This like obviously you shouldn’t be going on a racist rant in the first place but doing it on camera is so unbelievably stupid... like do you realize you just lost your job all bc you felt you were above wearing a mask???You could be like this guy.
Florida insurance agent fired after mask meltdown at Costco
Man's videotaped tirade after being asked to follow public health requirement at store ultimately costs him his
I find it amazing that people don't realize that EVERYONE HAS A CAMERA IN THEIR CELL PHONE.
I don't know about other states, but Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee issued a face-covering edict effective as of Tuesday, July 8th, In my store, I'd guess well over 95% of our guests are complying with face-covering rules. But with this new emergency rule, will we literally have to escort violators out of the store and refuse service? Draconian and over-reaching as the face-covering edict is, this mandate could be coming to a state near you.
No. That’s not targets place to enforce the law.
This isn’t a law written into place. It’s just a rule the governor or mayor enacts. Not the same.Not to play devil's advocate or anything (because I think it's stupid to expect an entry level worker to enforce it) but we do enforce alcohol laws, pharmacy laws, and canned air laws.
Actually, in most states including Washington, the Governor is authorized by laws during an emergency to issue emergency rules. These emergency rules are written as a "Proclamation of the Governor" or an "Order of the Secretary of Health" Due to time constraints, they aren't put into official laws. Personally, I don't like this situation because it bypasses the legislative process, but these "emergency rules have the force of law.This isn’t a law written into place. It’s just a rule the governor or mayor enacts. Not the same.
Actually, in most states including Washington, the Governor is authorized by laws during an emergency to issue emergency rules. These emergency rules are written as a "Proclamation of the Governor" or an "Order of the Secretary of Health" Due to time constraints, they aren't put into official laws. Personally, I don't like this situation because it bypasses the legislative process, but these "emergency rules have the force of law.
Contrary to what some people are saying, the Washington emergency rules DO require businesses like Target to enforce the rules. The business could face large monetary fines, or being forcibly shut down, for violating the emergency rules. There are some lawsuits in the courts on these issues. Like it or not, Target is forced to enforce these emergency rules.