Archived You ever break the glass in front of the pda scanner?

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So far (knock wood), I've managed to keep my happy ass from having to do that freezer stuff.
I couldn't ever intentionally break any of the equipment, but I have definitely felt like throwing a PDA or two. I wouldn't ever, and I normally am not one to just get irritated, but if I can't scan my mothafuckin WACOs and get these 5 o'clocks pulled, that's a different story.
Yeah these assholes never realize they fuck over everyone else when they do shit like this.. We can't get replacements now.. Well we have some of the zebra's but the ETL who does the equipment set up quit so now they sit in a pile on her desk and none of the other ETL's will touch them..
They are android tablets, all you need is the internal password and they will set themselves. Spot IT did the rest.
They don't let us remove them from the store.

Thats what you think. You'd be amazed what leaves and returns.
I’ve heard of people having the opportunity to be cross trained as cart attendant or be assigned as temporary brand attendant for a few days because of an “oops, it’s no big deal!” Attitude.

The real attendants love em because they’ll be doing the dirty work.
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