000 dollars.

My team is efficient when structured, and they can multitask like crazy, but the tendency is to be scattered and inconsistent if directions are not clear and concise. So, I have to do checklists (which they mostly lose). I don't want to micromanage, so I talk to them 3 times per shift (unless something major happens). At the beginning, after their break, and at the end to assess their work. Some call me 10 times per shift, and some feel overwhelmed just by talking to anybody and just want to know what they have to do. So, I need a checklist addition to myDay. This imaginary addition could go 2 ways. Meaning, if the market TMs need to jump in several OPU carts, they should be able to add it to their executed tasks. Should probably be an automatic feature: as soon as someone pics a cart it should be logged in automatically. It also gives awareness to the TM.

I need a checklist for myself too:
Changed the lock - Done
Audits - Done
Check Dates - Done
Liability pulls... oh crap, I forgot a cart in Aisle 7. I better go get it.

Would be so useful. Am I the only one who loves checklists?
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You absolutely wouldn't have mine and if you did, I wouldn't be checking it. It's MY phone. I pay the bills, I bought it. It is not a work device.
Ok. I don't force anybody to do anything. It's just easier and I have a very good relationship with my team. They ask for my number as soon as they find out everybody else has it. How are you gonna call for help for a spill if you don't have a walkie, you can't move from the location and you have nobody else around?
The entire store will get fired! 😳

And the entire district leadership!

You can contact people, you just have to add 15 min to their timecard if they are not working when contacted, which I don't do unless I want to give them extra hours. We sure do like to avoid personal conversations and it is not wise to share phone numbers, but hey.... I need to get stuff done and avoid the total corrosion of my mental health by looking for TMs without a walkie. I do about 10 miles per day in that building... I'm not going over that.

I use my phone but created a Google number specifically for work use. I do not task TMs via text, I walk the floor with them, go through the workload, and write everything in the assignment sheet.

We order walkies every month, 15 is the max. It's good for a while and then they just disappear and I remain the only one with a walkie. The calling app is not always working correctly. It logs people out or they log out because the phone calls going through are too many.

My TMs have each other phone numbers and mine. That's how we organize breaks, especially in fulfillment. That's how they send me pictures of their zoning or make me aware of something. I gave them the option, you can send me a before-after pic or I can get there and check. The majority opt for pictures as proof of their work. And it's perfect because every time the day team overstocks I have proof it was not the night team.

Anyway. Our Zebras run with or without wifi. A walkie app would be ideal. And also would save money in the long run. 6 of those walkies are something like 1000 dollars.

My team is efficient when structured, and they can multitask like crazy, but the tendency is to be scattered and inconsistent if directions are not clear and concise. So, I have to do checklists (which they mostly lose). I don't want to micromanage, so I talk to them 3 times per shift (unless something major happens). At the beginning, after their break, and at the end to assess their work. Some call me 10 times per shift, and some feel overwhelmed just by talking to anybody and just want to know what they have to do. So, I need a checklist addition to myDay. This imaginary addition could go 2 ways. Meaning, if the market TMs need to jump in several OPU carts, they should be able to add it to their executed tasks. Should probably be an automatic feature: as soon as someone pics a cart it should be logged in automatically. It also gives awareness to the TM.

And I need a checklist for myself too:
Changed the lock - Done
Audits - Done
Check Dates - Done
Liability pulls... oh crap, I forgot a cart in Aisle 7. I better go get it.

Would be so useful. Am I the only one who loves checklists?
Wow. That is a lot.

Posts like this remind me I have the sweetest gig in Target. Grateful to be in Style and have relatively chill leaders.
Wow. That is a lot.

Posts like this remind me I have the sweetest gig in Target. Grateful to be in Style and have relatively chill leaders.
I love style too. They are completely independent. I go there when I need 5 min to hide! 😵
We order walkies every month, 15 is the max.

How many are you actually getting?

They only way I will use a cell phone at work is if Target buys me one and pays for the service.

I will also shut off said phone when I leave work.
it depends on the month. sometimes 15 sometimes 6/7 depending on availability.

As I said, I do not force TMs to give me their number, but it's convenient for all of us.
We haven't signed out walkies in years either at my store
What’s funny is right after posting that, my store got brand new walkies and replaced the old ones, and now we’re starting to sign them out again lol.

btw, the new walkies suck. No screen to see what channel you’re on, no volume dial (you have to press + and - buttons to control volume), and there’s a long delay.

What’s funny is right after posting that, my store got brand new walkies and replaced the old ones, and now we’re starting to sign them out again lol.

btw, the new walkies suck. No screen to see what channel you’re on, no volume dial (you have to press + and - buttons to control volume), and there’s a long delay.

OMG. Now that I think about it, one ETLs got tired of dealing with the walkie situation and bought his own out of pocket. Thats how fed up she was.
OMG. Now that I think about it, one ETLs got tired of dealing with the walkie situation and bought his own out of pocket. Thats how fed up she was.
A couple of weird features that seem confusing.

Talk Permit Tone
Promotes orderly communication through the use of a prompt tone that alerts team members when a channel is available and they can speak.

Home Channel
Designates a specific channel as “home” so the radio automatically reverts back if the user was speaking on a different channel. This feature can be easily modified through the radio Advanced Configuration Men

They brag about battery life but how do you check the level?
A couple of weird features that seem confusing.

Talk Permit Tone
Promotes orderly communication through the use of a prompt tone that alerts team members when a channel is available and they can speak.

Home Channel
Designates a specific channel as “home” so the radio automatically reverts back if the user was speaking on a different channel. This feature can be easily modified through the radio Advanced Configuration Men

They brag about battery life but how do you check the level?
Voice Prompts
Navigate easily through channels, check battery status and customize features in Advanced Configuration Menu with user friendly voice prompts.

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