Archived Can anybody any TM write a Target Vibe card?

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Aug 23, 2014
I need to be sure about. Is it only ETLs, TLs to TMs? or TMs an also write them?
I wrote a lot as a TM; thanking the cart attendant for taking my tubs full of trash back after I unloaded an order, shout-out to the BRTM who took time (& a WAV) to help me rotate stock from my highest shelves, kudos to the cute young barista who passed out samples throughout the store which generated a surge in business, etc.
I generally write at least 3 a week. Like, if you have done anything to help me or have been extraordinarily nice to me or a guest, you're getting a card. There's not enough recognition in the stores, so I try to give a shout-out to everybody at some point or another.
I write one every time a team member calls out someone that's a legitimate AP issue. I don't discourage people from calling me even if it turns out to be nothing,because I want everyoneto be comfortable calling me when they need it,but I definitely reward those who make good call outs.
For awhile they were making each of us write a minimum of one per day.
We actually had a contest at our store to see who could write the most vibe cards in a month. I lost cause I'm lazy and I gave all my recognition at the huddle. Literally they would have to cut me off at a certain point cause if they didn't I would recognize people for days.
Anybody can write them. I write then all the time. Although I've slipped lately. It's important to write a couple a month, as yearly reviews they like to bring it up if you don't write them.
I think the vibe card thing is totally silly and a waste of ink and paper.

I wonder how many other businesses do this?
We actually had a contest at our store to see who could write the most vibe cards in a month. I lost cause I'm lazy and I gave all my recognition at the huddle. Literally they would have to cut me off at a certain point cause if they didn't I would recognize people for days.

We had a contest to see if we could write 1,000 cards in a month for a store pizza party. No pizza :-(
I've written a few and put them up on the Vibe card wall, but I've noticed those not written by team leads seem to mysteriously disappear so I've just started writing them down and handing them to the TM instead.
TMs are allowed at my store. I don't see why it would be forbidden.
I've written a few and put them up on the Vibe card wall, but I've noticed those not written by team leads seem to mysteriously disappear so I've just started writing them down and handing them to the TM instead.

That happened the first few times I wrote a Vibe card, so I stopped for awhile and then said, "fuck it, who cares" and started writing them again for people who deserved them. They stayed up. No idea why.
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