I'm neither Pro-Union or Anti-Union, I'm Pro-Companydoingtherightthingsoemployeesdontwantaunion. Seriously though, this Union thing isn't going away, Target may have won this one, but it won't be the last time by a long shot. If they want to continue to cut hours and give more work and and give petty raises, Team Members are going to seek to change those things. Unfortunately, the Union Industry is the only thing that seems to have any hope. Unions have done a lot of good for this country, but have done equally bad, I don't want to say the time for Unions is over, but when Unions became corporations with a balance sheet to keep up, they lost the Members best intrest.
Target needs to seriously think long and hard about what will cost them more money, and I can bet you spending a little more to make Team Member happy, will win out having Target Unionized. And lets be honest, it's not food, pats on the back, dogs or little cards, that makes us happy, it's money. Make the raises worth some more, allow "Top Performer" raises. If somebody works harder and learns extra work centers, pay them some more. If a Sales Floor TM works a Backroom shift, pay them he Backroom wage! It's not fair that stores that are hurting can just schedule a lower paid TM to do a higher paid job. Those are the kinds of things a Union would try and change, but at a much higher cost then Target just DOING IT.
I really hope for a Union vote to win, because I feel that will be the only way for Target to "get" it. Maybe once they see what is done in that particular store, they can make some of those changes company wide and avoid having Unionization sweep the company. I for one agree that would be horrible, not just for the Company, but for the Team Members. I want the benefits of having somebody have "our back" without having to pay them, but if that is the only way I can get it, then so be it. I wanted to work at Target because it was the anti-Walmart, now that I have been here, I see it's just like Walmart, but with a prettier face. Target's losing all the things that made them different, people shopped at Target because there were helpful friendly people available. I can tell you right now, it is easier to find help in a Walmart in my area, and the Associates, in similar work canters, get paid more. That's not how you build "The greatest Company ever."
I don't want to see Target fail or get crushed, just the opposite. After I am through school, I would love to stay with Target and maybe set my sights on a Corperate position. But I don't see Target heading in the right direction right now, and even Investors are wary. I remember someone once telling me "Spend 1 Million to make 2 Million in the long term, or Cut 1 Million to save 1 Million in the short term. Which one do you think Retail Management will pick?" And that couldn't be more true.