Archived Your ETL-HR.

Would you feel comfortable going to your ETL-HR about any conflict or issues you had within Target?

  • Yes

  • Probably not

  • Hell no

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I would go to the HR team member way before the HR-ETL. Our HR team member knows what is going on, will answer or find the answer to any question you have. But most importantly has more integrity in the little finger than any of our ETLS including HR-ETL.
The EtL we used to have, yes. She was amazing, really cared about you personally. The one we have now is too involved in mgmt politics and corrupt as all be.
I've had 3 hrs in my 4ish years.
First one was absolutely awesome, so much so, she is now a stl.
The second one was a gossiping, backstabbing liar. We all hated her after she showed her true colors. She has "moved on to other opportunities ". A week later we found out she was black mailing team members.
My third one is probably the best etl I've ever seen. She is the perfect evidence that promoting from within works. She started as a cashier and worked her way up. She's always on the floor, zoning, working pulls. Pretty much she's the hardest working etl. Hopefully she gets promoted to stl.
I would feel comfortable I think anything would be done about it??? Hell no, my ETLHR is by far the most nervous person with power I've ever met...he hates conflict, thinks he's never wrong, always has to go to someone else to make a decision, and is always talking behind someone's back....I've been trending in these rants lately
The only thing that I don't exactly feel comfortable approaching my current ETL-HR about is about the behavior of some of the other ETLs. She is very gossipy, and I would be afraid that if I approached her with concerns about another ETL she wouldn't be able to keep it confidential. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think there's very much that she would be able to keep confidential; but most things that I can think of that I might approach her about I don't care about it becoming public knowledge.
Sadly I don't feel comfortable going to our HR due to being told that I can't go to them if it's to do with my TL / ETL.
Not comfortable enough to tell them anything important. They cannot keep a confidence and use sleazy methods to make their numbers.
I would go to the HR team member way before the HR-ETL. Our HR team member knows what is going on, will answer or find the answer to any question you have. But most importantly has more integrity in the little finger than any of our ETLS including HR-ETL.

I understand being more comfortable talking to your HR TM but talking about team member issues should really be done with an ETL or TL. We had some issues in my store with this. I completely understand going to the HR TM about benefits questions/etc but talking about issues you are having with another TM or person in the store shouldn't be done with someone who is also a TM.
Our HR ETL is no longer with Target. He was a little too "friendly" with a couple of female team members 😱😱😱😱. I love our HR TM member though, she is amazing and the nicest person ever. We aren't getting a new HR ETL until September when we start hiring seasonal TM.
I understand being more comfortable talking to your HR TM but talking about team member issues should really be done with an ETL or TL. We had some issues in my store with this. I completely understand going to the HR TM about benefits questions/etc but talking about issues you are having with another TM or person in the store shouldn't be done with someone who is also a TM.
I would never go the HR ETL about another team member. NO WAY. I wouldn't go to HR TM about one either. This store is like junior high, not even high school I have watched ETLs joke about team members, how they look, how they talk whether or not they can get them into bed. They take bets on who is going to quit next. And all of this can be heard at TSC on any given day. If you have a problem with another team member you are better off to ignore them.
The HR TM can tell you where to find information, benefits, LOAs, Retirement etc. ETLHR has No Clue, Zero. They can help you with scheduling issues, transfers and the process. We have had a few that needed the free counseling sessions (myself included). The ETL HR blabbed (at TSC about who needed a shrink) I went to the HRTM who gave me the number helped me make the call when I honestly could not.
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