Will Target Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine?

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I get why companies want to mandate the vaccine. Two week quarantines are very disruptive to the workplace.

Last December, my husband caught covid. It meant the other 3 adults in my household had to quarantine for 2 weeks.

Two of us work at Target. Yup, a week before Christmas, 2 of us just abandoned our Target work space with no notice. Super disruptive to those who had to pick up our work. My husband’s job actually shut it doors for a week because of all the quarantines.

Let’s just get vaccinated and get all this over. Imagine if Americans acted like this when the Polio vaccine came out, we’d still be dealing with Polio in 2021. It was eradicated by vaccines not herd immunity. Let’s be the Americans we were back in the “good ol days”. Remember victory gardens and sacrifices for the war effort? The selfish whiny snowflakes of today have nothing on our Greatest Generation.
Companies do not care about what you think, they are solely motivated by profits. Having workers at any given time be out of work for two weeks and possibly infecting hundreds of other employees is not viable for businesses as they will lose money. Once the vaccine gets FDA approved, I imagine most companies will require it to be able to work for aforementioned reasons. Antivaxxers are about to left behind and become outcasts in society since they can't do something as simple as get a shot, or shots, that have already been tested on billions of people and are proven to be safe and effective even as the virus has mutated because of " muh freedoms". Even politicians and influencers that were vehemently against the vaccine early, and got vaccinated early while still spewing misinformation, have now switched course and are urging their followers to get vaccinated as their voters and followers are the main ones being killed since they are apart of the antivax group. Get the stupid vaccine so we don't have to deal with this virus mutating where the vaccines are not effective or it becomes more deadly.
how's it feel to be so wrong on such a colossal scale that you post a boomer-level screenshot of a pixelated meme from your camera roll?

edit: just registered, first post?? Bad Troll
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your weight won't get me sick with a respiratory disease
If the vaccine is so effective than my getting covud should have no effect on you.
If the vaccines work, then you should have no issue being beside someone sick.
But deep down you know they don't.
Even the media is admitting they don't.
They don't prevent you from getting covid at all.
They, at best, prevent you from a 0.001% chance of dying from the disease.
In exchange you are taking a vaccine not approved for general use, and created without the years of study normally required for drug approval.
And the best part is it is set in stone that you have absolutely zero legal recourse against vaccine companies if, say in 5 years whoops! Turns out this new experimental form of therapy (not an ordinary vaccine, entirely different method of vaccination never approved until now) causes lung cancer or something.
I do not blame anybody for taking it. But u will be damned if anybody decides they are going to FORCE me to take an experimental drug that has zero long term real world testing.
I cannot beleive how insane people have gone that they actually beleive billion dollar for-profit pharma companies are their friends, that politicians and CEOs truly know what's best for you, and that the media are experts that always get things right.
The Covid-19 vaccine is set to become the single most profitable medicine ever created. And its only been about a year.
Ignore all the out-there conspiracies (No there is no "microchip" in the vaccine and its doesn't make you magnetic).
You are advocating that CEOs and politicians be able to force you to take an experimental drug. People who are being given huge financial incentive to pass these mandates by the pharmaceutical industry.
Companies that don't give a damn if in twenty years you have dementia because the experimental drug has some loong term side effect nobody could have predicted, they just don't want you to be calling out of work with Covid.
Wake the fuck up.
"wake up" says somebody buying an entirely different line of conspiratorial propaganda than the one they are accusing others of buying, lmao. always fun to see that! i'm sure the loved ones of the 600,000 people who have unnecessarily died during this pandemic think you're a really standup citizen, honestly

by the way, have you ever traveled internationally? did you get mmr vaccines as a child? tdap? ever taken any kind of antibiotic? do you wash your hands after you take a shit?

don't bother replying, i am finding all sorts of new people to ignore so that i don't ever have to think about you ever again
so then hypothetically if the vaccinations stop here and nobody else wants to get them will masks stay forever? there has to be a point where we just move on and let those who don't want it to get vaccinated deal with the risks involved in it.
How many of the deaths are from actual covid? You die from a car accident and they find you had covid, it counts as a covid death.

The numbers are all a farce, I read a new article today from my local news paper that had a headline of "3 new covid deaths today". Click to read the story well actually 2 of the deaths were from June and one was from May. Why is it being counted as a death today? Also if one person in the household tests positive for covid, everyone in the house is then counted into the "positive cases" even if no one else in the house has been tested or shows symptoms. So the numbers of 600,000 dead and however many positive cases aren't accurate. Is it a lot? Yes! Did people die? Yes! But the reporting isn't accurate and that is a fact.

My child spent 6 hours with their best friend in a room sitting on the same couch. The friend left our house and the next morning tested positive for covid. My child went and got tested 3 times so they could go back to school and tested negative and had zero symptoms.
How many of the deaths are from actual covid? You die from a car accident and they find you had covid, it counts as a covid death.

The numbers are all a farce, I read a new article today from my local news paper that had a headline of "3 new covid deaths today". Click to read the story well actually 2 of the deaths were from June and one was from May. Why is it being counted as a death today? Also if one person in the household tests positive for covid, everyone in the house is then counted into the "positive cases" even if no one else in the house has been tested or shows symptoms. So the numbers of 600,000 dead and however many positive cases aren't accurate. Is it a lot? Yes! Did people die? Yes! But the reporting isn't accurate and that is a fact.

My child spent 6 hours with their best friend in a room sitting on the same couch. The friend left our house and the next morning tested positive for covid. My child went and got tested 3 times so they could go back to school and tested negative and had zero symptoms.
you are a callous little worm and i wish only the worst for you in all of your endeavors in life. goodbye
i just wish the anti vaxxer’s stupidity didn’t affect immunocompromised individuals and children who can’t be vaccinated

like, if it was a risk that was solely yours, it would be one thing. but your stupid decisions affect other people and the lack of empathy is quite frightening.
I’ll get the vaccine if target requires it to keep my job, once I have a signed legal document, in hand,. Signed by either the CEO, Director level , or HR manager, requiring me to get the vaccination to continue my employment. Basically some who is authorized to speak on behalf of Target, with full company support. That way, if I end up being one of the “few” with serious complications, up to and including death, my family will have recourse. Or if 10 or so years from now the commercials start “if you or someone you love is experiencing XYZ, and you received the COVID vaccine, you may be entitled to. compensation.” We’ve all seen the commercials, medical issues experienced years after the fact, tied to something that was supposedly safe. And if my employer required it at the time, and I have the proof. Do the math.
baby powder linked to ovarian cancer
ambien linked to sleepwalking accidents
phen-fen linked to heart valve disease
I’m just not convinced there wont be long term effects yet, especially since these same drug companies have been involved in prior lawsuits.
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Do you think people like wearing a hot, heavy safety harness when up high? Why do they wear it? The company and the government mandate it because it makes a person more safe.

Do you like having a drug test when you get hurt, no matter how stupid obvious the accident wasn't your fault? Why does it happen? The company mandates it because of costs.

As far as the speed goes, it really shouldn't be "Omg, this is too soon, this is too experimental!!!" It should be "How many people did pharmaceutical companies and the government maim and kill by dragging out the approval process? This proves it could have been a lot, lot faster, saving lives and bodies."

Commie had a good point about food workers being tested for diseases. Maybe, maybe we should look a little into the past of food safety standards and remember what legally happened to super spreaders, like one named Mary Mallon. How long was she held just for being contagious and refusing a treatment that would likely make her disease free?
Jury's still out on whether or not removal of the gallbladder would cure Typhoid Fever, but she was given other treatments that didn't work. I think it is hard to look 100 years into the past to justify the present. There were all kinds of things happening back then that we wouldn't want now.
My point isn't about getting anyone sick, my point is I don't want my employer or anyone else forcing me to do something I'm uncomfortable with. My point was if this is allowed, what's next? I support and respect people getting the vaccine, I am just not in favor of it at this time. If you are worried about getting sick then mask up or stay at home or do whatever you feel comfortable with. I have complied with everything Target has asked of me and I will continue to do so unless it's to inject something into my body that I am not comfortable with and that's OK! People are entitled to opinions and freedoms, that's what makes this country great.

I'm not trying to stick it to anyone, I do want my employer or anyone else dictating what I do with my body. Also I don't want to get anyone sick, but why should I inject something into my body that, even though it is very unlikely, get me sick? What would happen then? If target mandates the vaccine and someone dies from complications?

The purpose of my post was to ask the question if they mandate a vaccine, then what next? It is scary.

And yes freedom, dont forget it, look at how other countries treat people who think or act differently than their leaders etc.

3 questions for you.

In May, the CDC said that vaccinated people could go maskless but unvaccinated people had to continue to wear their masks. A couple days later, Target lifted the mask mandate for vaccinated people but not for unvaccinated people.

You stated you have complied with everything Target has asked of you.

Did you continue to wear your mask?

Instead of Target mandating the vaccine, what if Target said all employees must provide proof of vaccination or wear a mask permanently at all times inside of Target. That means wearing it correctly (over your nose) and not being able to take it off to eat in the lunchroom during your break. You will either not eat or go outside/to your car to eat.

If you are caught inside of Target without your mask, you get one warning and the second time results in your termination.

Target can require you wear a mask as part of your uniform just like they require a red shirt, no open toed shoes, blue jeans, etc.

Do you think that is fair?

Instead of Target mandating the vaccine, what if Target said any unvaccinated team member who contracts Covid must use their sick/vacation pay to cover all their shifts until they provide proof of a negative Covid test. If that team member does not have enough sick/vacation pay to cover their missed shifts, each shift counts as an unexcused absence. Those unexcused absences add up like no-call, no-shows and can result in termination.

Do you think that is fair?
Well here we are folks.
This fucking thread is now attracting anti-vax spammers.
Fuck that very much.
We don't play that here.
If you want to spread your anti-vax bullshit go somewhere else.
The long time members who don't believe in vaccines, you are respected just like everyone else.
But lets not make this a place a cesspool that attracts those kinds of fuckheads, please.

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