Archived Your ETL-HR.

Would you feel comfortable going to your ETL-HR about any conflict or issues you had within Target?

  • Yes

  • Probably not

  • Hell no

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Green side?
Jul 5, 2015
This came up in chat and I got really interested in how comfortable TMS actually feel with their HR. Please answer truthfully.
I definitely was comfortable going to my old ETL-HR. She was very nice with any issues I had. I haven't even met the new ETL-HR at our store yet.
old etl-hr .. could talk to her about anything. new one .. hell no. she is such a bimbo and just sits in her office all day, she is very unapproachable.
Gonna have to share some of these same sentiments. My ETL-HR is very much looking for a future career with corporate as he makes it clear that's all he's interested in protecting. You, the team member, are just another cog in the corporate machine to him. He is literally the reason people despise HR: he pretends to be friendly but once you get him behind closed doors, his second face shows and he throws the book at you. I'd rather talk to the DTL than either the ETL-HR & STL about any grievances I have.
I would not feel comfortable going to my HR/etl about anything . I know for a fact that tms in my store have gone to him with issues...he turns around and not only tells what they said...but who said it as well. We haven't had a decent Hr/etl in years and years
I don't think I have said 10 words total to the ETL-HR at my store. and I kinda hope she doesn't even know my name.
They are there to protect the interests of the corporation i.e. to nip potential lawsuits in the bud
This is why they're supposed to have an open door policy and be willing to listen to any TMs concerns with respect. This is why theyre supposed to be different than any other ETL. They want to tend to situations before they escalate to lawsuits correct? They want to foster a safe and open place to speak your concerns so that you don't go above them and sue! Some of your HR ETLs are doing this completely wrong. '"Now Firing" our ETL HR please' is what I would be saying if I were you.
I'll go to (and have for schedule issues) to our HR-TM long before the ETL-HR. Mostly because I see the TM waaaaaaay more often then our ETL who is almost never around for opening shifts (big problem when you work flow) and I'm pretty sure takes a week off once a month. So they're this mostly stranger who I'm not quite sure if they know what they're doing. Previous ETL-HR was a bit overbearing at times (so much singing...) but was pretty visible and seemed approachable and competent.
All he/she would say is "I'll take care of it" and then do nothing.
Probably not honestly. They're cool, but honestly I wouldn't approach them with any issues unless I thought it really pressing.
Nope, she's a snake in the grass. With how two faced and condescending she is to most team members, I have no desire to speak to her regardless of the reason. She may be kind to me, but that's irrelevant if she's downing other team members for silly reasons.
Well one HR in specific. He's a nice guy. The other HR is pretty rude sometimes.
I would talk with mine in a Heartbeat. Her door is always open. She is a sweetheart. Plus on her LOD shifts she is always out helping out on the floor, zoning, working on CAF's and even jumping on a register for back up calls
No. The current ETL HR in my store is a trustworthy person, however the one we had before was continuously under investigation for discrimination, openly bragged about how many team members they fired, intentionally humiliated team members on the sales floor while the store was open, denying medical leave for specific team members with scheduled surgery but not others, and often lied back and forth for their self serving purposes. Despite this, despite being investigated many times, despite complaints and calls, they continued to a valued part of the district. That changed my perception entirely of the role and how Target viewed their HR practices.

Regardless of this, in my retail experience I still believe that Target generally is better to it's employees than many other companies. I just don't trust the HR side.
I like that my ETL-HR says hello to me and actually uses my name. Yesterday, ETL-HR and ETL-GE (my boss, I work front end) walk past me. As they do, HR says hello PassinTime. GE can barely get out a "hi." Excuse me, I've been here almost a year...know my name. I am one of the few people who are consistently green for their survey scores. ..sigh.

So, for my store I'm Team HR.
Our ETL-HR was a dick! He had it out for me and a few other people. He hates his own life and would take that out on everyone else. Why would I want to talk to someone who constantly bitches about everything? I actually overheard him talking about my wife being pregnant and literally out of his mouth came "Kids shouldn't be having kids." Excuse you bro but who fucking asked for your opinion? He's a dick. Fuck that guy. Sorry for the rant but my answer is hell no!!!!
Our ETL-HR was a dick! He had it out for me and a few other people. He hates his own life and would take that out on everyone else. Why would I want to talk to someone who constantly bitches about everything? I actually overheard him talking about my wife being pregnant and literally out of his mouth came "Kids shouldn't be having kids." Excuse you bro but who fucking asked for your opinion? He's a dick. Fuck that guy. Sorry for the rant but my answer is hell no!!!!
Seriously. Fuck that guy.
I'm not too sure about our current ETL-HR she seems nice and approachable but seems a little timid. Our previous ETL-HR was the man, he was friendly, approachable, took his job seriously, I knew if I had a problem I could go to him and the open door policy was great!
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