
  1. L

    TL scheduled hours

    Does anyone have a Target resource I can reference to make an argument against cutting my hours as a TL? This is my first year/4th quarter with the company and I’m appalled. I understand this is a business and they need to make strategic moves. But it came with no warning (just that they needed...
  2. T

    I just had an interview today for the service and engagement team lead and this was my second interview.

    Today was my second interview for the service and engagement team lead position. I’ve been reading online that they give you a tour of the store. And I don’t know if this is just because we already spent an hour and 15 minutes in our interview and didn’t have time but I never got one. I feel...
  3. R

    Earning respect from my team

    I’m a service and engagement team lead and having a hard time with part of my team right now. Today, they blatantly did not listen to me when I was talking to them and it felt like I was talking to a wall. I feel like I’ve earned the respect of part of my team but haven’t earned it from the...
  4. L

    S&E TL to PML

    Would you take the position change?
  5. I

    Price Change TL

    Hi, I’m new to price change. How do you guys track and hold your team accountable with price? I feel when they do style they take longer. Which I get because the zone is bad. Also, do u wait till the last day to pull liabilities or do u pull as u complete an area? ultimately, how do u track and...
  6. graydot

    Rejected over and over

    I have around 8 years under my belt with Target. I was made a Team Leader less than 2 years in as GSTL and then SETL. I had to leave in January for mental health reasons (I have Bipolar 1, BPD, and ADHD, the reasons were legitimate). I couldn’t use FMLA because I had exhausted all of that...
  7. B

    Anyone’s coworkers dragging the amount of work they have to do? Then others have to be sent to finish the accumulated work? (Rant)

    Like they’re just accumulating work for the leads to send them help?
  8. Dream Baby

    Time Wasters that my TL makes me do.

    Zone just one or two of my departments aisles just in case we have a visit. Other TMs zone too but there isn't enough of us to even do the whole department. Pointless. PS My TL said later that he might have to zone the backroom room Wacos too!
  9. N

    How does your store handle TL coverage re: payroll plan?

    As a fulfillment lead, I notice a big difference in how effective I am as a manager, and how effective my team is when I'm scheduled as part of the coverage vs. not coverage. I've also noticed there seems to be no accounting for the time it takes to lead, especially with a 20+ member team, which...
  10. I

    Business leader connection

    Does anyone have an example of their business leader connection similar to the example of TL assessment?
  11. C

    TL Schedules

    I am wondering how other stores handle TL schedules. I have a team lead that has another job that has to be worked around a lot to make it work for them. However, we are supposed to have open-close coverage. Is it wrong for me to ask that this TL make this job a priority so that we can be fair...
  12. Dream Baby

    TL Swapping Shifts

    Is the process the same for a TL as a TM? I had two TLs try to do this but couldn't do it in the app. The only thing could I figure out is maybe the shift lengths were different.
  13. PeaceLuvDuh24

    New team leader who’s very clingy to team members after work.

    I have a new team leader who is very clingy to team members after they leave work. Is that against the rules?
  14. Dream Baby

    Becoming an ETL

    If a current TL becomes an ETL are they told the store and exact position during interviews? Suppposedly the ETL our store just hired "ghosted" us and never showed up. I was thinking it was someone external though.
  15. J

    Has anyone done the foundational(?) leadership program?

    If so, how was it
  16. Dream Baby

    Becoming a TL

    A fellow TM MIGHT be asked to be a TL. The last couple of TMs that were made TL were from our store or external hires. I did mention to her that she could be placed anywhere in the district in any department. In regards to the district how do you find out what stores are included.
  17. G

    Promotion to TL - Pay

    TLSR: When in the process of promoting to TL do you negotiate pay? How much room is there to negotiate? I’ve had the pre-interview. HRBP says it’s a matter of the opening occurring and me stepping in. realizing that talk could all be smoke, I was wondering a couple of things, when do you...
  18. Dream Baby

    How long does a TL have to stay in their department before reassignment.

    This situation is more than a little confusing. An external hire TL was brought in to cover another TL on medical leave. In the meantime another TL was terminated and that external hire TL was then reassigned to that job after the medical leave TL came back. Finally the TL on medical leave...
  19. Dream Baby


  20. Dream Baby

    Transferring a TL to department that didn't have one before.

    Does a store have to post any NEWLY CREATED TL positions before filling them? Our store transferred a TL from one department to another for an opening that no one even knew existed. Needless to say another TL is upset because no one knew about said opening. The odd thing is that newly created...