Archived Yep, it’s broken: A PMT thread

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All shoved on during Q4. My face everyday.

I was brought in during Q4 in a similar situation and I had to cover a second store from that October to January. Just work on maintaining the place and keeping the lights on. worry about the culture in March. Do the best you can and build a relationship before implementing any change. Nobody likes a new leader that wants to turn the place ass-over-tea-kettle in his first month and a half.

Right now you should only be operating with in best practice. If you’re already pulling special favors for the other leaders then you’ll get railroaded every time you want change if they aren’t respecting you.
Agreed. That's the plan I'm following.

Regarding favors I set that tone early. First week Softlines requested I repair/order new mannequins. I gave a TL copies of their guide explaining softlines is solely responsible and showed where to find all the SAP numbers. Everyone is quickly learning to submit mysupports.
Did you guys get enough power poles for xmas tree this year? Seems more was needed than last year.
There are definitely more trees than last year. We had one busted power pole during Halloween, so I believe we had to order more, but I don't know for certain.

Having been in the position for just over month I can't say much on that.

My store only has four available power poles with whips and outlets installed. Three of which can fit for my tree table yet non of them work. I've tried everything available to me with troubleshooting so I have a tech coming to figure out what's wrong. We've been explicitly told not to order power poles and such due to low volumes in warehouse.

I've been given a store that 1) didn't have a PMT for 6 months 2) wasn't cared for by the PMT in his final years and 3) has numerous broken assets and bad practices from poor team culture. All shoved on during Q4. My face everyday.

Sorry you have to deal with that. Our store has been through 2 or 3 PMTs in the 4 years I've been with Spot. Our current guy is great, but the one that was there when I started was lazy and completely awful. The second guy was okay, but left for personal reasons after a few months, and I think the third guy was just covering the store until we got a permanent PMT. So yeah, I can see where you and my store's PMT might be in a similar boat.
Maybe this question has already been answered but I don't feel like reading 20 some pages.....

Has anyone had a female PMT? I always hear "he" when someone's talking about a PMT...
Maybe this question has already been answered but I don't feel like reading 20 some pages.....

Has anyone had a female PMT? I always hear "he" when someone's talking about a PMT...

There are a few but it’s like 90% male in position. There aren’t as many ladies interested in mechanics or construction as guys.
Maybe this question has already been answered but I don't feel like reading 20 some pages.....

Has anyone had a female PMT? I always hear "he" when someone's talking about a PMT...
I've heard of people having female PMTs (and I've actually kind of been considering applying as one in the future), but I've never actually met a female PMT.
Maybe this question has already been answered but I don't feel like reading 20 some pages.....

Has anyone had a female PMT? I always hear "he" when someone's talking about a PMT...
I've heard of people having female PMTs (and I've actually kind of been considering applying as one in the future), but I've never actually met a female PMT.

My store had one, and she was pretty awesome. She was everyone's go-to person for anything that needed fixing. She got bored of fixing the same crap (been at our store for a few years) and wanted to do something new. She moved to a different target. I can respect that, because you'd want new challenges or you'd get complacent. New challenges will keep you on your toes.
I've heard of people having female PMTs (and I've actually kind of been considering applying as one in the future), but I've never actually met a female PMT.

Our sister store had a female PMT, she was a gearhead so the job fit right in for her. She quit not long ago to work in a race shop as a mechanic. They have appeared in real life. I will swear witness to it.. She was cool people..
I've heard of people having female PMTs (and I've actually kind of been considering applying as one in the future), but I've never actually met a female PMT.

If you’re interested then talk to your PMT and pick their brain about what they do, how they run their business, what their schedule looks like for the day. We don’t just fix things, a lot more than that goes in to keeping multimillion dollar facilities running
I'm kinda interested too, I thought our PMT hated me for a long time but I've always thought he was really cool... He's warmed up to me some though, and I've helped him with some small things here and there. I've done just about every kind of logistics thing there is to do at Target; backroom, flow, sfs, plano, I've been an unofficial helper to our signing guy, helped with remodels, and started building bikes recently... but retail isn't rocket science, and I want more of a challenge than I can get from regular team member stuff. And I think I could see myself as a PMT. Or a logistics ETL, but that's like.... a big dream, since I'm not the cookie cutter 22yo business grad Target seems to like haha.
I'm kinda interested too, I thought our PMT hated me for a long time but I've always thought he was really cool... He's warmed up to me some though, and I've helped him with some small things here and there. I've done just about every kind of logistics thing there is to do at Target; backroom, flow, sfs, plano, I've been an unofficial helper to our signing guy, helped with remodels, and started building bikes recently... but retail isn't rocket science, and I want more of a challenge than I can get from regular team member stuff. And I think I could see myself as a PMT. Or a logistics ETL, but that's like.... a big dream, since I'm not the cookie cutter 22yo business grad Target seems to like haha.

Tell him you’re interested and ask questions about the business. It’s a lot more than fixing things. After showing interest he might introduce you to the PMBP.
This cart was broken but kept getting sent back on sweeps so my PMT did this.

He needs to cut the grey bottom frame off the red basket, that’s what the DC means by “break down cart”. The bottom frame is glass fiber reinforced plastic and the top half is ABS plastic. They get recycled differently. They can be sent in on the same pallet though. The DCBP is gonna reach out to the either the PMBP or STL and check your PMT if he keeps doing that lol. Once in a while it’s deserved but don’t make it a habit
He needs to cut the grey bottom frame off the red basket, that’s what the DC means by “break down cart”. The bottom frame is glass fiber reinforced plastic and the top half is ABS plastic. They get recycled differently. They can be sent in on the same pallet though. The DCBP is gonna reach out to the either the PMBP or STL and check your PMT if he keeps doing that lol. Once in a while it’s deserved but don’t make it a habit

Well this didn't get sent back and we rarely send back carts anyways
Do all of you go to TL meetings in your stores? Are you treated like the rest of the team leaders?
Our PMT is always expected to be at the TL meetings, and we make sure the team knows that he is indeed a leader. With the modernization going on, under the new op model the name of the position is supposedly changing to PML, the L being for lead.
Anyone ever installed yammer on your own personal device, like a cell phone?
Anyone ever installed yammer on your own personal device, like a cell phone?

I probably could but won’t. Most PMTs I work with and the ones on this board see it as a cess-pool most of the time. It’s literally the same 12 guys trying to look good for HQ and show each other up and put others down. If you’re actually doing your job you’ll only have time for it on lunch or the last 30 minutes of the day. Lately there have been a lot of “shit on HQ” posts on there so I try to distance my self from using it unless I’m contacting someone specifically.
Anyone ever installed yammer on your own personal device, like a cell phone?
It works. It’s a generic access granted based of role not device so logging in on your device is no different than the iPad
Hey guys, new pmt here.. I just got my uniform through sap and I’m not trying to be picky as I will wear whatever is needed. But has anyone found that their pants are extremely baggy? I’ve tried two sizes and both are like this. I just want to come off as professional, and I feel like them being so big on me may look the opposite of professional.. Maybe I’m overthinking it?
Hey guys, new pmt here.. I just got my uniform through sap and I’m not trying to be picky as I will wear whatever is needed. But has anyone found that their pants are extremely baggy? I’ve tried two sizes and both are like this. I just want to come off as professional, and I feel like them being so big on me may look the opposite of professional.. Maybe I’m overthinking it?

The 511 BDUs are a bit baggy, it’s not too big of a deal for stockier people. Maybe try a different pant on SAP, there’s a few options for us.
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