
  1. livelovetoil2

    COVID-19 If i have tested positive for covid-19 will i still get paid for my time off?

    I am just wondering that with it being so late in the game with the whole Covid-19 pandemic, if I test positive for it, if I will still be able to take the time off with pay? I have had the immunizations, but I have been hanging around someone who has tested positive. Going to be tested 2moro
  2. RWTM

    Covid-19 vaccinations

    • Will I lose my job if I refuse the vaccine!? • What’s the deadline on getting a vaccine? • I thought this was the land of the free?
  3. R

    Need help on taking a leave or something?

    I might need to take a leave from work cuz my son is really sick I have called out 2 times already from work but I need more time off to get him well I was wondering how or who do I talk to about it I haven't hit my 90 days yet and still new to working there I haven't seen hr for a few days to...
  4. D

    Think they will bring back “Essential Worker” pay?

    With Delta and Lamda running rampant, been hitting those vaccinated, do you think Target will bring back the extra $2/hr for working through this? For many in our building, that was much more appreciated, as it went directly to those actually working. If you worked, you benefited. If you...
  5. O

    COVID question for hr peeps

    Just curious, if I come into contact with someone with COVID, is target still having people take two weeks to quarantine? I’m assuming they would be ok if I called them and told them this info instead of coming in. Also after the two weeks, will I need to show any proof of negative test before...
  6. A

    Emergency Time Off

    Sorry if this has been asked already, but I was wondering if I went in with a doctors note saying that I was out due to getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, will I be allowed to use the emergency time off? I have called out the past two days due to having a fever from my vaccine. I was unable to call...
  7. Dream Baby

    Will Target Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine? Is this the beginning of a trend?
  8. A

    MEGATHREAD Welp, masks are back again...

    If your store is in a "high risk" area, you'll be required to wear a mask. Personally, it pisses me off. I did my part -- I got vaccinated, and now I (and others) have to struggle to breathe in a hot and humid environment for 8+ hours -- again. Fine, I will be stepping off every 45 minutes...
  9. vyrt

    Another $200 bonus for team members

    Tgt briefly sent out an email this morning. Guess it’s something
  10. T

    Is This Something Worth Reporting?

    At my store the soaps in all the bathrooms (save maybe 1-2 in the main bathroom) & breakroom will go 2-3 days without getting replaced. Recently I asked my PML if there was anyway the cleaning crew could replace the soaps because I had noticed that all the bathrooms were out and it had been a...
  11. J

    With the Delta variant increasing cases, what percentage of team members and guests are wearing masks?

    I am surprised by the low percentage of team members and guests that are wearing masks right now. I am still wearing my mask and plan to continue for a while even though I am fully vaccinated. I do not trust my co-workers. I really do not trust the guests.
  12. L

    Covid paid loa ?

    Last December I took the 30 days vulnerable team member paid leave for covid. Is it possible to take a another one ?
  13. openmarket

    Cleaning Store for Covid

    Does anyone know when cleaning the store for Covid will end? My store gets 150 hours per week to clean. Just wondering since some people are only scheduled for carts and baskets cleaning now.
  14. TheaGrace

    Sick time?

    Hey yall. Slightly confused about my accrued sick time since I haven’t been sick since I started working at Target. I currently am sick. I have 22 hours of accrued sick time. What does that mean? That I can have 22 hours off if I am sick? Is it paid? I was under the impression I could only...
  15. T

    Calling in Sick

    I am only an employee of 2 months with target and no one has explained how calling in sick works. I have been sick the past few days and need to take a day to rest. Do I need to ask HR to use my sick hours? Do I need a doctors note? I am scheduled 6 hours tomorrow with 36 this week and my...
  16. Patty

    COVID-19 Covid Vaccine Bonus

    Hi, was there a 4 hour bonus if you turned in a vaccine certification? Was it paid automatically once you turned in cert? If so, is it coded on pays tub with reg work hours? I can't get an answer and I have left msgs for HR, but no response. Since we got that big bonus, I know I sound greedy...
  17. A

    COVID-19 I have a feeling that the lifting of the mask restrictions is going to be open to a whole lot of abuse

    Of course there will be guests that will say they're vaccinated, but they're not, and there's nothing we can do about it. But what really concerns me is that the wording of Target's response "will strongly recommend" that unvaccinated team members continue to wear a mask and that Target will...
  18. M

    Still wearing masks?

    I'm coming back from medical leave. I've been gone for 6 weeks. Are masks still required in DCs? I seen a post from a Target store employee stating they're not requiring masks anymore.
  19. Florida Dawg

    No more masks

    Man I am happy, Masks are optional at Target and I’m one of the small percent who’s not wearing one anymore. Love to see normalcy is coming back as it should. You love to see it. 😍
  20. S

    Will Target lift the mask requirement?

    Will Target lift the mask requirement or keep the mask requirement since a significant percentage of the population is still not vaccinated? I do not trust the customers or many of the team members. I am sure the morons who have not been vaccinated will try to remove their mask even though the...