
  1. R

    A&B new Team Lead

    Hi there! Just got hired for team lead of A&B! I wanna impress my team! Any tips from experienced leads on how I can wow and any starting tips? I’m so excited to get going!!
  2. TLSpot

    Advice for burnout?

    Working through the pandemic has left every other team lead I know really burnt out and on edge. I have some time off coming up, so does anyone have good advice for resetting and maintaining not being burnt out as a leader? I know good routines at work, good self care routines, and setting...
  3. B

    Advice for new S&E TL

    Finally got off the bench & making the transition from beauty to TL for S&E! Any advice on the transition? Anything you wish you knew before becoming a tl in general?
  4. C

    Fulfillment operations

    Saw a couple target stores posted a fulfillment operations team leader job posted. Just wondering what this job is. It sounds similar to the food and beverage team leader job in the description.
  5. C

    fulfillment operations

    Saw a couple of fulfillment operations team leader jobs posted. Just wondering what this job is. It sounds like its the food and beverage team leader job.
  6. P

    Performance out

    I have to ask the hard question knowing that I'm severely lacking in this area. I don't know how to properly performance out a team member. I don't think any leads at my store are trained well either. We have a lot of team members that are pulling us down. And keeping them on because we...
  7. F

    How long on bench

    How long are you normally on the bench for? Let’s say a position you want comes up and you think your fit for it and so does everyone else in the store thinks you should get it except your SD what advice would you have going into the interview and what would you do if you where me
  8. R

    Audit advice

    I am applying to be a team lead and I was given a project. I need to come up with a plan to have the OTC team audit their area, they are super far behind and always claim they have no time to do anything but pulls and truck. I have some ideas but I would love to hear anyone’s advice on coming up...
  9. R

    Sales Floor Team Lead in trial

    I applied to be a team lead at my store and I have been put in a trail run and have to come up with an audit routine for the OTC area. Any advice on an effective way to audit efficiently. I have some ideas out I would love an actual TL’s adice
  10. C

    Team Leader Working Off Clock

    We have team leader on overnight who is getting more and more frustrated with her job. She is making us all miserable...she is working off clock to finish up stuff. Gets on us for not staying over scheduled hours so we can come clean. I feel sorry for her but now it has gotten to the point where...
  11. F


    Sorry I have to rant... I’ve been on the bench for a year... also I’ve been doing everything they’ve been telling me to do.. throwing everything at me even doing the job for a week and even doing the job why’ll they keep throwing more stuff at me well the position finally opened up the SETL...
  12. 1

    Chain TL vs Small Format TL

    Is there a pay difference? Higher rate for small format TL - more responsibility?
  13. 1

    Small Format TL vs Chain TL

    Is there a hourly pay difference between the two roles? More more the small format as they have more responsibilities ?
  14. D

    My first meeting as TL

    I recently became a TL for GM3. My ETL give me my first challenge on how I can make my routine into a walk and I'm kinda clueless because I used to be a DBO for Domestics. Honestly, I don't know how to start and I really want a good start.
  15. BullseyeBabe

    Closing Team Lead

    Is this position going away company wide? We’re being told all TLs have to be key carriers and open and close the store.
  16. D

    Bench interview prep

    Hello all! For the past 7-8 months I have been developing for a TL position and have been in the "pipeline" at my store. After the holidays my SD and HR ETL said they wanted to get me on our store's bench for future placement, and my first interview is at the end of this month. I'm a little...
  17. L

    TL Position

    How long from doing a TL interview will I know if I got the position and when do I start training from there?
  18. L

    I might become a TL

    So can anyone give me insight on what to expect during and after Team Lead interviews are done? Long story short I’m in development and I have my first interview in March. I’ve been prepping questions for the last few months and I’m ready to not be a TM anymore. So how long from the interview if...
  19. B


    Does Target, in 2021, require a physical when promoting from Team Member to Team Lead?
  20. N

    SETL routines, got my first coaching

    At my store, the SETLs spend most of their day helping each front of store area. Covering breaks, hopping in drive-ups, jumping on lanes, backing up the desk. Last week, I got ripped in front of the checklanes by the SD for not being out in front more. The line had backed up while I was away...