Why is a TM acting as a ETL

Jan 28, 2020
I honestly wonder if this TL has such a high ego he had to act as if he is in charge of every person in the store

He is front lanes TL and even they wonder where he runs off to.
I get he wants stuff to go smoothly but I hope he knows there is a ETL who tells us what he wants done.

I don't think I've meant someone so power hungry as him, he even gives himself a title and says He Is The Boss and "This Is My Store".
Anyone have a TL like this....
If the SD thinks the sun shines out of him, you are out of luck until there’s a new SD or he does something outrageous enough to tick off the SD. If he’s not the SD’s golden boy, just be patient. Eventually Mr. Egomaniac will stick his nose in where it doesn’t belong and cause grief for an ETL, at which point he will be put in his place. For the sake of the rest of you and your store, may it happen soon.
If the SD thinks the sun shines out of him, you are out of luck until there’s a new SD or he does something outrageous enough to tick off the SD. If he’s not the SD’s golden boy, just be patient. Eventually Mr. Egomaniac will stick his nose in where it doesn’t belong and cause grief for an ETL, at which point he will be put in his place. For the sake of the rest of you and your store, may it happen soon.
We are hoping but it doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. But he wasn't in the best position today apparently during a walk with the District Manager and a couple other big bosses. Today he is telling us we need to do better and leave during the schedule times even though we have TLs asking people to stay. Very counterintuitive
for some reason this seems like an issue at every target store in existence.

I worked with a guy(who was a TM, not a TL, or an ETL) who acted like a team leader and pushed everyone's buttons. We'd talk to our ETL about it and it'd basically sum up to "I've heard about this 'drama', and I just want everyone to get along." and nothing ever got done about it. It wasn't a primary or even secondary reason why I left Spot, but it contributed. He even got egged on to keep doing it and it just made me annoyed. He'd lose his shit every minute over something.

The thing that nearly threw me over the edge was the day I had JUST clocked in. I worked in dairy/frozen and the LOD told me to start back-stocking freezer. I was in the back grabbing gloves, a coat, and a PDA when another TM I work with saw me and asked what I was doing. I told him I was back stocking, and he said "[the dick] is pissing me off so I'm going to back stock with you." so I said "Nono it's fine I got it." and he basically just stormed in and started back stocking. Okay, that's fine, at least I'm doing what I've been asked by an actual leader.

We were backstocking for three minutes before the TM stormed in and asked "What the hell are you guys doing?!" and I said the LOD is having me backstock. He went on "Why are both of you in here?!" and blah blah blah and OF COURSE the guy that essentially forced himself into my task was keeping quiet and saying nothing... just kept back-stocking. He went on saying "we need someone on the floor like come on!" and it eventually transitioned to a mild-yelling match between me and him. It ended with me going out onto the floor for only thirty minutes since the other guy clocked out at 12:30pm since he was off lol.. and I found myself back-stocking again. I never told the LOD, my team leader, or ETL about that. It was just so fucking stupid. The guy is great as a person but working with him was just outrageous. I knew he would be leaving in August for school so I figured I'd just keep my cool until then.

and then I quit a month later in April. I work at a much better place but that whole experience still haunts me. I work with a few people like that but I've learned to stick up for myself and the managers here actually love it when they're the only ones telling people what to do. Vastly different than my experience at Target after four years.

if a TL is acting like an ETL and leaving the front-end with no supervision that's an issue. It's different to go grab a new milk jug if the guest brought a leaky one but to go and deal with an issue that's not related to their department that shouldn't be okay.
for some reason this seems like an issue at every target store in existence.

I worked with a guy(who was a TM, not a TL, or an ETL) who acted like a team leader and pushed everyone's buttons. We'd talk to our ETL about it and it'd basically sum up to "I've heard about this 'drama', and I just want everyone to get along." and nothing ever got done about it. It wasn't a primary or even secondary reason why I left Spot, but it contributed. He even got egged on to keep doing it and it just made me annoyed. He'd lose his shit every minute over something.

The thing that nearly threw me over the edge was the day I had JUST clocked in. I worked in dairy/frozen and the LOD told me to start back-stocking freezer. I was in the back grabbing gloves, a coat, and a PDA when another TM I work with saw me and asked what I was doing. I told him I was back stocking, and he said "[the dick] is pissing me off so I'm going to back stock with you." so I said "Nono it's fine I got it." and he basically just stormed in and started back stocking. Okay, that's fine, at least I'm doing what I've been asked by an actual leader.

We were backstocking for three minutes before the TM stormed in and asked "What the hell are you guys doing?!" and I said the LOD is having me backstock. He went on "Why are both of you in here?!" and blah blah blah and OF COURSE the guy that essentially forced himself into my task was keeping quiet and saying nothing... just kept back-stocking. He went on saying "we need someone on the floor like come on!" and it eventually transitioned to a mild-yelling match between me and him. It ended with me going out onto the floor for only thirty minutes since the other guy clocked out at 12:30pm since he was off lol.. and I found myself back-stocking again. I never told the LOD, my team leader, or ETL about that. It was just so fucking stupid. The guy is great as a person but working with him was just outrageous. I knew he would be leaving in August for school so I figured I'd just keep my cool until then.

and then I quit a month later in April. I work at a much better place but that whole experience still haunts me. I work with a few people like that but I've learned to stick up for myself and the managers here actually love it when they're the only ones telling people what to do. Vastly different than my experience at Target after four years.

if a TL is acting like an ETL and leaving the front-end with no supervision that's an issue. It's different to go grab a new milk jug if the guest brought a leaky one but to go and deal with an issue that's not related to their department that shouldn't be okay.
Yeah he does it every so often we sort of try to ignore him when he starts asking questions for stuff that isn't our problem nor his technically
We had a brand new regular TM doing that at our store one time during his first week there, and he did it so well that I actually thought that he was a "boss" for the first few hours that I first worked him in a group of us, then found out otherwise, then loudly called him out on it in front of several TMs on the floor, saying to him...."don't EVER tell me what to do!!!" A rough start indeed, but he turned out to be such a great worker and person, that we ended up as friends in the store, including Facebook.
We have a guest advocate that typically works at the service desk that seems to think she's the ETL-SE. She's worked at the store for about three years. She's fairly competent at her job, but she's also incredibly bossy, and doesn't approve of anyone doing something differently than she thinks it should be done.

A few days ago she tried telling me I couldn't override a return back to the guests card when they made a purchase where they spent $28 on their redcard, and $22 on a refund card, and then returned a $20 item (less than the amount spent on the redcard). I proceeded to do it anyway and ignored her. She pouted for the rest of her shift. She has similarly tried bossing around another advocate who has worked with Target for 24 years.

She went to the ETL and reported the advocate who's been there for 24 years for returning an item, and then defecting it afterwards, because telling the system the item was defective during the return resulted in the return being denied. I laughed when the ETL just said, "Good, that's what I'd have done too.". She applied for the SETL position when it was open about five months ago (I'd have applied for it had I known it was open, but I didn't, and was rehired about a month after it was filled, but was a GSA three years prior when I worked at the store). If she was half as good at her job as she thinks she is, she'd probably have gotten the position. Alas, luckily the people that make such decisions realized she has terrible people skills.
there's one in every store
So true! The whole situation is almost comical as team members and leaders you should be able to go to executives and possibly get support after all he could be there equal or boss someday, one could only hope to be around to see that event. But, why would an executive take action he is doing all the work for them and definitely not getting the credit during a visit. 😉

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