Will I get fired for this?

Nov 7, 2023
It's an hour before closing, and I'm on driveup by myself, of course. A lady comes with an order with more than 100 items, heavy cat litter, a bunch of water, etc. It takes 2 full 5 for all her stuff. She didn't double tap, which I appreciate, honestly. So she gets to the store, and I tell her to pull up to the doors so I can load her stuff cause little old me can steer 2 heavy carts all the way out to the driveup area. I'm putting all her things in her trunk. She doesn't help because why would she. I finish one cart of her things, and the cart somehow rolls away and hits her car. I looked, and I didn't see any dents or anything. I didn't say anything to her or apologized I just continued putting her bags in her trunk, which I know I should have. I was just upset I'm doing all this all by myself, about to give myself a rotator cuff injury from picking up all that litter and I wasn't even supposed to be on driveup in the first place. Also, usually, if I ever have a big order (not even 100+ orders), the guest comes out and helps; common courtesy. If she calls and tells what happened, what is the worst that could happen? Could I lose my job, or will I get written up?
I wouldn't concern myself but tell your TL that you might have gotten injured.

Target should have had weight AND size restrictions for Drive Up.

I had to pull 20 cases of water (which was still in the trailer!) and take it up front for a drive up once.

If I had gotten that OPU (that was the only item) I would have made it INF.
I wouldn't concern myself but tell your TL that you might have gotten injured.

Target should have had weight AND size restrictions for Drive Up.

I had to pull 20 cases of water (which was still in the trailer!) and take it up front for a drive up once.

If I had gotten that OPU (that was the only item) I would have made it INF.
And any TL worth their salt would put you on a CA for INF'ing 20 waters just because you didn't want to lift them.

As for the guest, I doubt it's anything to worry over. If the guest was pissed off and going to call the store they'd have almost certainly have said something to you when it happened.
"And any TL worth their salt would put you on a CA for INF'ing 20 waters just because you didn't want to lift them."

They were buried on the pallet in the very back of the trailer

IMHO guests shouldn't be able to order items in which the floor and backroom locations are ZERO.

The whole issue is really our store doesn't push all the freight.

Recently our store failed to schedule anyone to do dairy for three days!
Someone received the trailer then without it being unloaded.

Still, that's no reason to INF something without at least consulting a leader first. Going rogue is a sure fire way to get written up or a CA depending how good of an employee you are.
if the guest calls you will get a write up . I hate to say it but it will be something along the lines of unsafe behavior .
ASANTS at my store there would not of been a write up. It’s happened several times over the years and no one has gotten written up yet.
Someone received the trailer then without it being unloaded.

Still, that's no reason to INF something without at least consulting a leader first. Going rogue is a sure fire way to get written up or a CA depending how good of an employee you are.
I've accidentally done this. I used to carry My device in my back pocket and must have "butt" acknowledge the truck. I now use a holder. Lesson learned.
Someone received the trailer then without it being unloaded.

Still, that's no reason to INF something without at least consulting a leader first. Going rogue is a sure fire way to get written up or a CA depending how good of an employee you are.
Yeah....this is also too far IMO.

Wanting a new seasonal to contact a leader before INF'ing is fine. But as someone whose worked at my store for 8 years and knows how to find items just as well as the leads do, I'm not bugging them with trivialities like that. The only recent time I did check with a lead was to ask if they were okay with me INF'ing an item we did have, because I really didn't feel like getting it.

It was a pack of crayons, during Back To School, that was on a pallet, in the top of the steel, near the line, and I'd have had to move a couple dozen vehicles around to clear room for the WAV or Crown to access the location. It was just more hassle than it was worth at the time, and the TL I asked agreed with me.

I had the Fulfillment TL ask me to check with her before INF'ing items, once. I pulled up Greenfield on my phone and showed her my INF % was lower than hers for the year, and told her that I didn't appreciate being micromanaged when I know how to do my job. She never asked me to check with her again.

I'd be pissed if someone INF'ed 20 of an item just because it was bulky and they didn't want to lift it, but that's not the same as not trusting them to find it, or the crayon scenario referenced above.
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Yeah....this is also too far IMO.

Wanting a new seasonal to contact a leader before INF'ing is fine. But as someone whose worked at my store for 8 years and knows how to find items just as well as the leads do, I'm not bugging them with trivialities like that. The only recent time I did check with a lead was to ask if they were okay with me INF'ing an item we did have, because I really didn't feel like getting it.

It was a pack of crayons, during Back To School, that was on a pallet, in the top of the steel, near the line, and I'd have had to move a couple dozen vehicles around to clear room for the WAV or Crown to access the location. It was just more hassle than it was worth at the time, and the TL I asked agreed with me.

I had the Fulfillment TL ask me to check with her before INF'ing items, once. I pulled up Greenfield on my phone and showed her my INF % was lower than hers for the year, and told her that I didn't appreciate being micromanaged when I know how to do my job. She never asked me to check with her again.

I'd be pissed if someone INF'ed 20 of an item just because it was bulky and they didn't want to lift it, but that's not the same as not trusting them to find it, or the crayon scenario referenced above.

I love that you pulled up Greenfield and I love that Greenfield can be accessed by any TM any time. Sure, theoretically, it means that hourly TMs could be "working" off the clock. But in reality, what it means, is that cold, hard data is accessible to the every person, whenever they need it and it completely indisputable and invaluable, as your case demonstrates.
Yeah....this is also too far IMO.

Wanting a new seasonal to contact a leader before INF'ing is fine. But as someone whose worked at my store for 8 years and knows how to find items just as well as the leads do, I'm not bugging them with trivialities like that. The only recent time I did check with a lead was to ask if they were okay with me INF'ing an item we did have, because I really didn't feel like getting it.

It was a pack of crayons, during Back To School, that was on a pallet, in the top of the steel, near the line, and I'd have had to move a couple dozen vehicles around to clear room for the WAV or Crown to access the location. It was just more hassle than it was worth at the time, and the TL I asked agreed with me.

I had the Fulfillment TL ask me to check with her before INF'ing items, once. I pulled up Greenfield on my phone and showed her my INF % was lower than hers for the year, and told her that I didn't appreciate being micromanaged when I know how to do my job. She never asked me to check with her again.

I'd be pissed if someone INF'ed 20 of an item just because it was bulky and they didn't want to lift it, but that's not the same as not trusting them to find it, or the crayon scenario referenced above.

Our store has TM's check in with either Captains, or Leaders to INF an item. We were top in INF % for our group last we checked, and near the top for most Fulfillment related metrics.

It works for us, may not work for you.
Yeah....this is also too far IMO.

Wanting a new seasonal to contact a leader before INF'ing is fine. But as someone whose worked at my store for 8 years and knows how to find items just as well as the leads do, I'm not bugging them with trivialities like that. The only recent time I did check with a lead was to ask if they were okay with me INF'ing an item we did have, because I really didn't feel like getting it.

It was a pack of crayons, during Back To School, that was on a pallet, in the top of the steel, near the line, and I'd have had to move a couple dozen vehicles around to clear room for the WAV or Crown to access the location. It was just more hassle than it was worth at the time, and the TL I asked agreed with me.

I had the Fulfillment TL ask me to check with her before INF'ing items, once. I pulled up Greenfield on my phone and showed her my INF % was lower than hers for the year, and told her that I didn't appreciate being micromanaged when I know how to do my job. She never asked me to check with her again.

I'd be pissed if someone INF'ed 20 of an item just because it was bulky and they didn't want to lift it, but that's not the same as not trusting them to find it, or the crayon scenario referenced above.
At my store all flex team members must call a leader before INF on anything. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with Target or your INF rate.
At my store all flex team members must call a leader before INF on anything. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with Target or your INF rate.
Bleh, I can get that they want to minimize the amount of items being INF'ed, but I would just absolutely despise working under this level of micromanagement. It'd genuinely make me switch workcenters or just quit outright.
Bleh, I can get that they want to minimize the amount of items being INF'ed, but I would just absolutely despise working under this level of micromanagement. It'd genuinely make me switch workcenters or just quit outright.
Ehh, it's called checking in with someone who may have more up to date information on where items are located than you do.

If we run out of space where an item is normally located and have to temporarily store it somewhere else, leaders & captains get notified where the item can be found. You not being in that loop will not be privy to that information until you check in. You may INF an item that was , as you say, "on a pallet, in the top of the steel, near the line, and I'd have had to move a couple dozen vehicles around to clear room for the WAV or Crown to access the location.", but may have been pulled down when someone had to access an item that was near it.

Generally, for us, before a TM checks in with an INF, they know they are going to be asked if they checked the aisle it's normally in, stray, line, etc. and let the Captain/leader know the usuals are already checked and the item is unfound. Usually, the INF is approved right off the bat, but it gives an extra layer of check for those out of the ordinary location items to be found and generate a sale, which in turn, can affect hours for the department.
At my store all flex team members must call a leader before INF on anything. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with Target or your INF rate.
Not a leader at our store, but someone "in the department". It's stupid... some of them haven't been with spot for even 2 weeks and have no idea where any single item would be if it isn't coming out of a box, However, one leader in our store said it was ridiculous that I would have to do this, said that she trusted me to know how to do my job and she'd nod and smile if asked if I talked to her.

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