Archived Your thoughts on a union?

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I guess you must be implying you feel the people on here do not have much experience or that some are acting immature? While those things are definitely possible, it's also possible that due to their upbringing, what part of the country they live in, who their friends are, their religious beliefs, etc., lots of things can influence how people think. Aside from that, I guess I see where you are coming from in the sense that I and alot of people may be bitter that things get better/eaiser for this generation when our generation or their generation weren't given that chance. As it pertains to some of them being supervisors or managers and therefore not wanting a union stewart to get between them and those the happen to manager could definitely ruffle some feathers. Regarding having lots of jobs during ones career, we have all had lots of different job experiences, some went well, others didn't. I can see that you seem to have had alot of negative experience in the course of your career, but don't let it get you down, they say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger!
Very well said Talan! I wonder how old the people on here are? They all sound like between 15 and 29. There are lots of reasons to cause people to talk against unions: They are members of MGMT or they are RICH or they THINK they did "their time" at the bottom, and clearly they haven't worked enough jobs or long enough at one job to find all the HUGE inequities that exist in big business and corporate america!
i wish we had a union , my father has been in one since he was probably 25 and is 55 now , wish people could see the great benefits of them, i would not have had a such a great childhood / life if it wasnt for his job .
Well Said cbullseye! I COMPLETELY AGREE! There are SO many examples of how Uninos IMPROVE the lives and environments for employees. They get them Cost of Living INcreases, reasonable sized wages, reasonable time periods to become Promoted, MUCH better benefits, in many cases, FREE health care!
i wish we had a union , my father has been in one since he was probably 25 and is 55 now , wish people could see the great benefits of them, i would not have had a such a great childhood / life if it wasnt for his job .
The point I was making with commenting that I wondered how old some of the posters were was because people who have lived longer lives, experienced several jobs usually have a better perspective and have experienced atleast one BAD time of employment, whether it was a corrupt supervisor or manager, or bad benefits/policies of the business/corporation, you name it. The long and the short of it is that MOST people WANT their employers treating EVERYONE with respect and giving ALL employers a LIVABLE wage, the Quality Benefits, vacation, sick, health, etc. Everyone in here knows the AWFUL treatment, conditions, pay, and benefits that goes with the hourly jobs. We should ALL want things to IMprove for EVERYONE so we ALL have a HIGHER standard of living, which EVERYONE deserves =) I appreciate everyone taking the time to read everyone's posts, and to sincerely feel what the poster is trying to convey. In my case, I'm just fighting for the little guy, which should be a popular action I would think =)
I am way pass 30. I am nohe At rich, ethier.
I completely agree redeye! The only problem is that without Unions, I question whether Corporate America will feel enough pressure to CARE about doing the RIGHT THING for their employees in the middle and bottom of the totem pole!
To be the "Best company ever" means caring enough about your team through consistancy in their treatment & not trying to eliminate the few perks they have while spending obscene amts on sports stadium naming rights & political PACs.
By whilttling away perks & bennies every yr, treating dedicated TMs like expendable trash, belittling them behind their backs for wanting to move up the ranks, being so far out-of-touch that they're ignoring what really MAKES a great team Target is opening the door to unions. And, while this past drive may have failed, it won't stop future attempts.
I'd rather not see a union. I'd rather my company do the right thing.
Again, since I have HEARD ALL of the calls to the Employee Relations Hotline, SEEN all the written complaints to the Let Us Know Program, [email protected], and the Best Team Survey, I have the FACTS on this topic, and those are that ALOT of employees are NOT happy in ANY of the Retail Corporation (I've worked in HR at Walmart, Sears, Kmart also) so while you and one or 2 others think Target does not need to unionize, you don't have the fact, numbers, statics, and cases that prove OTHERWISE. I'm not trying to argue, I am trying to make it known that MANY employees feel they have been DISCRIMINATED against by their Retail Corporation, and ALL types of discrimination and mistreatment: Wrongful Termination, harassments over age, weight, gender, race, sexual orientation, I've SEEN and HEARD them ALL, and it's ATROCIOUS!
Contacting the hotline without talking to your Stl or etl hr first, can you get in big trouble. Document all events, report it to your etl hr or hrbp to handle the issues.
Now back to our tropic on unions.
Rock, I am pro-team too. Unions have no place at spot as pitbull said.
I'm sorry to disagree with you Albusmc, but while you could be right about the poor leadership statement, since I've worked with and in the positions you refer to, I can honestly say they are all on "Kahoots" as they say, meaning, they always stick together, and NEVER stick up for the person in the team member, specialist or even TL positions. Corporate America TRIES to give their employees the impression that employees HR Reps are the equivalent to being your Union Stewart supposedly, but the HR is NOT in OUR corner, they are COMPLETELY doing WHATEVER they can to HURT the little guy and PROTECT the Corporation!
If any of you believe a union is the way to go, you may have poor leadership. Take it to the next level And stress your concerns to the next in your chain of command or your HR. Have faith in the exceptional company you work for, and trust they have put the right people in the right places to take care of the team. Sometimes team members believe life is worse than it really is. If any of you have had a difficult job at any point in your life, you would realize how good life really is at Target!
Miguel, I passed 29 so long ago the numbers are blurred. Wait, that's just my glasses....*wipes them off*
Point is, there's far more old-timers on here than you realize. We just hide our age well.

Miguel, our dissatisfaction is coming from experience of knowing what our company was. I LOVED my job. I LOVED Target. Sad to see the changes of late, but no way is my working conditions bad enough where I need to pay someone huge union fees to fix it. I still have hope that this experiment in promoting cheerleaders and jocks will run its course and the real experienced Merchandisers will return to running the company.
A little info on union dues since folks seem scared of them.

Union dues provide the resources to stand up for good jobs and benefits, decent working conditions and a better future for our families.That's why union members in private industry earn 38 percent more on average than than nonunion workers. They also receive 54 percent more in benefits.None of this would be possible without the strength that comes from the dues.Management knows the power unity. That's why companies try to distract and deceive you with lies about union dues.Let's look at the truth:

FACT: Union dues average two-and-one-half times the hourly wage rate. For example, if you make $10 an hour, dues are approximately $25 per month.

FACT: Initiation fees may or may not be charged depending upon the bylaws of the local union.

FACT: Most of the dues stay with the local. Dues fund activities that give workers more power at the bargaining table, in the statehouse and in the community.

FACT: The membership pays union dues to provide for organizing expenses, office equipment, telephones, training and regular administration expenses.
Union dues help pay attorneys to assist in negotiations, grievances and arbitration.
Membership dues also support research into companies and industries to gather information for negotiations and organizing.
It also pays for accountants to analyze the company’s books.Members receive information about the expenditure of dues money at regular monthly membership meetings.
The International Union publishes its annual audited financial statement in the Union magazine, which is sent to every member.
Local unions file annual reports with the U.S. Department of Labor.

And if you don't like how the money is being spent you can go to the meetings and vote to change it.
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It's irrational fear and exaggeration to think there with be "huge" union dues. Most people have worked a union job at one time or another, the fees are COMPLETELY REASONABLE, especially for all the perks and benefits you get from being in the union.
Miguel, our dissatisfaction is coming from experience of knowing what our company was. I LOVED my job. I LOVED Target. Sad to see the changes of late, but no way is my working conditions bad enough where I need to pay someone huge union fees to fix it. I still have hope that this experiment in promoting cheerleaders and jocks will run its course and the real experienced Merchandisers will return to running the company.
I don't see a problem with the union. I think it would be a nice change and maybe would improve service in my own store. I'm not too jazzed about the "script" Target makes me say if it was to ever come up. 'Well, this is my opinion...' 'What I've heard was they don't...' barf.. I'd sign a pledge card
Let me spell this out for the "non-believers" one last time, I'm going to be straightforward and clear as a bell. I have worked in many different HR and other classified access positions at ALL of the major retailers of the country, and for several other Big Businesses and Corporations too. EVERY retailer FORCES their employees to watch ANTI-union videos! That IN and OF itself says VOLUMES! Secondly, I have had access to Top Secret and Confidential documents that instruct ALL members of HR, Supervisors, and Managers to STOMP OUT ANYYYYYYYYYYYYYY signs to even ATTEMPT to unionize! THAT is why I am SOOOOO Passionate about this topic! While NOTHING is "perfect" UNIONS WOULD be MUCH better than the way things are NOW, that's for sure! =)
It's irrational fear and exaggeration to think there with be "huge" union dues. Most people have worked a union job at one time or another, the fees are COMPLETELY REASONABLE, especially for all the perks and benefits you get from being in the union.

What are you personally doing to unionize the Target you work at?
Let me spell this out for the "non-believers" one last time, I'm going to be straightforward and clear as a bell. I have worked in many different HR and other classified access positions at ALL of the major retailers of the country, and for several other Big Businesses and Corporations too. EVERY retailer FORCES their employees to watch ANTI-union videos! That IN and OF itself says VOLUMES! Secondly, I have had access to Top Secret and Confidential documents that instruct ALL members of HR, Supervisors, and Managers to STOMP OUT ANYYYYYYYYYYYYYY signs to even ATTEMPT to unionize! THAT is why I am SOOOOO Passionate about this topic! While NOTHING is "perfect" UNIONS WOULD be MUCH better than the way things are NOW, that's for sure! =)

Just wondering if you have been successful at organizing a union at all of the major retailers in the country except Target. I have to admit that I would be very impressed by your resume and am very surprised that with all of the experience that you have that you aren't one of the top managers for one of those companies.
The biggest issue that exists between why more Big Businesses and Corporate America haven't become unionized is Americans willingness to act as a cohesive group. There are so many people in America that are greedy and only care about themselves, instead of thinking of "the team", which means being willing to do whatever the voting majority of the union feels is the best action to take to achieve better pay, benefits, more vacation time, etc. When you pass laws that they people don't have to participate in the union, it makes the union alot less effective when fewer people join, and the unions become even less effective when you can't get employees to actively participate in their unions.
What are you personally doing to unionize the Target you work at?
Frankly, I don't trust any employer, especially big businesses and corporate america, the only reliable place to work is a place that is unionized or to go into your own business or to go into politics to make things more fair for the poor and low income.
Expect More, Pay Less!!! This slogan is a "Double Edge Sword", the executives and management expect to make more $$$ by paying the craft employees less. Pro - team, not anti union, what a joke....that's why they continue to force the "Kool-Aid" down our throats, don't dare complain,,,
I can tell you lots of storys of Safeway unions apple unions driveing trucks wrecking everything and still keep there job.
To be honest, I don't know that much about Unions and how they work etc. Like everyone else I had to watch Spots Anti - Union Video....which made me think ok..Spot is presenting one side of the argument ( anit-union) so it was up to me to educate myself on the pro- union view points. I have read some about it online and tried to educate myself I have the whole picture.
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