MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

  • I like them.

  • I dislike them.

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you can’t use the schedule to manage performance. (less hours for bad performance, etc)
Not anymore, but this use to be quite common to get people to quit without having to do the correct way of following up, documenting, or writing up.

I agree with you.

But if I know jack is a shit employee and Jill isn't, I'd prefer Jill to work more and get more done if they are paid the same. More bang for my buck.
you can’t use the schedule to manage performance. (less hours for bad performance, etc)

I've heard that before, but it's not how my store (SD) scheduled. One other TM and I had the most hours compared to all of the other TMs on the front end with the exception of GSAs and SETLs. I didn't have open availability (not available 7 days a week and only 1 evening available to close) and the other was available only until 4 pm. In fact, I was being scheduled for more hours some weeks than I was actually available to work and put shifts in the swap book.

I'm guessing my SD didn't get in trouble for it or she wouldn't have kept doing it. So apparently it's a rule that isn't enforced.
you can’t use the schedule to manage performance. (less hours for bad performance, etc)
Oh wow you really must be new. Because this is exactly what Target does. We also redefine core roles to push our ADA individuals, when in reality nothing substantial changes that reasonable accommodations can not be made.

Shall I continue? This company has become so hostile and toxic to its long term employees that I am amazed we are still afloat.

If the DTLs and Elune be praised the GTL ever came in and pushed the “leadership” out so they can hold chat sessions with us they would leave dazed and confused.
Up til now I have done just as much, some weeks more, setting as any of my tm.
But in the new operating model I am told that I need to perform as the now non-existent LOD would have.
No way am I tying 3 aisles or 7 endcaps and trying to work them while answering LOD type calls, conducting 3 interviews per day, dealing with any accident/emergency, knowing all current metrics/numbers/completion percentage of processes throughout the store and being on call available to walk any unscheduled visit !
Team.....i’m Barely helping cause i’m Too busy !
My former TL told me that when they make the schedule, they have to give all team members in an area similar hours or else corporate questions things.
Can't speak to how Market or A&A TMs are scheduled, but I don't think this is how it's done at my store. Might have something to do with who has which areas as DBOs, but it seems like certain former flow TMs who work our butts off, are team players, and really do know our areas are scheduled consistently more hours than certain others. It's not a huge difference, so maybe it's within a range? Haven't taken the time to really look hard at the schedule, just going by what I hear from TMs and over the walkie. I have less availability (because of another job) but get more hours than some who have more availability.
you can’t use the schedule to manage performance. (less hours for bad performance, etc)
We don’t schedule poor performers less hours. However, if we notice someone consistently posting their shifts or calling in we do have a conversation with them about how much they would like to work. It’s a curtesy we extend mostly to cover our butts. We aren’t going to cripple the store and throw away payroll because some people don’t feel like going to work that day. We had seven call outs before noon today and I’m at a ULV, it’s rough when the shit hits the fan.
Now I have a limited availability due to other life events, but I imagine if I still had an open availability I should be working about the same amount as I do now since I get the same amount of hours as those with an open schedule.......
That's similar to my situation although for me it's due to my need for availability during the business day for temporary (non-target) office work.
Somebody mentioned that these modernization changes are being phased in slowly so that existing TMs and TLs don't all quit at the same time. I can't speak to other sections of my store, although I've heard seen and heard about some of their problems. Our front end S&E seems to be adapting fairly well to the changes, and as a GA TM I'm getting used to the changes. ASANTS, it might be good news for how modernization might be successful and that our SD/STL, SE ETL and others are navigating this better than many. It also could be the "boiling frog" approach of gradually killing off bumping out the (old) experienced frogs but not all at once 😱 Who knows?
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Somebody mentioned that these modernization changes are being phased in slowly so that existing TMs and TLs don't all quit at the same time. I can't speak to other sections of my store, although I've heard seen and heard about some of their problems. Our front end S&E seems to be adapting fairly well to the changes, and as a GA TM I'm getting used to the changes. ASANTS, it might be good news for how modernization might be successful and that our SD/STL, SE ETL and others are navigating this better than many. It also could be the "boiling frog" approach of gradually killing off bumping out the (old) experienced frogs but not all at once 😱 Who knows?
MoDeRiZaTiOn works better in certain areas of the store than others based on overall workload vs hours. Allot of koolaid drinkers on this forum are saying it works for the front end so you just suck in doing it in GM. They believe just replacing the entire team with new team members will make the Impossible done, because its only not possible because a bad team members attitude. 4 hours scheduled vs 8 hours worth of work will never get done by even the most crack head koolaid snorting I love MoDeRiZaTiOn and wear red and khaki on your day off, skipping to the time clock target fanboy.
If somebody gets coached for following my instructions while I’m lod, the person who coached them is getting coached by the STL. My priority is the business as a whole and it’s guests, and that trumps any single department, workcenter, or task. Until they can handoff the store clean enough for us to have time to do anything that isn’t recovery, there are no non-recovery tasks done at night. I provide a store that is guest-ready, I’m not the truck and backroom fixer. Our guests don’t shop in the back, so that’s where your leftovers go when I find them.
In order to be "store" ready everything should be in its designated spot. If you find items and are putting them in the back but not locating them then you're the problem. Also you are both the truck and backroom since both processes play a part in the "guest-ready" horn you're tooting. For the record LOD left when modernization started. We're all one big "Leadership" family👍🏻
In order to be "store" ready everything should be in its designated spot. If you find items and are putting them in the back but not locating them then you're the problem. Also you are both the truck and backroom since both processes play a part in the "guest-ready" horn you're tooting. For the record LOD left when modernization started. We're all one big "Leadership" family👍🏻
I agree with @busyzoningtoys as far as closing the store goes. It's not a question of throwing things on a shelf without locating them, at least not in my store - it's a case of dayside TMs leaving their freaking racks and tiers out on the floor, half-filled with crap including their drinks, and often their radios and zebras. I always wonder how and why this happens - I envision the TM just going along doing their "work", and then looking at their phone and going oops, shift's over, time to go, and just leaving their crap right there on the floor and walking away. Drives me insane.

Why is it closing's job to clean up dayside's unnecessary mess?
If there’s an early morning visit and the sales floor looks like shit, they look at the closer. If the back looks like shit, they look at GM leadership. My team isn’t the one leaving unfinished work everywhere, so my team isn’t going to be the one held accountable.
Yeah, so do we. Along with STL, GSTL, and PMT. Guest Service constantly calls for Backroom as well.

It annoys the DTL on his visits. Sorry, the DSD*.
We actually do say PML, but I think that's the only one we use.

I have to say, I don't understand why they have done away with LOD. The one thing I have been really impressed with during my time here so far is how well the LOD system worked. At my old company they tried several times to institute a "manager on duty" program and it would fall apart in a week or two, because literally no one including the store manager wanted to be MOD.
then we’ll keep coaching until we have enough to terminate
You can coach till you’re blue in the face. It’s not going to up morale or retain employees who are good and know their worth. They just hired 25 replacements so they can coach them to a bloody pulp as well. I doubt that 10% of them will ride it out until fall, so coach away and enjoy working 4th q by yourself.
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I'm not sure what you mean exactly by "smart autos." I know exf fill to depths and backroom purging are a big emphasis at my store.
We pull our auto like usual. Then, each day we pick a new shelf in the backroom and scan each item. If the on floor and backroom counts don't equal the on hand, then we pull that item and fill the floor to capacity, update SFQ, then backstock any remaining. This is to take priority regardless of truck push
You can coach till you’re blue in the face. It’s not going to up morale or retain employees who are good and know their worth. They just hired 25 replacements so they can coach them to a bloody pulp as well. I doubt that 10% of them will ride it out until fall, so coach away and enjoy working 4th q by yourself.

i love how you completely ignored the context in which i said that to try and further your own (misguided) point

really cute

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