We recently got a new ETL-HR since our last one walked out after getting in a screaming match with the new STL. Our new ETL-HR has been here for about a month now and had her first close the other night. She must have been really anxious to leave as she hustled everyone out and locked up minutes...
So first I'll start with a bit of some background on me: I was a softlines seasonal hire last year that was kept on permanently. In march of this year I was promoted to a brand position, our other softlines brand person quit in April and since we haven't refilled the position because we don't...
So we all know BTS talks about recognition Soooooo I was wondering what everyones definition is of "recognition". Recently had an executive explain to me that they weren't made to say "Thank You" or "Good Job" when you are doing your job. I let him know doing our jobs keeps Target open so...
What's your STL like at your store? What do you think of them? We got a new one in January and he seems visibly uncomfortable around anyone that isn't management. Don't know much about him other than his cooking is really good.
He usually is holed up in his office if anything - which is...
So I've been with Target for about 10 months now. I'm in a sticky situation and don't know if I'm being realistic with myself. So I am a Hardlines TM and open most of the time. My SR. TL spends all of her time focusing on Softlimes and my ETL-SF spends most of his time in Grocery so that leads...
So tomorrow I have my team lead interview to be placed on the bench. My STL told me to keep in mind some team lead position and keep a top 3 of where I would like to be. I know that target reduced the amount of team lead positions a few years ago. It is at the point that I really don't what...
Now this post is not directed towards every TL, ETL etc. But why is it a constant I chat with everyone from all forms, (guests, tm's, TL's etc.) this is Always a constant cause for concern?? I would expect people who have no extra means of communication (I.e. Email, mailboxes, office...
Before anything starts: be cool, guys.
So the leader for my team is very questionable to say the least. They're fairly young, was previously our signing specialist before being thrown in as flow TL. Clearly they're not happy with the position, because this person went from being fairly laid...
It can't be bad everywhere! Some stores have to be performing well despite the exceedingly frequent daily challenges we all encounter. Post here if working at Spot isn't that bad!
I want to be a team lead. I'm global, with formal trainmen gin 7 different workstations. I show my appreciation for other team members and such. I also am recognized daily by practically all the ETLs and every TL in my store. I applied for GSA not too long ago and both my GSTL and ETLGE said...
Looking for suggestions about how to handle the pressure leadership puts on me. The other day an ETL was upset at me while working softlines for not checking in on the other tms' zones. Few days later and I came in for a closing shift after most of the other tms on the shift, and my ETL was LOD...
Almost every morning after the store opens, sales floor and executive leadership meet at Starbucks to plan the day. They sit and drink coffee for an hour, "planning". This just seems like a long break to the team and other leadership too busy to go. Does your leadership do similar things in the...
So I just got promoted to TL and I have a couple problem team members but I'm not sure about the whole coaching process. I was basically never coached as a team member so I really don't know how it works. If I'm coaching for performance at what point do I start documenting the coaching and...
My ETLs are horrible. Most of the time they are sitting in the office doing absolutely nothing on the computer. They are bosses, not leaders. The only time I see them on the floor helping is when my STL gets chewed out on a visit.
We've had a few tms transfer recently and told us just how...
Hey guys! So, to give you a brief overview of my Target experience, here it goes:
I've been with Target for about 2 1/2 years, and it's a pretty good job. I'm a closer, and I always lead the backroom team when I'm working. I do a pretty good job at it, we're in charge of: Pulling CAF...
Hey! I've been a GSA for about three months now and (contrary to popular opinion) I love it! I think it's a great starting place for someone like me who really wants to do more with the company and grow into more leadership roles. My only issue is I suck at Red cards. I mean awful. Most nights I...