
  1. Bullseyerc

    Archived Leadership and Christmas Gifts!

    Hi guys! Anyone doing anything special for their leaders in terms of gifts? Any leaders receive any Christmas gifts in the past from their leaders or team members? All leadership in my store pitched in for STL’s gift and I am planning something for my leaders and team as well.. I have...
  2. J

    Archived STL/ETL taking pictures of us

    my TL has weekly meetings to let us know what our focus will be, sales comps/planning etc. i will be having my meeting tomorrow. according to several other TMs, they are letting us know that our STL- along with our designated ETL (and other leaders)- have been taking pictures of us when they...
  3. F

    Archived Thank you, But no thank you, OK Maybe

    Can you pass interviews for TL position but not get the job? Like will they still sign off that all though they passed, you are still TL material? So I was approached by my ETL, SrTL, and STL about becoming TL. There was an opening and I said yes was interested so they immediately that same...
  4. Texacobeacon

    Archived Tech/Beauty Lead

    Look, I know some stores are definitely keeping the tech/beauty lead, but has anyone heard of them going away because they’re failing at selling and basically not doing shit except standing around looking slick all day. (Or this could just be my store?)
  5. S

    Archived Terms for termination? (longish post)

    Would over overriding a $900+ device to $0 be a good reason to term a ETL termination? Just knowing that alone the answer would be duck yeah but listen to the circumstances! The guest came in sent from another store for a contract phone promo (BOGO-free + $150 per line). Because the printer...
  6. T

    Archived Overnight Backroom TL vs Market TL?

    As the title suggests, recently offered 2 TL positions, but one is at a different store. What are the pros and cons of each TL position? Which one do you guys think is better?
  7. R

    Archived Demoting?

    Does anyone know if the process for demotion has changed?
  8. G

    Archived myTime/Kronos Schedule Edit Access for Leaders

    As a GSTL, my ETL-GE wants to give myself and the other GSTL access to edit the schedule and even write the schedule in the event he is on vacation. Is it possible for him to ask the STL or ETL-HR to grant us access? Can he do it himself? Is it possible at all? All I get is Maintain Current...
  9. T

    Archived Advice for a possible upcoming TL?

    Hello all! I've currently expressed interest in becoming a backroom TL at my current store, but, the STL and current ETL-LOG fear that I may not have the capability to properly coach TMs and hold accountability. I'm currently in a trial period that came with a pay bump to be considered a...
  10. A

    Archived Servant Leadership

    Do you think servant leadership is the best type of leadership? Why or why not?
  11. Planosss

    Archived Positive Leadership

    What do you do when ETLs have a rotten attitude? They don’t smile, dont say hello or hi. It seems like they have to go poop all the time. Can a TL actually pull an ETL aside and talk to him/her about their attitude? If not, how would you go about tackling an issue like that?
  12. BeautyGirl

    Archived Phone Interview for Team Leader Position

    Tomorrow I'm going to get a call from I'm assuming the dtl (I wasn't told) for a new team lead position at my store. My etl hr has coached me a couple times for the interview, but this was in person. Has anyone had a phone interview for a tl position? What was it like? I'm worried I won't be...
  13. T

    Archived Development

    I am currently a Hardlines team member for the sales floor at a target in Texas, about 4 months ago I decided I wanted to pursue being a STL, conveniently my Team lead went on a LOA and my ETL allowed me to inherit all of her hours till she returned. During this time i worked everyday with my...
  14. T

    Archived Backroom TL-What to Expect?

    I recently sat down with my leadership to discuss my interests in becoming a backroom TL. I’ve been a backroom TM for 3 years so I know the jist of a lot of the processes, but, what exactly can I expect if I become the TL? Moreso, what are some things to look forward to. I understand ASANTS, but...
  15. Planosss

    How to report an ETL

    How can I go about reporting an ETL thats making my job hard and not doing their job, loafing, not communicating with me. Should I go to the STL? Will he have any power over him/her?
  16. H

    Archived Questions about what to expect leading up to moving from TM to TL

    im currently a Hardlines TM. I’ve been with Target for nearly four months (not too much past the 90 days period). I feel as if I am a go-to for a lot of tasks and all last week I received good hours despite payroll being tight, but was given a lot of crappier jobs where I was working by myself...
  17. S

    Archived SEXIST team lead????

    I was hired on as a seasonal remodel team member. Our project is coming to an end, and a few of us have been selected to stay on, and we were told today where they would like to place us. I was told i would be on a 4am-12pm team, however I requested a certain team because of the hours, as...
  18. C

    Archived EIT (ETL-Log)

    Hello everyone, I was recently brought to the Target team after a few interviews. A little bit about my background: Navy vet (5 and half years in Logistics/supply chain management), Divorced, one child, and currently working on my MBA in Supply Chain Management. I’ve noticed that the person...
  19. R

    Archived Ship from Store TL

    Is anyone else's store creating a SFS (or Flexible Fulfillment?) Team Leader position? Ours definitely will be starting this Q4, but there are very few details about it so far. The only thing known for sure is that it will no longer fall under Backroom leadership and will be its own...
  20. S

    Archived New Food Team Lead

    So I just recently got promoted from a PA (FA) to a FTL. I feel the need to add that I am only 20 years old, with no degree. I started with the company when I was 16 years old & worked my rear end off & proved myself. I went from one of the highest volume stores in our district to one of the...