
  1. N

    SETL routines, got my first coaching

    At my store, the SETLs spend most of their day helping each front of store area. Covering breaks, hopping in drive-ups, jumping on lanes, backing up the desk. Last week, I got ripped in front of the checklanes by the SD for not being out in front more. The line had backed up while I was away...
  2. E

    My TL is abusing his power, what can I do?

    I joined the Target family last year, I joined fulfillment and have been overworked since August. Going into Christmas my TL started dating another team member(while married with kids) that works in fulfillment, they were caught having sex in the bathroom, they consistently come back to work...
  3. A

    No LOD

    Sometimes it's too many "leads".... you'll never hear", LOD , do you copy" over channel 1. No way. We just be calling out names if we need some one
  4. F

    Beauty and Tech vs Service and Engagement TL

    So we might be having a beauty/tech TL and a SETL position open come the end of this month and I’m on the bench... just wondering what would be the less stress of the two SETL or Beauty/Tech TL I am upfront now just looking for opinions thanks!
  5. N

    New GSTL, howdy

    Hi all. I found this place while googling and it seems like a nice vibe. Quick rundown that should be vague enough: I'm no longer in my 20's, I'm from the west coast, and was recently promoted in-store after a year working GS, to GSTL. I love the job so far and my username is hopefully accurate...
  6. 1

    Beauty/tech Tl

    For those who still have this role in your store . What are some of the routines and responsibilities are a beauty and tech tl
  7. F

    Transferring into a Lead Position

    How hard is it to transfer to a different store a new store opening? How does that work do you have to talk to your HR first and the other store or just to your HR/TL about transferring... I’m on the bench at my store and they’re no Leads opening... any suggestions??
  8. KillerTL

    New SFS TL

    I will be taking over next week. What are the biggest challenges to leading this team? Any tips or advice on building a routine? Thanks in advance.
  9. NKG

    Returning as TL

    I am not thinking of doing it soon but let's say I wanted to come back as a TL. What advice do you have to do so? I mean I've seen ETLs quit and come back.
  10. Calico Tapeworm

    Is GSTL role physically strenuous?

    Happy Hollidays Everyone! I’ve recently been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. Not a lot can be done other than losing weight, exercising and not lifting heavy items (like lifting boxes/repacks while pushing truck). I’m currently on the sales floor as a TM who pushes truck and sets all...
  11. KillerTL

    GM role change

    So I am about to come back to my store from an LOA. My ETL called me and ask if I would be interested in taking over SFS (currently I am GMTL over Toys, SG, Sea etc.) He said they were wanting to move people around to make things better for everyone. I welcome the challenge, I have been...
  12. Dream Baby

    Complaint against a TL

    I had some health problems in March (Non-Covid) that limits my ability to move heavy things. About a month ago a TL made light of my condition but I shrugged it off. I don't directly report to that TL usually. However last weekend he made ANOTHER similar comment. I was livid. I complained to...
  13. F

    Team Lead

    How many times does it take for a team Lead to be fired if they call out 3-4 times a wk shown up 2 hours late not once but twice in less then a month how long before he gets fired just curious
  14. A

    Scared to speak up to SFS TL

    Hi, so I’m just a TM. I’ve been at my store for almost 1.5yrs and in SFS the entire time. A couple months ago our TL was having issues with TMs who were acting as a TL and pissing a lot of people off, so she started picking certain people to be pacesetters. I am one of them, as I work nights and...
  15. Unleashed Dog

    Sudden rise in GM-ETL promotions?

    Has this been happening else where? There’s like 4 that got promoted from TL that past couple months in my district. And a lot of these guys are going into support roles for stores that already have GM-ETLs. Any idea why it could be? One guess I have is a lot of stores’ sales have increased...
  16. M

    is it worth it?

  17. Q

    Verbal Job Offer

    A Lead Executive Recruiter passed my information along to a nearby store and I was contacted for an interview. Yesterday (11/3) the store contacted me and extended a position, however I still have to go on the website to apply since the recruiter gave them my information and I should receive an...
  18. M


  19. M

    New TL and Ready to Quit

    I’m a new team lead for Domestics and I’m ready to quit! When I accepted the position and even during my training at another store it was NOT made clear to me that pushing truck freight was my responsibility. The upcoming workload of sales planners and transitions in Home Innovation and Hearth...
  20. C

    Anyone else an offsite TL?

    I’m pretty new to the offsite TL position, hell im new to offsite in general. I’m just curious of how much is expected of you? Morning shifts we are expected to do a full truck, (sometimes more)of pulls in 2 hours or less. Night shift we normally make 2 trips of full trucks of backstock. Plus...