
  1. Struggler

    Answered Paid Time off

    I just back from a week of vacation and before I left on vacation I put in the request to get paid for the vacation. Now that I am back I went to check on the request and it still says pending, will it get approved before the paycheck or should I go speak to my HR about this?
  2. T

    Vacation hours

    So when I first started I didn’t work that many hours so my average hours are very low but Since March I became basically full time. I’m there 40 hours and from like December- late feb I would work At least 30 hours a week. I have so many sick hours but I still have no vacation time. I know...
  3. Dream Baby

    Vacation Accrual Rate

    How you accrue vacation is based on how many hours you work. However does your accrual rate go up after being there five years? I think I read that somewhere. Thanks.
  4. D

    Job change senority/mass vacation

    So, I'm being heavily recruited by my shifts IB OM to come to join the team. It is something I'm seriously considering, but I have a couple of questions I need answered. First, since I have a good bit of time on the team I'd say 60% are in yellow/orange vests how would that affect my mass...
  5. 25yrsandcounting

    Requesting vaca from home

    Anyone know if there's a way to put in vacation hours from home? I'd rather not go to the store.
  6. T

    Vacation hours

    I am a part time employee. I noticed that my vacation time, the amount of hours accumulated has not changed since middle of March. Doesn't this seem incorrect?
  7. A

    Answered I have a vacation soon, what do I do to make sure I get off?

    Trying to not be too specific but also specific: Basically, I have a two week vacation coming up that I won't be in the state for. It's been planned for months so there's no way I won't be going on it. I'm new to the store and have no idea how I would request to not have work for those two...
  8. F

    Didn't accrue any vacation time

    Did anyone else not accrue any vacation time this pay period? The stubs for Friday just came out and I have 40+ hours on it...and NO accrued vacation time. What happened here?
  9. S

    Vacation Accrual during the Pandemic

    I was wondering if Target has or will lift the vacation accrual limit at least for awhile during this challenging time. My store needs help. They are asking all of us to work up to 50 hours per week for OPU's and SFS. I'm willing and able, but I will hit my vacation accrual limit on my next...
  10. C

    Vacation not accepted but unpaid was?

    Two weeks ago I decided to use some of my vacation hours. I applied for the same way I've always done it at the store, by applying for the unpaid time off and then paid time off. I was approved for the week off and assumed the vacation was as well but now checking my payslip I only have pay for...
  11. E

    ETL Vacation Payout

    Hello Team, I'm planning on leaving the company after 10 years. Started as a Team member and worked my way up to an Executive Team Leader. My question is that I have 120hrs of Vacation that I have not used and I was wondering if Target will do a pay out? Im in Maryland if that matters
  12. D

    vacation hours

    will it show up monday? Using kronos app still at 101 vacation hours
  13. C

    No longer a team member

    Ok I only worked for couple months and I accumulated vacation hours, sick hours does the company pay you for that since its unused?
  14. S

    Vacation Request Issues

    I have talked to two dbo's who put their request in for time off and in mytime the request shows as "pending" for them, while no request at all shows up for the leader who is to approve it so it sometimes gets auto denied. Any suggestions?
  15. LiveatTarget

    Reading time off?

    Had this question for does one read accruals in Kronos? Do I have 18 hours and 49 minutes of vacation?
  16. S


    When do you start acquiring time for pto?
  17. P

    Using Vacation Pay

    I'm a lead. Scheduled 32 hours Thanksgiving week and 10 hours on Thanksgiving day. Can I use vacation pay to pad up to 40 for the week (my average)? Or will the 10 hours on Thanksgiving limit that ability?
  18. D


    I have a question regarding vacation time. When you are with the company six plus years you fall into the category of being allowed two weeks vacation. I understand that it is based on average hours. you are permitted to accrue an additional 50 percent for a total of 1.5 weeks. Are you...
  19. Kookie123

    I'm Lost! Paid vacation

    If you are still on the 90 day parol how can you apply for paid vacation. Also how do you fill it out I looked at the application but I don’t know how to fill it out
  20. S

    Vacation days on Thanksgiving and Black Friday

    So my orientation is this Friday (3 days). In my interview they asked if I could work Black Friday and/or Thanksgiving, I said yes because I was under the impression I had no other plans but I just found out my parents scheduled a vacation for us on Thanksgiving (a few days) and another in...