Archived Workplace Crush

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Nov 9, 2018
Gahhhh, I forgot that being a team lead has one pretty big can’t act on any crushes you have on people who aren’t TLs! I really like my guest service team member but I can’t take the risk of telling her and asking her to keep it a secret. Never know if she’d use it against me if she didn’t feel the same way back. And I’m sure it would be awkward if she didn’t feel the same way. She just told me that she was looking on this site so maybe she’ll take the first chance and ask me about it? Haha. Hopeful thinking. Any advice?? Definitely don’t want to lose my job but I really like her. I always tease her and am kind of flirty with her but not enough to raise a huge red flag.
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If your GSTL stay the hell away from that. If you’re not her direct TL, go for it. I’ve got into it with multiple TMs lol. Just be prepared for breakups and maintain professionalism at all times.
Yeah, I have the same issue in reverse, but the particular TL isn't technically my direct lead, so if he did ask me out it shouldn't be a problem (at least I think so, the circumstances are slightly confusing). But yeah, if you're a GSTL, sorry.
Spot ain't ever gonna tell me who I can't bump uglies with.
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Not a Target story, but I've dated while being not their direct supervisor and trust me, the awkwardness levels after the breakup are over 9000.
Just find you an equally pretty person at Kohl's or something if you have a retail fetish. Lol jk but seriously just don't.
Sounds like you’re a GSTL, which means it’s even more of a bad idea than it usually would be. People notice more than you think. You are her direct supervisor. Don’t do it. People will start talking and it could/would risk both your jobs. Not worth it, fam.
^This. You’d be amazed how fast people can spot this sort of thing, and how fast the news will spread through the store grapevine. Once it gets to senior leadership one or both of you could be termed. Not worth it, big time.
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