Will I be fired for hitting compliance twice?

Oct 26, 2019
I’ve worked at Target for almost a year. Today I didn’t realize the breakout had me taking my break at compliance, and I clocked out five minutes past compliance. I feel terrible because I hit compliance once before, 11 months ago when I honestly could. not. escape. the guests near the Christmas trees, you guys. My TL already mentioned it to me, and said our ETL will talk to me about it too. I just hope I won‘t get a corrective action or be fired? I have been working on my development, and applying for TL positions. Not sure if that is option at this point? It seems like my workload has been increasing SO much and so has the scrutiny on my work. I never thought I would go into compliance again, but at some point I think we are human, and something‘s gotta give when they have increased your workload from 5 basic things to 20+ additional special projects. I’ve started to realize that they seem to give me more responsibilities than other TM’s who’ve been at Target longer, and personally, sometimes I feel like leadership is taking advantage and not setting me up for success. It’s a lot of mixed messages.
At my store you hit compliance once and get a warning. The next time they fire you. Over the years I have scene some of the best employees get fired because of compliance. Most the time because they wanted to finish their responsibilities for that shift and forgot about the time.
Not sure about your store. Good luck
Yikes that's way harsh. I hit it a once or maybe twice a long time ago, and I'm pretty sure I hit it twice within a few days recently and no one has ever said a word to me.
I think it depends on your leadership.

But here's a pro tip that isn't advised but I've seen it done plenty up here in the ol'TSC - if you know you will hit compliance do not clock out. If it's end of day, leave and don't clock out and it shows up as a missing punch you can correct later. If it's a meal, calculate when to clock back in, clock in then and you can correct the "missing" punch later. Make sense?
I hit compliance twice 2 days in a row nothing bad happed to me but the second time the time clock went offline while i was clocking out and I explained that
I think it depends on your leadership.

But here's a pro tip that isn't advised but I've seen it done plenty up here in the ol'TSC - if you know you will hit compliance do not clock out. If it's end of day, leave and don't clock out and it shows up as a missing punch you can correct later. If it's a meal, calculate when to clock back in, clock in then and you can correct the "missing" punch later. Make sense?
that is time clock fraud... you could get terminated for that.
I know in Cali it is more strict than elsewhere, so it will be a CA if you are from there. Otherwise, ASANTS.
Did you sign anything the last time? That is the only way you used to get a CA. If not, you should just get a warning. Otherwise, it may be a final or a term.
ASANTS. Some stores take it very seriously, but my store doesn't care at all -- at least when it comes to Fulfillment team. I think I hit compliance twice in my 90 and no one said anything to me.
that is time clock fraud... you could get terminated for that.
You definitely could but leadership tends to look the other way when it benefits the store. Most would rather you have a missed punch than hit compliance. Unless they want you gone anyway then it’s see ya later
Compliance is adherence to rules. Going into compliance thus is a good thing. You are adhering to the rules. If you are bucking the rules you would be going "out of" compliance. 6th grade basic syntax and usage. Fun stuff, ain't it?
that is time clock fraud... you could get terminated for that.

Yup. But I see it a lot. Even among team leads, one of which is notorious for missing punches, like several times a week. Only we seem to notice and we don't care. I'm in CA btw.

There is so much truth to what benefits the store is how rules are applied. I see the attendance issues with call outs, ncns, late ins with tms and some have gotten away with so much for all 2 yrs I've been hr and are still around while others are absolutely held to the rules.
Only if u get caught
And that’s how people get caught. By thinking they can’t. I won’t say that I don’t work off the clock, because I have, but I know it wouldn’t be hard to prove it if they went looking for a reason to write me up or terminate me. Long story short, you can get caught for it.

Now as to the OP’s question. ASANTS and your state are going to play big into if it is a slap on the wrist OR if you’re going to be formally written up and/or put on final. Example - in CA I’m almost positive it is a state violation and Target gets (or could be) fined for it. In TX, they don’t care, it’s a company policy and it looks bad on a report. For reference, since TX isn’t a “legal compliance” state, we cannot put people on corrective/
disciplinary action for working past their 6th hour. But we can coach a TM for failing to utilize their time properly...

Other thing - missing punches are (at least in my district) becoming something they monitor. Mainly because it doesn’t factor in the time between missed punches when it comes to the store’s payroll and stores with payroll issues don’t need help spending more payroll than they should. One store apparently is writing people up for failing to punch correctly.
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