The job I have now is largely about making sure we follow the federal and state standards, practices, rules, and regulations for spending setting up plans to help people with disabilities get back into the work force and spending the money to do it.
When I say that we have a stack of spiral notebooks four feet high that govern how to do our job I'm actually underestimating because they are revising some of the rules and we haven't seen how big the new book is going to be (it's always bigger).
Are there times when we misunderstand what a sentence in a practice means?
Of course, no one is perfect.
But we always double check on everything because you can't afford to be wrong more than once (auditing is a very real pain in the ass).
If you don't know you don't guess and we make sure there is time for everyone to get trained on the information.
In fact we have updates every week so everyone is on the same page.
Is picking apart the HR persons presentation a touch pedantic?
Maybe, but for those of us who live and die by getting things right, I can understand why it would grate.