
  1. chaosaddict


    i got hired at a target in the city next to where I live and have been working there for almost 2 weeks would i be able to be transferred to the target thats in my city? how do I go about doing this?
  2. M

    How many Target locations have you worked at?

    I just got hired yesterday at my 3rd location since 2017.! I’m only 24 and have had to leave target twice for multiple reasons- the first is they didn’t keep me after seasonal for cart attendant, about a year later I applied for seasonal cashier and they decided to keep me (different location) I...
  3. C

    Going back to Bullseye

    Yo everyone! Currently on an E-LOA, moved to another state (FL to PA) for school, looking to transfer to Targets will possibly work at a store very soon. HR said transferring is no big deal. Apparently a lot has changed, cartwheel is "Circle" and there are some dumb ass prompts on the POS that...
  4. Kaitii

    I'm Lost! Transferring

    ok ik theres threads on this but i dont like necroing so ive been tryna transfer for a few weeks now i talked to my etl hr and she was like ok i'll contact the store followed up a few days later and she was basically like "oh you really wanted to..." and after confirming y e s she said she'd...
  5. bullseyeguy

    Transfer to corporate?

    I'm currently a TM at a distribution center and I'm getting my MBA soon. I was wondering if its possible to put in a transfer to corporate in Minneapolis. Is that even possible or ever done before?
  6. C

    Hell on Earth: Starbucks Cronicles

    To whom this may concern, ***if quick reading, you can skip to each set of asterisks for a summed down version*** Let me start off with a little background history. Hired 4 months ago. Applied for cashier but was “recommended” for Starbucks. Little did I know what I was getting myself into...
  7. J

    Local Transfer

    Is there any available team lead in the area of Fresno or Clovis, that would know if any positions are available for transfer?
  8. S

    One min too late

    So Friday I hit my 5th by one min apparently. My ETL said it’s documented now. I do have plans to transfer may or June. Will this prevent that? I only have a performance talk documented other than that nothing
  9. Y

    Changing positions

    I'm a current team member. Wanting a change in scenery and duties. What's the process for changing positions? Do I need to apply and interview for the position?
  10. bullseyeguy

    Transfer from DC to store

    I am thinking about putting in a transfer to a store from my DC. I heard that the pay you have at a DC is carried over into a store. If you do get a transfer approved would you be put in a management position at the store because your pay is already higher than most TMs? If I do put in a...
  11. allnew2

    Transferred last year but now ...

    Si some of you know my story when I was trying to transfer out . I’ve been at the new store for about 10 months now . So here is the deal my old store has a new Sd ( which he knows me ) and now he wants me back . My new sd said he wouldn’t let me go however I want to be challenged more and...
  12. Psyfire

    I'm Lost! Is talking to ETL HR a good idea for department change?

    So, I got through my 90 days, I've spoken to my Store Director, who told me to see my Lead in Guest Advocate and the Specialty Sales Lead. I spoke to both, and they're okay with the change. The SS Lead told me she just needs approval from the SD and GA Lead, who, as I mentioned, are okay with it...
  13. T

    I'm Lost! Transfer issue

    Sorry this is going to be long! About 3 weeks ago, I spoke to my Hr person to inform them that I am moving to a different state and would like to transfer. They confirmed all of the details with me including the specific Target I wanted to transfer to. Over the last 3 weeks, it has been a...
  14. A

    I'm Lost! Transferring

    Ive been working for a month and im trying to transfer, is it possible if i can transfer to a closer target store ??
  15. notfit05

    Relocating to another state as well as moving to store side

    Planning to move/relocate in January to a different area as well as move from dc to store, I’m aware for the most part of the process to go through however my question is how long out should I begin to apply for the position or positions I’m interested in? Any idea how long I would have for...
  16. Icekillav1000

    Archived Can I Transfer twice?

    hi, I just transferred to a target about a week ago and I’m really enjoying the store itself but the people and where the store is located not so much... I want to transfer to California where I’m from but I’m in a target in Minnesota do you think they will be upset that I don’t want to be...
  17. notfit05

    Archived Applying to multiple stores / multiple positions

    I’m trying to move from dc to store end of the year or first of next year my question is can I apply for multiple positions at the same time the area I’m looking at has several stores within my acceptable commute time or even apply for multiple positions at the same store ?
  18. T

    Archived Transferring

    If someone transferred to a different store but they want to come back to there old store can they do that or do they have to wait 6 months to fully transfer back???
  19. fullfilmentbeast

    Archived Transfer issue

    Hey everyone! I am done working at target at my location, my last shift was on Sunday and I went in yesterday to see if the transfer went through to a new store because I am moving to a different state and it didn't because I had some call outs and they're strict on attendance. Should I go there...
  20. M

    Archived Tranfering ediquette

    I am transferring store and was wondering if there are any tips I should know. Should I go in before my first day and see the store and introduce myself?