Our self checkouts no longer allow PRE-paid Amex/visa/mc to go through. Have to go through a register with a real person. The scammers do not like that at all.
I wish the self checkouts would stop accepting coupons, including the target apology coupons.
As far as the check writing guests who get real uppity when you ask if they want to open a target debit card, stating, oh no, not after your breach. After they write the check, I process the sale and put the check in the drawer, I will hand them their receipt and act like I had some kind of revelation. I will say something like, Oh my, when you write a check, people can not only see your checking account number but they will also have your address, signature and phone number.. Then I will say, huh, I will have to ask security about that. That doesn't seem to safe does it?. Bye, have a great day..
They usually leave thinking, maybe using a check isn't the brightest thing in the world, and I think to myself, next time keep your breach comments to yourself..it's so hard to listen to you say that stuff over and over again. anyone can get hacked with anything - except cash. And even with that, if you have to much cash lying around, the Feds are going to be checking you out..
Big brother is everywhere.