Archived Your ETL-HR.

Would you feel comfortable going to your ETL-HR about any conflict or issues you had within Target?

  • Yes

  • Probably not

  • Hell no

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My ETL-HR is awesome! She is in my age range, so she can easily relate to younger TMs and their problems. When she is LOD, she is always out on the floor helping out. When TMs call in sick, she will often text them to see how they are doing.

The only thing I wouldn't go to her for is the schedule. The HR TM handles all scheduling related tasks like a boss.
Our ETL-HR is on the STL bench. That doesn't seem right to me.

But she is super nice, always helps on the floor, changes my schedule, etc. But I would never go to her with a problem about someone. In fact I don't think I'd go to any leader with a legit problem.
^My old one was on that bench for years before he said "fuck this shit, bruh" (not a direct quote) and stopped caring. Then he left the company but I honestly think at the time he left he was probably on the road to a firing anyway. The "bench" is a lie.

Anyway, on topic, sure I'd feel comfortable talking to mine but I don't see the point because she's not gonna do anything.
I usually keep my thoughts to myself when it comes to leadership but I have gone to my ETL HR on a couple of things. They're very nice, but I think they've started drinking to much kool-aid. 🙁 But yes, if something big was bugging me I would go to them without a problem.
One of our HRs had sex in his office; later we found out he was a stripper when someone saw him on a trashy "reality" show shaking his ass in the show's namesake's face.

Reminds me of StateofTarget and his ETL-HR story.

Given that there is at least one leader from my store on here, I will not say anything about my ETL-HR in this thread.
We've been through 4 HRs in my 4 years at Spot. First was bitchy. Second was awesome, though my faith in her was a little tarnished when my sexual harassment case was mishandled. Third was an empty headed idiot. This latest one isn't much better. I'm much more comfortable with the ETL-Log than anyone else.
First ETL-HR: Yes, he could be trusted to keep his mouth shut.

Last ETL-HR: Hell no. She frequently talked about other TMs business.

Current: probably not. She isn't very approchable.
First one yes. I'd trust get with anything. Prob why they pushed her out.

Next one was ok, she had my back a couple times but she wasn't very hands on.

Current one, nope. Debating the hotline after a serious safety issue was not handled when I reported a couple team members behavior...But she's leaving supposedly...
Looks like My Store is gonna have a new one as ours told me today that she gave her notice and is leaving Target all together.
My ETL-HR's a very nice lady. I've really had no issues with her and she brings a good vibe to the employees there.
One of our HRs had sex in his office; later we found out he was a stripper when someone saw him on a trashy "reality" show shaking his ass in the show's namesake's face.
do you by any chance know the name of this trashy "reality" show... um, for, um, scientific reasons, um yeah... 😀

No, I don't trust my HR-ETL at all. Not especially after this whole debacle of me trying to transfer. She doesn't do her job. All of the ETLs just sit around and do nothing. The last one we had was very trust worthy, did what he needed to do too bad he was just a temp.
Our old ETL-HR was a trainwreck. She was a nice lady but HORRIBLE at her job and making schedules. Speaking to her about trying to change positions was almost impossible because she would hear me but not do a damn thing about it even when she told me she'd start scheduling me differently.

Now we're inbetween ETL-HRs and her temp replacement is great and her official replacement is even better.
Old one? Yes. New one? No. Thankfully she's leaving in a week. Considering target's track record? Her replacement will be insufferable.
I was pretty comfortable with my old HR- I loved her to death, she was so sweet and is probably the last person to ever fuck you over - only problem is she was best friends with the ETL-LOG - the one I have a major issue with and in normal circumstances would have possibly considered going to HR over - but obviously that would have done me no good, possibly even some harm. We have a new ETL-HR now, who I don't know all that well. All I know is that she will chase you the fuck down over a punch correction, and the one LOD shift she's had so far, she was pretty awesome. She gave me candy to give out to my team, made a fun Redcard game for us, and didn't keep us late. She just let us leave our abandons at guest service, whereas all the other ETL's would've had a shit hemorrhage and kept us two hours past close making us put that shit up. So, so far so good. But I can't say I "trust" her just because I like her thus far. That must be earned, and it's not easy to earn.
The HR my store had when I started, I would trust. The current one? Never have I seen a more two-faced liar in a position as high as she is in this company. If it doesn't benefit her, she will either say she'll 'look into it', or just completely brush you off.
My ETL-HR left a few weeks ago, but like the one before her, I did my feel comfortable approaching. Both had very similar personalities: dazed look, never able to do anything on her own, VERY gossipy. Luckily, I feel comfortable with my HRTL so I do have someone of "power" I'm that area I can go to.
I liked both of my HR-ETLs. The first one was okay and left you alone if you did your job when he was LOD. As for approaching him, I was comfortable. I went to him about a GSTL and he set things straight like the next day which was cool because I was this new team member and that GSTL was a senior TL. The second one is nice, helpful and you can joke around with her so that's cool. The first one not so much since he was a bit serious but a nice guy.
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