Archived 1 Hardlines Closer!?

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Service desk and cashier are in the same paygrade. @Nauzhror, does your store have iGS or do they just screw up the schedule every week?

It's iGS, didn't actually know what that was even though till I saw the question and did a forum search for the term.

Yeah, iGS is where you don't have an actual service desk anymore and the old express lanes now function as a checkout/return area.
Crazy closings....two weeks ago we had two cashiers, one TM in softlines (who also carried the store phone to pick-up calls) and NO ONE in hardlines.....except for our closing LOD..and let me tell you that hardlines was not his priority.
Cashiering for the last two hours of the day.....hahahahahahahahaha....oh, you'd like to check out? Well get in line behind the other 6 people waiting to check out and we will get to you when we are able!
Yesterday morning, the store opened at 8am. First cashier (me of course) was scheduled at 9am, and I didn't have anyone else until 1pm, at which point they were alone while I went on lunch. GSTL was cashier most of the morning with me as well since the only hardlines TM was the ETL, and god forbid he step foot near a cash register. Keep in mind this is a busy store in the heart of a tourist area. Too busy for how little TMs were scheduled yesterday.
We left maybe 1 cart of reshop a night before the new ETL took our smart sort carts away. And that one was rare.

Now it just looks like crap where guests can see it, and no one wants to come up and dig for their stuff. It's chaos and failing and we have multiple carts each night left. ETL won't listen to us say it wasn't a problem before...
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