Archived Woman stuck by needle in target's parking lot

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Note to self - Do NOT slap a hypo needle out of someone's hands.

with stories like this Target is headed towards Bankruptcy ...
or at least a few under preforming stores will have to close.
Stupid spot refusing to pay 12k for parking lot event. But, spot is willing to pay 12k for inside the store injury. Makes no sense...
Poor decision.

Target's usually do not own their parking lots.

Besides a TM would have to be in the parking lot to see the initial person use the needle, then request a certified bloodborne pathogen TM to pick it up.
I think they should have paid the 12,000 to make it go away. I'm sure the legal defense for target costs more then that to prep even a very small defense for this case.
Another case of a frivolous lawsuit. I don't care if was Walmart, Kmart Costco or Meijers parking lots. There is no way in hell Target should have settled. The woman who brought the suit should be sued. You at some point in your life have to take responsibility for your actions. You cannot blame someone every time something happens to you. The only person who could reasonably be sued is the assmunch who left the needle in the first place. Any one of us could go into any parking lot across america and find a condom, a needle, a dirty diaper, vomit or a bloody tissue. The difference is you wouldn't sue if you saw it and surely would not pick it up.This woman saw a payday and took advantage
They might as well sue Lowe's, Michael's, Petsmart, and Ashley Furniture which all share the same parking lot.

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The lady probably thought "hm, what company in this parking lot makes the most money...Target, let's sue them!"

Target should appeal. They should not have lost this. Her kid was eight. You should have taught your kid by the age of eight to not fucking pick up things in a parking lot.
Were there any witnesses?

The entire thing could have been fabricated.

The needle could have come from her junkie boyfriend.

I'd shove a needle in my palm for that kind of money!

First... kill all the lawyers!!!
Anyone with a law degree interested in corporate counsel may want to put their resume in now
Here's hoping it gets reduced or overturned on appeal.

I have a feeling they will offer something low to just make it go away at this point cause the "stone wall her until she goes away" worked so well when she was somewhat reasonable. Now somewhat reasonable will be higher six figures.. And add the lawyer feels even if they are in house still sucks hours. It makes more sense to settle with her.. But this is spot we are talking about.. 😉

SrTLall you should buy that TM an Sbux cause they have moxie!
What I find MOST stupid about this whole thing is that instead of paying out a tiny amount to settle this (the article I read said that the woman's lawyer had asked for $12,00). Some idiot decided that it would be MUCH better to pay lawyers substantially MORE than $12,000 to defend them in court! I'm sure the judgement amount will be reduced on appeal, but Target will still be on the hook for way more that 12K AND will have racked up huge legal fees as well.
What I find MOST stupid about this whole thing is that instead of paying out a tiny amount to settle this (the article I read said that the woman's lawyer had asked for $12,00). Some idiot decided that it would be MUCH better to pay lawyers substantially MORE than $12,000 to defend them in court! I'm sure the judgement amount will be reduced on appeal, but Target will still be on the hook for way more that 12K AND will have racked up huge legal fees as well.

If you just pay people to go away more people will find reasons to come after you.
Absolutely ridiculous. I can see Target being responsible if the needle had been found in the store, but how is it Target's fault when the needle was in the parking lot?
Unless it's one of the few stores where the company owns the parking area, they shouldn't be.
What I find MOST stupid about this whole thing is that instead of paying out a tiny amount to settle this (the article I read said that the woman's lawyer had asked for $12,00). Some idiot decided that it would be MUCH better to pay lawyers substantially MORE than $12,000 to defend them in court! I'm sure the judgement amount will be reduced on appeal, but Target will still be on the hook for way more that 12K AND will have racked up huge legal fees as well.

Not defending Target's decision but sometimes settling with people who pursue frivolous lawsuits sets a precedent that any Tom, Dick or Harry can and will try to sue you.

We do need TORT reform in this country.
Sounds fraudulent to me. Employees usually aren't in the parking lot (except cart attendant) so no one would know for sure. Most target stores don't even own the parking lot. How is it target's fault that a druggie left a herion needle in their parking lot?
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