Will auditing out my on hands fix my price change completion?

Sep 23, 2019
Having a hard time figuring out how to get my price change percentage up just not correct amount. I have heard from peers that this works but just checking to see
When the workload drops in, it’s a snapshot in time that doesn’t change until the next drop. If you audit after the drop, it will still want the original quantity in tickets. However, the new quantity will apply for the next drop of furthers/finals/salvage.

So it does help, just not initially. If you could somehow find a list of discontinued product on the floor, you could audit that before it goes clearance to proactively solve your problem, but I haven’t been able to find such a list. The only one I know of is for product located in the backroom, though that would help too. Check the Detail Report from the Backroom Tools and Insights dashboard on Greenfield. It should have a filter for item status.
There is a dataset that you can derive the information from, but there are no sanctioned cards that display this information, since it could be abused to circumvent the best practice for price change, as alluded here.

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