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  1. Hitsugi

    To that one guest

    TTOG: When we can't sell displays, that means we can't sell displays. It took 3 of us to tell you this! Stop assuming that our baby monitors have the bells and whistles. We assure you... It's empty.
  2. Hitsugi

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM: You are an LOD! Act like it! Don't say crap about me behind my back if you are unhappy with my work ethic! Be a man and tell me what you don't like, and be specific! I can't read your mind, and I won't take your seriously if you act like a child! This isn't high school sweetheart. This is...
  3. Hitsugi

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM: You have berated me, and my fellow co workers for the last time! We are sick of you as a team lead! We have tried talking to other Team Leads but they just brush us off. So now, we had to resort to the hotline. Sorry. But we had to take it over your head. We will not be berated, Talked...
  4. Hitsugi

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM: I don't know what it is. But you are a bitch towards specifically me, and friendly to everyone else. How about instead of being a cunt about it... You tell me what I did to make you so damn pissy. Okay? Stop being a little twat and help me out here. I just want to make things easier...
  5. Hitsugi

    Archived Guests Say the Darndest Things... to bring her a Z-Rack. This elderly woman catches our eyes. She almost enters the men's fitting room. But we steer her away. Operator: ma'am! The women's side is on the other side! Guest: Oh!! Thank you. *laughs* You prevented me from getting raped! Operator and me stare at each other shocked.
  6. Hitsugi

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM: Thanks for going on vacation and never coming back. I appreciate all the shifts I had to cover for you. Thanks also for giving me a 14 hour shift since I was the only Softlines team member left who could close. Thank you. Really.
  7. Hitsugi

    To that one guest

    TTOG: To all guests. Don't put your crap that you are too lazy to put back, in my cart. Don't leave your Starbucks crap in my 3 tier either. Y'know what? Just don't touch my Z rack or 3 Tier and we'll be good. Okay?
  8. Hitsugi

    Archived OK...that was not expected at all

    Exactly. I'd like to think we have a more organized system at Target. We have people who provide back up and are quick at getting people done quicker.
  9. Hitsugi

    Archived Your ETL-HR.

    Well one HR in specific. He's a nice guy. The other HR is pretty rude sometimes.
  10. Hitsugi

    Archived Confession of Being a Target Team Member

    I sometimes sneak music into my ear at work, by putting it inside my shirt and bra, I can hide my head phones in my hair. No one knows the difference. But I only do it on the closing shifts when there are less customers. It helps pass the time tremendously.
  11. Hitsugi

    To that one guest

    TTOG: Saying: "I want Beats" with no indication of asking and rather demanding them... Will not make me get your crap any faster. You are 13, talking to an adult who works in infants. I am not familiar with Electronics. Nor do I have the keys. I'll gladly give you what you are looking for. But...
  12. Hitsugi

    Archived OK...that was not expected at all

    I get that one bad apple who is aggressive when they don't get their way. It's like a: "I deserve special treatment because I am a guest and I can sue your store." seriously, it's a pain. Like... Dude you aren't the Queen of the store. Chill.
  13. Hitsugi

    Archived Can anybody any TM write a Target Vibe card?

    TMs are allowed at my store. I don't see why it would be forbidden.
  14. Hitsugi

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM: You maybe LOD. But you are horrible at setting the example: LOD: Hey other TL! Make sure Hardlines aren't talking and doing their zones! When they talk. They are too distracted, and work doesn't get done! Other TL: Okay! Yes ma'am! LOD: (five minutes later is talking to another TL and...
  15. Hitsugi

    Archived Angry "Extreme" couponers

    I know it's not against the rules or anything. I'm just surprised people haven't gone to the extreme of marrying a Target Employee just for a discount.
  16. Hitsugi

    Archived Confession of Being a Target Team Member

    Only if you have a micro manager like I do.
  17. Hitsugi

    Archived Confession of Being a Target Team Member

    Oh my God. I would have lost it if I was cart attendant!
  18. Hitsugi

    Archived How do you respond to the people who want your help off the clock?

    I only help point to the direction of what they are looking for. Anything else, and they are out of luck I'm afraid.
  19. Hitsugi

    MEGATHREAD Target myDevices

    It also helps to be friends with one of the Sales Floor members. My best bud in the store is at the Cash Register. He always asks for my help on walkie when he's stuck. I gladly help.
  20. Hitsugi

    Archived NEW FLOW TM NEWBIE, need advice!

    Thing is, if you know you are doing your job well and other TLs notice it, then it'll be okay. I got it pretty rough my first couple of weeks, until I got the hang of things. I'm in the hardest areas of the store too. Girls, Infants, Gondolas and Shoes are usually my regular schedule. It sucks...