Archived Why we are not allowed to fully reach 40 hours?

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Aug 23, 2014
In my store they will cut you with minutes or maybe one hour, leaving you with 39ish or even 38 something hours, but never really 40. Why is this?
I once got OT approved by a very chill ETL I had at the time. 44 hours, as a cashier. He eventually transferred to another store and we were all very sad. But yes you need your ETL/probably STL's blessing to get any OT. At my old store, outside of upper leadership approving OT, if you were 30 minutes away from hitting 40 hours for that week they would send you home immediately. Like, run to the time clock right now. In my state, anytime over 8 hours in a single day is also OT, which made things doubly stressful if you had an 8-hour shift. My cashiers were getting coached for going a minute over.

The reason is Target and most other retailers HATE overtime with a passion and if it were up to them they'd get rid of it. The closer you are to 40 (and 8 hours/day, if you're in CA) the more likely it is that you will go over. So by limiting you to 38 or 39/week or 7.75 hrs/shift they can ensure you won't. Employees aren't trusted with exactly 40 hours at most places because there's a good chance you won't have exactly 40 hours on the timesheet at the end of the week -- it's more likely you'll have 40.05 and that's a whopping .05 of overtime!! Target just can't afford to pay that.
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Seems to vary by store. The store connected to our district office gives overtime like no tomorrow yet I get coached for my .30 OT at my store.
I was scheduled 40 hours last week and I've consistently been getting no less than 32 since November. We're short on people to work service desk shifts, especially opening, so I've been working 8 hour opening shifts 4-5 days a week lately. If I'm close to hitting overtime they just tell me to take some extra time on lunch, come in later, or leave earlier.
Depends on your workcenter/store/district. I've been getting exactly 40 every week since January, and more than that between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I know that most logistics TMs at my store are at 40 (flow is usually scheduled 25-35 but many will end up working 40). Cashiers are mostly getting in the mid 20s, but one GSTM gets a consistent 40.
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I heard that you can get coached for even a minute of overtime, but around Christmas I went over by a few minutes, and no one said anything to me. It was only a quarter though lol
I know that most logistics TMs at my store are at 40 (flow is usually scheduled 25-35 but many will end up working 40).

In Logistics? Unload/Stock?!??? Not here.. nobody is getting more than 16 hours, and those getting more are scheduled in other WC's or sucking up shifts from swap, CO, NCNS, and/or VAC or the rocks stars on FDC.

Cashiers are mostly getting in the mid 20s,

The good ones, might come close to this... but most are way less.

but one GSTM gets a consistent 40.

Not a chance here unless you are working cashier or something else some where too.
Seems to depend on leadership. When I first started at spot I use to get ot every week. My second month in I worked a 60 hour week and no one said anything. Few months later got a new STL and no ot. One tl got coached for having .02 smh. My STL now gives out ot but only to tl and only during Q4 or inventory or if we are making sales and payroll.
I had to put my Sr TL on a final yesterday. She was seen by the DTL (who is here twice a week basically acting as our STL) working off the clock finishing some reviews and sending out her next week's plan via email. This was an hour after she had clocked out. Happened at the end of last week, was her last shift of the week thus put her well over 40 hours after the DTL made her put in a punch correction. 3rd time in the last 2 months she has gone into OT. HR BP required her to be put on final.

OT is serious with Target. That said I sure wish I'd get OT pay for all the weeks ive worked over 40 hours. :confused:
I had to put my Sr TL on a final yesterday. She was seen by the DTL (who is here twice a week basically acting as our STL) working off the clock finishing some reviews and sending out her next week's plan via email. This was an hour after she had clocked out. Happened at the end of last week, was her last shift of the week thus put her well over 40 hours after the DTL made her put in a punch correction. 3rd time in the last 2 months she has gone into OT. HR BP required her to be put on final.

OT is serious with Target. That said I sure wish I'd get OT pay for all the weeks ive worked over 40 hours. :confused:
I take it your Sr. TL was not happy. OT and working off the clock? I'm surprised she wasn't termed.
I heard that you can get coached for even a minute of overtime, but around Christmas I went over by a few minutes, and no one said anything to me. It was only a quarter though lol

It depends on how bad it is at your store / how often you're getting OT / if your leadership cares. For a long time they didn't say anything at my store until a lot of people were getting just a few minutes here and there, then I think our DTL got upset and my STL went into hardcore crackdown mode having HR coach everyone.
I hear 1 br TM got 56 hrs this week. Can we say special treatment. ??
My store doesn't allow any overtime period. Our ETL-HR is constantly on our asses about going into overtime. Sometimes I have to either cut my shift short or take a longer lunch just so I don't go into overtime and get my ass chewed out. I don't see the big deal either I mean I hate having to leave early sometimes when I feel like I still have work to do, but they don't give me any other option. If anyone is getting close to 40 hours they freak out and make you run to the time clock immediately.
I've had plenty of weeks with 40 or slightly over. During the holidays, I'd get as many as 46 hours. There's been many a time when leadership is so desperate they tell us "don't worry about OT, just stay late/come in." It's one of the good things about my store.
I don't see the big issue with overtime in the first place. Some people get more work done per dollar spent, even if they're getting overtime. I have guys on my team that can't even pull 20 minutes worth of CAF in an hour, whereas some people on the team can pull 2 hours worth of CAF in an hour. So you can pay a shitty worker $10 to pull 20 minutes or you can pay a good worker $15 to pull 120 minutes. I've worked for companies that let me work 60+ hours a week every single week and they didn't bat an eye, it's fucking ridiculous that Target is so stingy to the point that they'd rather let their store fall apart than pay a few extra dollars to keep things running.
I don't see the big issue with overtime in the first place. Some people get more work done per dollar spent, even if they're getting overtime. I have guys on my team that can't even pull 20 minutes worth of CAF in an hour, whereas some people on the team can pull 2 hours worth of CAF in an hour. So you can pay a shitty worker $10 to pull 20 minutes or you can pay a good worker $15 to pull 120 minutes. I've worked for companies that let me work 60+ hours a week every single week and they didn't bat an eye, it's fucking ridiculous that Target is so stingy to the point that they'd rather let their store fall apart than pay a few extra dollars to keep things running.

Because most who run businesses be it TGT or other sectors just don't get it.. that GOOD EMPLOYEES who work hard, and thus are probably more tenured and thus cost more $$ but they produce more are worth that extra $$$.. And remember that just because TGT pays the $9 there is still other costs in there that range from 1/3 to 2/3 MORE per hour ie: if you qualify for SH, VAC, benefits, even the short term disability, and the pure admin costs of cutting a paycheck for a employee even it is a DD.

The theory goes that there is a long line of people who will line up to take your spot if you quit or fired... and for the most part it is true... and that applies to all sectors... I've seen from burger joint to retail to jobs which require state certs and training. There were plenty for recent grads from an academy and all they wanted was to get a job in the field ASAP so they go their state number for that training, which bought them some time to find a job in better agency. Nothing wrong with students taking a job while in school, and nothing wrong with people who enjoy TGT to having a "career" either.

If retention was REALLY a bigger focus other than, hey this metric is horrible and how are we going to fix this "opportunity" :) ;) . . . . We go through SL girls like water, same with cashiers... and its the same with Hooter/Tilted Kilt/Twin Peaks, BK, Wendys, etc... plenty of people will take the job. And look at how many just keep hoping from job to job to job in similar fields. We get tons of applications with 2-3+ jobs in retail with 6m-1-2yr at most...Especially those who are HS grads and have been forced out to get a job and/or go to school of some sort. I've got a couple of TM's who are probably in this situation, but they work, and work very hard, some others in the store in this case are just slackers.

The profit model of TGT and many retailers and other service businesses, especially, is predicated on this ocean of bodies to stuff in to the job on an every continuing basis.
According to a recent press release on Targets investor page, the corporation earned 3.36 billion in 12 months ended 1-30-2016. All that coaching and writing up staff on going .01 over 40 must of been HUGE towards their bottom line!

Seriously, it's so pathetic to see a multi billion dollar corporation trip over themselves to prevent someone from working OT like they do.
My stores past turmoil has been my boon in the past i remember pulling 110+ hour paychecks for weeks because of a mass exodus of TMs and issues trying to replace them. Although at my store great TMs(ones who get EX/O in reviews) can get offered OT in special situations TL are coached like no tomorrow if they go over. I miss a little OT here and there...
I don't see the big issue with overtime in the first place. Some people get more work done per dollar spent, even if they're getting overtime. I have guys on my team that can't even pull 20 minutes worth of CAF in an hour, whereas some people on the team can pull 2 hours worth of CAF in an hour. So you can pay a shitty worker $10 to pull 20 minutes or you can pay a good worker $15 to pull 120 minutes. I've worked for companies that let me work 60+ hours a week every single week and they didn't bat an eye, it's fucking ridiculous that Target is so stingy to the point that they'd rather let their store fall apart than pay a few extra dollars to keep things running.

To be fair to Target (yes, me being fair to Spot...), almost ALL retailers despise overtime. Other industries can be a little more lax about it but for whatever reason, the retail industry hates hates hates it. Even Lowe's, where I work now, is guilty of this though to a lesser degree than Target. Shareholders at retail companies want every single penny they can get for themselves and think very little of their lower-level employees who actually keep their stores running. When I worked for Spot, how many times did I hear some of my fellow TMs talking about how they might not be able to pay their bills that month? I remember a middle-aged woman, in her 40s or so, who was balling in HR's office which I could hear even with the door closed. Turns out, she was pleading with him to give her just a few more hours a week so she could have enough money to pay all her utilities. Of course, he didn't give a shit and why should he? That's the culture corporate has fostered. I got my piece of the pie, now you shut up and take the crumbs I've left you and you like it! After all, there's always some teenager out there who can replace you, and then we don't have to keep paying all those merit raises we've given you throughout the years and those pennies can go right back into our pockets.

Truly a disgusting company and industry with too many chiefs and not enough Indians, as the saying goes.
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