MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

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Oh gosh, those cases are an eyesore. Why wouldn't they just put them in a DVD size case? Keeps the packaging from getting destroyed, doesn't look like an eyesore like those ones do, and generally allows you to put more out.
This was at another store.... it looked so dumb I had to take a picture. I’m at a pilot store for the new invue locks and cases. We only have two; huge and small

Yup, those are the cases. With the missing hard plastic hangtabs that would allow the pop socket to go into the case more. If that were attached, you can get the peghooks through both the product hook and the case hook and it looks better.
Thank you! Does that mean if I apply for a GSA position, they would just move me to SCO in the future?
We’re already to the point where there won’t be any additions made GSA wise, they’re all wrapped up under sales and engagement advocates. Supposed to know registers, service desk, and sco
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I know ours crashes as often as it works, thereby adding, not saving, wait time for the guest. When it works, though, it's my favorite thing.

We have the myCheckouts. I see them, but I never actually see them used...

Flex tonight told me he was trying to give up a shift for tomorrow (since we have Snowmaggedon coming) and it went to four people. I checked Kronos and it wasn't there. So I wonder if that's becoming a thing.
Yes, it will be non negotiable company policy.

Having said that, it looks like aspects of the role will be moving to sco. Open to close coverage, banking and closing lanes, responding to blinkers etc should be handled by sco in the near future.
I can't wait for the shoplifting community to figure out that, if they have a friend cause an issue at a checklane early in the morning, SCO will be unattended so they can do their ticket switches. 🙄
Not necessarily. I work at a small volume Target Store. Our current Front End consists of 5 long-time (We haven't kept a seasonal in like 2 years) Cashiers, 3 GSTMs, 7 GSAs (Only one is new; I trained them in like October), and the GSTL. We actually have payroll for more Cashiers since 2 retired, but our HR has been putting the spare Cashier shifts on the board for those getting low hours to take instead of hiring. Of those of us who have been constant, we've pretty much all done GSA work before. Just some of ours really, really like the title of GSA a little too much. 😒
Our store can't keep GSA's or GSTL's. Some of our cashier's, no matter the amount of training they receive, will not be able to work SD or fill in as a GSA.
Talked w my TL today for a good 5 minutes about the changes being made. Store feedback is being passed on to the district leaders and being brought to a regional or corporate level. I asked about why 'old' TMs are wanting hours but not getting any, yet they are hiring for all positions in our store. They confirmed that, atleast for my store, that they only want people who open availability, who will be trained in all areas, and are ok w part time hours. They will work w old TMs around their schedules but only as long as they keep under 30.

Asked why such secrecy and they responded it's twofold -one, responses from corporate weren't totally clear and two, wanted to talk to TMs during 'confidential' one on ones to prevent large amounts of TMs quitting at once. Their intent is to hire and train replacement TMs so the store will still be adequately staffed (with clueless new hires) once one on ones start and people start quitting.

It seems as though rather than address the reasons why TMs would quit w these new changes they just forgot about that part and went straight to damage control. 🙁
They confirmed that, atleast for my store, that they only want people who open availability, who will be trained in all areas, and are ok w part time hours.

Good luck with that when unemployment is so low. Might work in some areas that are struggling, but most Target stores aren't in rural, economically challenged locations.
It seems as though rather than address the reasons why TMs would quit w these new changes they just forgot about that part and went straight to damage control. 🙁
The higher ups have decided ignorance is more important than experience. I just wish they weren't being so cagey so everyone WOULD quit at once, lol. It's nice to hear there's a TL out there finally being honest about what they're being told to do, though.
I wont be working for the company much longer, a competitor hired me pretty much over night that's known for being a better work environment and saw all of the potential Target ignored for years. Better hours, more vacation time, overtime, bonuses, and all that fun stuff and more.

Funny enough a ton of people just after I put in my two weeks started doing the same, and many more are making moves to get out and just have not made it official yet. The store likely wont have any of the same staff in 3 months and will practically be unrecognizable after as far as staffing.

Corporate and its choices are eating the store alive and things are going to get real bad after the first wave of people are out, things barely get done day to day as it is. Basically all of our "All-Stars" that get all the hours and actually carry their weight and train are jumping ship in the next few weeks. There will be nearly no one with real experience left in "owning these areas" to train or help the new employees thrive especially since interviews have not been going well. The management left behind will be of little to no help in making them productive, they will tell them their role and maybe express how things were getting done and that's it.

The store is basically going to be operated entirely by new hires for months, and with my experience with that locations management they will give very little productive feedback and just crack the whip while giving them 20 hours a week, or maybe 28-32 if they are lucky. They will find their own system that works, or be pushed out trying.

The availability demands and terrible hours honestly pushed out the majority of the team members, most of the staff we have either have kids or other jobs. As soon as they pushed those changes through this month that nuked hours and demanded full availability people were put on notice to resolve the issue soon by reaching a higher pay-grade (lol), resolving their availability to fit Targets needs, or find a new job. Most of them at which point basically gave Target the finger and either put in their two weeks notice or have taken the following weeks to find a way out quietly.

Best part is, Target treating all of these employees as Team Leads effectively has just made them prime hiring candidates for other companies grab up. Target basically gave people a ton of experience, then tried to underpay them drastically while cutting benefits. They while doing this somehow forgot they do not exist alone in a vacuum, and they have in effect created a situation where they have given talent every reason to leave, while also giving them all the skills they need to come out on top in the interview processes in other retailers.

I called this months ago, many other stores will follow suit i'm sure. If my experience is anything to go on, corporate could honestly be looking at way worse than a 50% turnover this year and this could be a financial blood bath if they don't resolve this fast.
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We got the "y'all getting 13 now!" talk in huddle on tuesday. the new hires eemed to eat that shit up, meanwhile the rest of us are like "great, i get a extra 8 dollars a week, motherfucker". i see our talent being pushed aside and ion favor of bright eyed, non jaded idiots who are willing to swallow that shit up. on break we all talk about who else is hiring, whether they have any apps or if its online,. etc. and had HR even suggest good places that work better. we have a guy with a masters degree who is getting a lot of hours (by breaking the established and unofficial "work in your department" rule) but even hes complaining now. they want a store of TL';s but dont want to pay for it. like my grandpa used to say when he ran a junk yard/resell "you get what you pay for". so far i and a few others are "coming clean" every truck while others lag. in the old days they would have taken them aside and talked to them about their speed, but since they eliminated boxes per hour-theirs no official rule for them to follow and on top of that they use that "but you can do 45 boxes a hour a couple years ago, so you should be done in 3 hours". meanwhile there's idiots who have similar sized workload TAKING FUCKING LUNCHES. the double standards, hypocrisy, and damn near abuse of older TM's who know their shit is overwhelming. fuck Cornell and his bitch ass lackies. every day i have to check my ghetto redneck attitude, but each day that gets triggered more and more.😡
My store gets x number of key carriers. Of course HR can't have a key so that leaves 1 person that can't. Anyone wanna guess who that person is? 😑 I was told I can still do LOD shifts 🤣 As long as I don't need a key for anything important.
"So Brian said to them, 'Have faith in Spot. For assuredly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain of rolled trailer push, 'Be removed and cast onto the salesfloor', and does not doubt modernization in his heart but believes that those trailers will simply get done somehow, he will have whatever he asks.'"

Target 11:22-23, New Koolaid Version
ETL AP and my ETL said its our job to merch protect items as we push. I'm so thankful paper doesn't need spider wrapping.
To the extent that best practice dictates and you’re given payroll for. If you have 3 repacks of otterboxes and you don’t finish your truck because you were merch protecting, is your etl and the ETL log going to have your back and let it slide?when it comes to conflicting orders, I always priorize the lod, followed by my ETL or the STL, followed by any other ETLs. “Lod told me I had to do this” will usually protect me, but “so and so other ETL told me to do this” won’t fly. If my ETL and the STL are giving me conflicting orders, I’ll do what the one in the building said, and if that’s neither I’ll do what the one I’ll be seeing next said. If they’re both in the building I’ll tell the other about it and let them figure it out lol.
Theyre not idiots.... They have never been trained properly to handle guests and dont know sales floor process. Dont be so quick to judge. If you were asked by your DTL to tell him what is your margins on certain products, and other metrics and youd didnt know because you never had to know. How would you feel if he called you an idiot.
not once did anyone mention a previous flow tm being asked sales figures, we are talking about basics. How does someone NOT know where to find laundry detergent? or for that matter avoid guests period? you dont get trained to say hi to people, everyone has relatives. The point of the matter is target is shifting away from the old flow mentality and more social, its the only thing amazon cant do. For years now target has sort of put the "awkward and unsocial" hires into flow because it was the only place you can place someone, its like how alot of times we pigeon hole people that cant work a mydevice over to cashier. It's just soemthing that has to happen sadly and people need to figure it out if they want to keep working at target. Don't like talking to people? well im sorry we dont have a position available for that, the point of the 1:1 convos being done early was to give people time to think about it and figure if this is the place for them.
How's everyone's roll out of modernization going so far since April 1st? Being in the pilot for awhile ours is doing well for the first time in awhile. It started getting better for me when I just started making decisions for my department instead of asking what THEY want or how THEY want it done. Still worried about BTS. Actually can say I've been enjoying my job for the first time in awhile. That comment actually scares me and I know at the drop of a dime it can change. Either way Death awaits in 4th quarter no matter what.
How's everyone's roll out of modernization going so far since April 1st? Being in the pilot for awhile ours is doing well for the first time in awhile. It started getting better for me when I just started making decisions for my department instead of asking what THEY want or how THEY want it done. Still worried about BTS. Actually can say I've been enjoying my job for the first time in awhile. That comment actually scares me and I know at the drop of a dime it can change. Either way Death awaits in 4th quarter no matter what.
The big changes for us roll out on the schedule that was just written. It’ll be interesting.
I can understand why.

I own an area. I'm judged by that area, and that area alone. Leadership doesn't care that I helped cash out 20 guests, they care that I didn't finish my push, shoot my outs, zone my aisles, or locate my backstock. Those are the things that will affect my review/raise. The Guest Advocates aren't going to come bail me out with my workload when they have downtime, yet I should rush to their aid as many times as they wish despite being given 8 hours worth of work and just 5 hours to complete it?

TLs and ETLs should be jumping on those lanes to help out. Or they should be taking over for us TMs when we're summoned to the lanes. I'm a Dedicated Business Owner, and my business is GRC2, not cashiering.

well as a business owner your customers need to purchase your goods, guess where they end up? I really dont understand the stubbornness of some tm's. Since the dawn of time, every team members core roles since as far back as i have worked here (18 years) has had in large letters "you must be flexible and willing to do what target requires even outside your usual tasks" to some capacity and people still complain about target asking for more. Where i live Minimum is 8 an hour, if y our making 15 you better believe your going to do more than just 1 task.
well as a business owner your customers need to purchase your goods, guess where they end up? I really dont understand the stubbornness of some tm's. Since the dawn of time, every team members core roles since as far back as i have worked here (18 years) has had in large letters "you must be flexible and willing to do what target requires even outside your usual tasks" to some capacity and people still complain about target asking for more. Where i live Minimum is 8 an hour, if y our making 15 you better believe your going to do more than just 1 task.

Shit, I didn't realize our tasks were progressioned geometrically like that. How many tasks is Cornell doing? Or does responsibility not figure into the equation at all? 🤔
well as a business owner your customers need to purchase your goods, guess where they end up? I really dont understand the stubbornness of some tm's. Since the dawn of time, every team members core roles since as far back as i have worked here (18 years) has had in large letters "you must be flexible and willing to do what target requires even outside your usual tasks" to some capacity and people still complain about target asking for more. Where i live Minimum is 8 an hour, if y our making 15 you better believe your going to do more than just 1 task.

You have the same responsibilities making $7 above your states minimum wage as I do where our base is minimum wage.
not once did anyone mention a previous flow tm being asked sales figures, we are talking about basics. How does someone NOT know where to find laundry detergent? or for that matter avoid guests period? you dont get trained to say hi to people, everyone has relatives. The point of the matter is target is shifting away from the old flow mentality and more social, its the only thing amazon cant do. For years now target has sort of put the "awkward and unsocial" hires into flow because it was the only place you can place someone, its like how alot of times we pigeon hole people that cant work a mydevice over to cashier. It's just soemthing that has to happen sadly and people need to figure it out if they want to keep working at target. Don't like talking to people? well im sorry we dont have a position available for that, the point of the 1:1 convos being done early was to give people time to think about it and figure if this is the place for them.

1 on 1s being done early? Maybe those are conversations that should have been done late last year instead of now. No TMs in my store have had them yet and when I mention changes to them I hear about happening in stores on here they have no idea what I'm talking about. If leadership wants people on board they should not delay and try to keep people on the dark.
Where i live Minimum is 8 an hour, if y our making 15 you better believe your going to do more than just 1 task.
And here is the kool aid Target is handing out hoping none of us know better. I'm now making that much at the new non-retail job I just started, which didn't require any more education or special experience than spot did, and they're actually giving me proper training, defined responsibilities, a reasonable workload, and a non-toxic atmosphere. It's great if spot's way of doing things is what you enjoy--I did for a long time, up until I didn't anymore. But to those unhappy: don't think this is how all jobs will be, so you might as well stay where you're comfortable, like I did for way too long. At least see what else is out there; you hopefully may be surprised by what you find!

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