Archived Who factors in your review?

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It should be your primary work center TL and ETL. Maybe they wanted to get the perspective of the other work center TL and ETL.
masterofblogs determines scores. No one gets raises. Everyone gets demerits!

Smart assery aside.... You don't squat about me... I actually have the problem where I can't give all the people who deserve EX just that... I've got like 2 SL girls who deserve an EX, and some more from the HL side of Flow.. and then some others... by th at time I've used up my allotment by many factors.... 😡

This is total BS... I've told my ETLLOG & HR all this... If they deserve an EX, they should be rated that way... the whole process is broken from merit raises to pay in general...
Smart assery aside.... You don't squat about me... I actually have the problem where I can't give all the people who deserve EX just that... I've got like 2 SL girls who deserve an EX, and some more from the HL side of Flow.. and then some others... by th at time I've used up my allotment by many factors.... 😡

This is total BS... I've told my ETLLOG & HR all this... If they deserve an EX, they should be rated that way... the whole process is broken from merit raises to pay in general...


At my store, your review doesn't mean very much. The store gets rated as a whole on several factors (goals) and the money is pre-determined for the store to use for raises.

Reviews are not based on your "performance" as an individual. So an "Outstanding" team member may receive an EX because there is no money for an Outstanding review/raise.
At my store, your TL writes your review and submits it to their ETL. The ETL reviews them (probably with input from the STL), and HR works out the raise.

The STL gives the ETLs their reviews, then the ETLs give the TLs their reviews, and then the TLs start giving TMs their reviews. From what I've heard, reviews have just been submitted in the last week or so. The review process is probably just getting underway.
Yep what everyone said... Last year my review was awful just awful. I really busted my tail and wound up getting a terrible review🙁 Lord knows what I'll get this year but this year I am more positive🙂 It's just review......
It's definitely favoritism. I didn't get a good review until I started being nice to the stl. I've given up on being nice to him (I'm not mean, but I'm not being as silent when he assigns impossible tasks) this past year, though so idk where I'll fall this time around. We'll see.

May the odds be ever in your favor...
My TL has gone on record saying they write "good" reviews for us, only for the ETL to go over the reviews and re-adjust them to give bad reviews.
I received my AE 2016 today. I'm not to sure about the ranking system since no one ever had time to explain it to me.

Be in Stock score 76.48
BRLA 97.42
Backstock Green Bar
Replenishment score YTD Green
Out of Stock score 7.9
Flex. Fullfill. score 89.70

My last TL/Supervisor said that I would have received a higher merit if I hadn't switched to dayside backroom in November last year.

Can someone explain this to me?
For us, we have a TL meeting where the team leads and a few ETL's go down the list of team members A-Z and give them an overall score (5, 4, 3, 2, 1... or O, EX, E, IE, U) which then gets submitted by the ETL's. Then they take it from there and bump TM's down when we're inevitably over our budget for raises.. it usually results in new team members getting a lower score than they deserve because they don't have seniority (even though target doesn't use seniority.....go figure)
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