Is there ever really holiday "cheer" in retail? Maybe on the surface to the customers, but not really with the employees, lol.Morale is really low at our store. Hours are being cut midweek. There are pallets on the floor all day long. Zone is a thing of Christmas past. Reshop is hidden in carts throughout the store. Maneuvering the backroom has become an Olympic event. Tm's have no holiday cheer... just a sense of when will this be over.
Our store also isn't allowing overtime nor are we getting any additional cash for weekend work like last year. The uboats in our store are already piling up. Extra trucks and filled uboats from night before. Truck line people can't do truck until they push uboats from day before. So, they don't unload daily truck until around 11 or noon. Happy Holidays!When I asked about OT or any additional bump during the holiday it was met with a shake of the head & a shrug. We'll see how long that lasts as the uboats pile up.
It likely explains the exodus of TLs & new hires we've been seeing.
There's no enthusiasm this season like a pall over the store.
Cheer is from whoever is finally seeing profits from their retail business after a slow year. Owners and upper management, people who get bonuses based off profit.Is there ever really holiday "cheer" in retail? Maybe on the surface to the customers, but not really with the employees, lol.
I always felt "When will this be over?", or more like "Can't wait for this to be over!" is the default sentiment during the holidays in retail.