MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

  • I like them.

  • I dislike them.

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We will have a GM leader who owns transitions as well as certain areas. We will have 4 presentation experts. So in a sense presentation exist but you also own areas and help set the big transitions throughout the store. We ended up one TL to many though so not sure if I will keep my position or be transferred.
I haven't had a Plano 'team' since remodel finished. It's just been me with one or two people for like 5 hours 2 days for full transistions and they keep getting pulled to do other tasks without the STL or ETL telling me. Last year at this time we had 5 tms on Plano everyday and we were always ahead. Now I struggle to finish the weeks work pretty much on my own while trying to get TMs trained on setting correctly so they aren't lost when they take over setting their areas. I'm hoping this gets better with the changes
I think with modernization I'm going to miss being a global TM. Tonight I got pulled to do electronics. It wasn't too bad and I got a lot done, but I discovered that I really enjoy the flexibility I've had being global. Some days I'm in middle, others HBA, and rarely, toys. I've also been picking up SFS/OPU shifts like mad (and I'm hoping that doesn't stop, but we'll see). While I'm not in softlines much, I can still help a guest with baby furniture or stop to fold a table during flex. (Only SFS...not OPU lol.)

I understand being an expert in one area. Electronics, market, and beauty already do that, so it makes sense to extend it to the whole store. I just like the idea of working in multiple areas so it doesn't become monotonous. The summer before I quit my old store, I was doing photo, price change, softlines, fitting room, and dayside backroom. I loved it (minus fitting room). You got to work with everyone and it was fun. It's too bad it's going away.
I know what you mean. More and more I'm feeling disenfranchised from the rest of the store. Working Instocks took me through virtually the whole store a few times a week. Now I'm in my area and really don't know much of what is going on in the rest of the store (or even who these new TMs are). When I do shop the rest of the store it is starting to feel like I'm shopping in a totally different chain store. After our remodel I have a feeling I will only have a vague idea where items are located in another area, so when a guest asks me about an item, I guess I'll have to walkie that area to let them know a guest is coming their way and hope a TM responds.
I have a question regarding who is supposed to pick OPUs and Drive Up orders under the new model. I am currently a SFS Captain and our team does them all during the day (in addition to our SFS orders.) There is usually someone scheduled at 430, after our team leaves, to do them until about 830 or 900pm. Guest Service, with the help of the GSA, is responsible for actually taking the Drive Up orders out to the guest. Under the modernization model, will we not have to do the picking anymore? Or is this something that is ASANTS?
I have a question regarding who is supposed to pick OPUs and Drive Up orders under the new model. I am currently a SFS Captain and our team does them all during the day (in addition to our SFS orders.) There is usually someone scheduled at 430, after our team leaves, to do them until about 830 or 900pm. Guest Service, with the help of the GSA, is responsible for actually taking the Drive Up orders out to the guest. Under the modernization model, will we not have to do the picking anymore? Or is this something that is ASANTS?
Same as our store currently. gsa runs the order out to the car but our SFS team does all the picking. But Front end will be taking over drive up and opu picking according to the new model. You will still have sfs and shpt if your store has that. At least that's what we've been told
Metrics are going to TANK if the Front End starts picking DU/OPU. They spend their time behind a desk with no absolute deadlines; I’d almost rather take the stress of picking SFS, DU, and OPU to at least keep the metrics green...
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Same as our store currently. gsa runs the order out to the car but our SFS team does all the picking. But Front end will be taking over drive up and opu picking according to the new model. You will still have sfs and shpt if your store has that. At least that's what we've been told

Metrics on going to TANK if the Front End starts picking DU/OPU. They spend their time behind a desk with no absolute deadlines; I’d almost rather take the stress of picking SFS, DU, and OPU to at least keep the metrics green...


There are very few front end people at my store trained for OPU. (Drive Up is coming...dun dun dun.) Metrics WILL tank. Will they keep the 30 minute time limit? And if hours stay the way they are, there won't be any for training. Hardlines jumps in on more than one occasion for OPU because we know the backroom. You're already "training" cashiers to be mini-GSAs, now we have to throw OPU/DU at them too? If you don't trust some of the cashiers with cash office/overrides/opening and closing lanes, how the heck would they survive picking in the backroom? AND IF THEY DON'T KNOW THE STORE? I can't tell you enough times people ask questions on the walkie that could be answered by just looking the item up on a device.

Hooo, that turned into a rant. Here's a video to make you laugh.

Does anyone know when interviews will be starting for TL positions? My Store Manager said they will be hiring 2 more TLs, I talked to my ETL more about it and she set me up with the HR-TL to get me prepared for the interview but told me they would find out all the details today? Not working today though
Asants. Depends when dtl can do interviews. He has a lot of stores to interview for.
I got a question but I guess I can ask my store director later but could not get it clarified in our meeting today. I’m currently a hardlines TL who oversees Electronics and two other areas. In the new op model I will become one of the GM TLs but when I looked at the reporting it said that Tech reports directly to ETL Specialty Sales. Does this mean GM will not oversee electronics at all?
Yep. Softlines etl gets it.
So inbound just unloads truck then goes home in my store they unload then push pp1 pp2 but if they don’t unload and are scheduled pp1 do they just do pp1 then leave very confused how this is going to work
asants. My store has a couple that unload and move to pog. And a couple that unload and push pp1.
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I've been asking leadership at my store if modernization will eliminate the need to cut hours every January and they have no idea. Even if I get a consistent 30 it's not worth it to stay if a quarter of the year I'll only get 4.
Hours aren’t “cut in january”. Hours are planned based off expected sales based off previous years sales. If you’re only doing 500,000 in january but did 4 million in December, of course hours are less. That will never change.
That CAN work, IF leadership moves a SFS TM to the front end.
Basically what my store did, and it's worked well. At my old store, they threw us to the wolves and between that and the disaster the backroom became, metrics did tank. And yeah, they'll keep the 30 minute limit.
Lots of people being shuffled around. All the flow and backroom and presentation and electronics TLs? None of those roles exist anymore, it’s more than just a title change, it’s a new role.

Hardlines TL also owning ship? New title plus added responsibilities sounds like a new enough role to me to warrant at least an attempt to discuss compensation.
Because the backroom tl who oversaw sfs now takes part of Hardlines.
Same as our store currently. gsa runs the order out to the car but our SFS team does all the picking. But Front end will be taking over drive up and opu picking according to the new model. You will still have sfs and shpt if your store has that. At least that's what we've been told

Everything I’ve read so far indicates that “Fulfillment” still includes SFS and OPU (picking OPUs at least). Isn’t that why some stores do/will have a fulfillment TL?

Right now our OPU picks are done by a back room TM (separate from SFS, but sometimes overlaps). The main OPU person was being trained for SFS last week. I wonder if that’s somehow related.

Geez, I wish we could get some consistent, detailed communication regarding all this. Some TMs are using the terms ‘Expert’ and ‘Consultant’ on the walkies now, but others say team member, and several I’ve talked to didn’t even know anything was changing. 🤯
Everything I’ve read so far indicates that “Fulfillment” still includes SFS and OPU (picking OPUs at least). Isn’t that why some stores do/will have a fulfillment TL?

Right now our OPU picks are done by a back room TM (separate from SFS, but sometimes overlaps). The main OPU person was being trained for SFS last week. I wonder if that’s somehow related.

Geez, I wish we could get some consistent, detailed communication regarding all this. Some TMs are using the terms ‘Expert’ and ‘Consultant’ on the walkies now, but others say team member, and several I’ve talked to didn’t even know anything was changing. 🤯
Front end won’t be taking over drive up. The whole point of this modernization is to be guest centric. They wouldn’t take away pushing candy and then add fulfillment? That would be insane and isn’t mentioned anywhere in the role out. Any store doing this is doing it on their own plan, not HQs
Hours aren’t “cut in january”. Hours are planned based off expected sales based off previous years sales. If you’re only doing 500,000 in january but did 4 million in December, of course hours are less. That will never change.

It seems like with how much they planned this out they would find a way to do something about this, especially expecting people to be dedicated owners now w 4 hour shifts. I know it's the 'old process' but in years past most everyone saw a slight reduction in hours come January but by March they we're back up. With how things are going, at least in my store, people are still getting 4 hour shifts and leadership says that's all it'll be. And it's good people too ones that we're getting 36-40 hours before. And yet we have 'now hiring' signs up...

Target I think will find it difficult to find a dedicated TM to work five 4 hour shifts a week knowing that come January they'll only be getting 4 hours a week.
During yesterdays announcement, all of our TLs got shuffled around and our food TL position got split into market and food service. We are going to use the food service TL role to develop a TM who has great potential. STL also said I was the strongest LOD we had at the store, so he wanted me as closing LOD.
The people on here complaining about not getting enough hours are the people who have an excuse when asked to stay late.

No one on our inbound team has been asked to stay beyond their 4 hour shift for 2 months now. If they would let us stay, even until pp1 is done, any of us gladly would.

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