I heard that you can get coached for even a minute of overtime, but around Christmas I went over by a few minutes, and no one said anything to me. It was only a quarter though lol
I was terrified the first time I hit 40. I lucked out and missed a punch that I had to correct and when I did that I shaved some time off. I think I was still in overtime, but I cut like 15min off so it wasn't as extreme ("extreme" is a relative term. I didn't even hit 41hrs, so it shouldn't have been a big deal anyways. Spot is in desperate need of some perspective in this area)
No one ever said anything to me about any of it, thankfully.
Within a month I was consistently getting 40hrs and from November-January my STL basically let me work as much as I wanted. That ended for a bit as our store underwent extensive leadership changes, but just recently we've been in a slump and we're trying to bring our numbers back up, so OT has been approved on a case-by-case basis again.
Apparently other TMs have talked crap about me getting so many hours while they're still just scheduled the standard Flow hours, but I have no sympathy. I expressed an interest in being trained for backroom. I consistently stayed over- whether it be 10min or 2-3hrs whenever it was needed. I came in on my days off. I never complained about tasks I was given. These people run to the time clock 2 minutes before their shift ends, take 20+ min breaks, spend half their shift standing around talking. ...you
really have to wonder why I'm "hogging the hours"?!?
Sure, I have my bad days, but overall I know I'm productive enough to justify paying me time and a half instead of paying some of our other TMs the normal rate.