
  1. R

    How to transfer departments?

    Hi all! I am a fairly recent hire working in the Starbucks area of my Target. I had previously been employed at a stand alone Starbucks and wanted to make the shift to working at Target in GM or Style. However, no locations around me were hiring in any departments except for Starbucks. I applied...
  2. N


    if you transfer to a place with a higher cost of living does your pay get adjusted?
  3. IHaveNoIdea

    When is a good time to try to transfer to a different work center?

    I've been in the Market and Pfresh work center since I started the job (last November), and for months feel like it was a major mistake and should have went for a different position. I really feel I need a change, but other work centers seem to want team members that work early mornings, like 6...
  4. chibichernikova

    Transferred to the wrong store?

    Hey everyone, So, I've worked for Target a little over 2 years. Recently, I had to move out of the city I was in to a different one, so I went to see if I could transfer to a new store in the new city. The thing is, in the new city, there are two stores not too far away from each other. I gave...
  5. J


    What’s the best possible way I can transfer to a store and find out if there are hiring because seasonal starts.
  6. S

    Reverse transfer

    Hi so I’ve been working for Target for 2 years to date. I recently got out of a shaky situation but it required me to leave my current target and transfer. Turns out that every single person has it out for me and I’m a quiet person so I cannot understand why they all don’t like me, and me having...
  7. Florida Dawg

    Moving to another department

    So I’ve been a cart attendant/front of store attendant for 4 months, Did my 3 month review saying I’m able to stay but somehow still considered seasonal. Who’s the best person to talk to about moving to a different department and what dept do y’all recommend? I’m looking into electronics and...
  8. B

    Transfer Question

    Hi, I talked to HR today about transferring to a store closer to me. He said that he can get me transferred to their store on the newest schedule. I have requested a few days off in the next few weeks, as well as have a paid vacation coming up that I have already been approved for. I'm wondering...
  9. Q

    Transfer question...

    I had a question. As school is going remote, is it possible to cancel a transfer request that already got accepted? I think staying home would be cheaper if school was online and my store already accepted my transfer to go back by the college. Is it possible to cancel this and stay at the store...
  10. T

    Transfer Denied

    So, I started Target at the beginning of March. Covid began spreading, and I lost a heavy amount of hours at my previous job which made me reach out and apply to Target. I got the job, and had a certain availability set to flex with my other job. The third or fourth week into working there, they...
  11. S

    Answered If you are under corrective action can u still transfer out.of state?

    Needing to know if you can transfer out of state when you have a corrective action
  12. G

    Answered Switching departments?

    I got hired to work General Merchandise starting at 4am a couple months back. I, however, hate the job. It's hard on my sleep schedule since I am not a morning person and pushing boxes around all day has me constantly sore. I also just dislike how unorganized the leadership at my store is. My...
  13. H


    How long do I have to be at target as a GMTL before I can transfer to a location closer to my school?
  14. seeyanextime

    Working in New Braunfels, Tx

    Hi there! Thinking of moving to New Braunfels, coming from CA. im a Sbux TL. Wondering if anyone would DM the top wage for a TL in Texas? or are out of state transfers easy into Texas? I’m not sure they would accept a transfer with my current earnings seeing the cost of living is outrageous in...
  15. E

    how to go about transferring departments?

    How do I go about transferring work centers? Do I have to talk with both my ETL and HR? I’ve been a style TM for nearly 2 years and dread working in style for a couple of reasons. I’m worried that my ETL wouldn’t approve of my transfer as she’s ALWAYS pulling me back to style whenever I’m...
  16. D

    Transfer dc’s

    Anyone ever transfer dc’s? What are the steps in doing so? If I’m at the max pay of the progression at my current dc do I start at max at the new dc? Thanks, any info would be helpful.
  17. M

    Transfer right after leave?

    Currently on an unpaid leave but needing a fairly quick transfer to a other store. Have to move due to partner getting a job offer. Will they let me come back from the leave and transfer?
  18. I

    Answered How does transferring work?

    Hi there! I made this account cause I didn't wanna bother HR so late in the evening and I don't work til Sat. So, basically I told HR that my last day at work was the 28th and that I had planned on transferring. Due to unforeseen circumstances I had to quickly sell my current house and am...
  19. Imjustheretoread

    I'm Lost! Transferring questions.

    So my hr leader is supposed to email stores in the area in moving too is there anything I can do? Do I call the stores or do I just let my HR handle it? I’ll be moving in three months or so
  20. V

    I'm Lost! Transferring

    Hello I just had a question about transferring to a Target near my school in Georgia. What needs to be do are there any requirements? And how long should I wait to ask to be transferred? I got hired recently and I’m not sure if they’ll let me transfer if I haven’t been working there long. Is it...