MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

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  • I dislike them.

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So, a constant loop of the same songs played in store?

NO thanks. Already go a little crazy if I am too close for too long to the tvs in electronics, right now.

That's my issue more than anything else.
I can listen to pop music but I also want classical, blues, death metal, hip hop, grunge, punk, alternative, folk, country, house, trance, riot grrrl, industrial, jazz, ... you get my point.
I have about 2 terabytes of music on my computer and a stupid amount of albums/cds.
Don't make me listen to the same damn tape every damn day.
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Question.....During our most recent handslappling, ummm....huddle, we were finally told of some of the newest changes coming up. We are now officially to be known as 'dedicated stockers' formerly known as 'flow team'. We have each been assigned our dedicated areas. I'm cool with that. What I'm not so cool with is what felt like a vailed threat that we are currently 'miserably slow'. In the very near future we will be expected to stock not 1 but 2 (two) cases per minute from our flats. Time begins from the moment we first touch the box until it is empty and placed in the cage. We were reminded that with this incredibly generous amount of money we are about to be receiving, if we can't keep up that pace there are people lined up at the door ready to take our place! Seriously????
What are other stores newest expectations in this realm? Two cpm just seems like an unrealistic pace to ask for hours at a time.....or is that just me?

First I've heard of this.

The whole box a minute stuff is not accurate either. At best, it is estimate of what could be possibly done if certain conditions are met. In other words it is a "wish". The reason I say this is due to all the variables that come with pushing freight.

I've tried to replicate several time in various situations and could never consistently hit the number. A lot of times your under, but by the time you clean up and take the residual over to your backstock cart, you've blown way past the box a minute expectations. That doesn't include clearing the floor or the occasional guest either. In reality, it's a poor standard to use and needs to be revised if it is going to be used.

That whole conversation is just bad form all together. If a team member recorded that kind of conversation and posted it on line, Spot would earn a black eye to match the red one.
I pull most of my sales plan batches, rsch, sfq.. its all time consuming. Plus re-work old product to its home location. One aspect not involved in regular pogs. Plus I have to find room for the clearance and d-code. Plano just carts it and moves on.
Having worked pets from before promotion and continuing to maintain it, yes this is what I do. It takes an hour some days. Some days 15 minutes. Don't maintain. Its taken alleast a week to do office.
That's my issue more than anything else.
I can listen to pop music but I also want classical, blues, death metal, hip hop, grunge, punk, alternative, folk, country, house, trance, riot grrrl, industrial, jazz, ... you get my point.
I have about 2 terabytes of music and a stupid amount of albums/cds.
Don't make me listen to the same damn tape every damn day.

Don't you mean every couple of hours. 🙁😡😱
You’re right. We might as well just all complain about everything and say the only solution is more payroll. Let’s not listen to anyone that says that modernization can work but you have to be even more radical than what the company is saying. Let’s just say they’re corporate shills and continue complaining and sticking to our old ways. Then next year we’re even further behind when the next wave of modernization rolls out.

Consider me done posting here. Have fun with the changes.
I appreciate what you posted. My store is one has also benefitted and it is working. We have our bad eggs. Still our core does do the work to get the hours.

The problem is as I have said. Visionless STLs, broken leadership in stores, befuddled DTLs.

Would our store be where it is with our previous DTL? no E2E would have failed. Same can be said with our previous stl.

This is the point.
First I've heard of this.

The whole box a minute stuff is not accurate either. At best, it is estimate of what could be possibly done if certain conditions are met. In other words it is a "wish". The reason I say this is due to all the variables that come with pushing freight.

I've tried to replicate several time in various situations and could never consistently hit the number. A lot of times your under, but by the time you clean up and take the residual over to your backstock cart, you've blown way past the box a minute expectations. That doesn't include clearing the floor or the occasional guest either. In reality, it's a poor standard to use and needs to be revised if it is going to be used.

That whole conversation is just bad form all together. If a team member recorded that kind of conversation and posted it on line, Spot would earn a black eye to match the red one.

"certain conditions" more like a bloody miracle happened and the product is in the right spot, the capacity is correct, the on floor count it correct, there isn't more of the same product just jammed some place because rando TM #156 didn't want to take the time to send it to backstock

Corporate is getting more and more clueless by the day. Mr Amazon and Mr Pepsi should be given the boot by the board but that is prolly hoping for too much or a bit drastic your choice.
Lazy and simplistic train of thought.
Let's just say (in theory) that part of Target's "Retail Evolution" would be to eliminate POGs completely, hence no Plano Team. Let's just say (in theory) that if we have "experts" in each department; they know their product/merchandise so well.... they know when to fill tee-shirt, fill socks/basics, fill the gadget wall, fill boxed dinnerware sets, fill dvds, etc...
I worked in department stores before I came to Target, and there were NO planograms, period. Product/Merchandise had a "home", so to speak, whether it's an aisle or a table, or a wall. But it wasn't locked into an "official" location. Also..... there was NO backroom "locations" for product. You just knew what you had in the backroom. Sounds ridiculous, right? It can be done; and it works.
We are just accustomed to "one way" of doing things. We feel like we can't function unless it's done that "one way". I think @sigma7 is emphasizing that there is another way to do things; and it requires change and open-mindedness from EVERYONE.

I truly believe that this modernization process can work. My only complaint is the stock levels vs salesfloor sq. footage is waaaaaaaaay off. We have far too much backstock; it's tying up our profitability.
what is your % of eachs in your br opposed to that of SF? the max is 23. what spot wants is 13. when we finished inventory we were 16 and got a compliment from apbp about how nice br was. He was in because of a string of idiots who keep stealing dysons and tide pods. Yes, I said tide pods.
If you have ownership over 1 - 2 departments, it wouldn't be that hard to know your backstock.
I know mine to the point that I can look at the offload when I come in and know what goes out, what doesnt and when the bring back the backstock can tell if they chose not to push something thats should have been pushed.
Former Amazon executive Arthur Valdez working to transform Target from elephant to gazelle -

"The work, other executives added, is fundamentally changing how Target moves products, so when a store sells one bottle of shampoo, Target can put another bottle on a truck within hours to replace it. In doing so, products coming in can then go straight to the sales floor so Target can dedicate more backroom space to shipping online orders."
Omg I can’t wait till a GSTM defects out shampoo like 10 times because the labels won’t print and suddenly the store has WAY too much
You realize what this would do to the SFS team don't you?

POG's are not going anywhere, In fact I could see everything given a "General Location" in store.
You NEVER want that. Why?
I had the pleasure of working in a grocery like this. In fact, if anyone you work in #19 or live in the Tulsa metro area, go look at a Reasor's. They run on general location and have no pogs what so ever. There backroom is so horrifying they have to do price inventory every 90 days.
I appreciate what you posted. My store is one has also benefitted and it is working. We have our bad eggs. Still our core does do the work to get the hours.

The problem is as I have said. Visionless STLs, broken leadership in stores, befuddled DTLs.

Would our store be where it is with our previous DTL? no E2E would have failed. Same can be said with our previous stl.

This is the point.

Our core of solid team members has been eroded away over the years down to a meager few by poor leadership. The next ones up just don't stick around or just do enough. This change is going to have a little bit of a learning curve to it and require a little knowledge of how things work.

That being said after what I have learned today about the DC's and the turnaround time, this modernization thing is not the solution to what ever they are trying to resolve. It's going to put a lot of pressure on LV stores to maintain profitability in during the slower times of the year (about 8 mos.)

It's more along the lines of "job creep" in disguise.
So two cases a minute now. So open the freight, get the flex or mis-stocked stuff out of the way, check for leaking product (looking at you del monte fruit tubs) check dates, rotate, help guests, break down boxes, police the noobs and take care of the unexpected. Is it a belief that if the pay is further increased that tms will be able to process three or four cases a minute?
Yes. Between my wages and tip share. This isn't the place to get into it but if you tip less than 20% you're making your server pay for serving you.
tip share! That is Widely unfair. The tips should go and only should go to the servers. Bussing a table doesn't merit me giving you a $ of the 5 I gave the server for their service. I hate places that do that. You want to work for tips work for tips. You want to work an hourly wage do that.

The company is fucking over its servers.
Former Amazon executive Arthur Valdez working to transform Target from elephant to gazelle -

"The work, other executives added, is fundamentally changing how Target moves products, so when a store sells one bottle of shampoo, Target can put another bottle on a truck within hours to replace it. In doing so, products coming in can then go straight to the sales floor so Target can dedicate more backroom space to shipping online orders."

Well this isn't happening anytime soon. 🙄

Our DC's are not configured for this type of inventory movement and apparently are not going to be any time soon either. 😵
Considering a one bedroom apartment the size of a closet in NYC costs about $2,500.00 a month you need that $20.00 an hour at least.
I have friends who own a 2 bedroom condo in Manhattan and they pay almost $8,000 a month for a thousand square feet.
They pay almost as much as I do a month for my apartment to park their car.
NYC ain't cheap.
Which is why they actually need a ceiling for the cost of living there. Just imigine if the cost of rent was fixed to say $2 grand max regardless where you live in the city. Oh would that fuck things.
A lot of the team I work with understands the “One Team One goal”/“All Hands On Deck”, but it’s those few TMs/Leads/Leaders that need a little reminder, but it’s EXHAUSTING. I sometimes feel like despite there being other Leads on the floor, it feels like I’m doing majority of their work, especially the documenting, observing, etc. Of course I know any TL can do these things, but if it’s a long ongoing issue, I don’t know why the respective Lead hasn’t done anything. *rhetoric* I know one lead who steps off to do other non-work things or doesn’t respond on the walkie; irritating how there’s double standards, hope that changes. I just hope everyone is open and ready for all the changes approaching. We need to stray away from short term fixes which continue to negatively impact in the long run.
ask yourself: If you promoted yourself to guest would the environment of the store change? If the answer is no then you are wasting your time.
To be clear and blunt, both of you have no actual experience in electronics. You have experience in SELLING electronic items in a retail setting.

Sorry if this sound pendantic, having actual experience in the building and maintenance electronic items is the difference. I can actually tell someone who walks in fro South Africa what TV to take because they think its a smart idea to buy one here. I save them from breaking when the plug it into the wrong voltage. You what voltage UK runs at or what the plugs look like?
Selling a sixty in with a hdmi cord, anyone can do. Asking the difference between the two total recalls, ghostbusters or Jumanji, anyone can do. Finding Passenger album or Iggy azalia anyone can do. Teaching someone how to build those actually Raspberry pi computers we sell and to suggest other items to go with that Target doesn't sell, is not someone anyone can do.

So stop patting yourself on the back. FYE and Target are no different than Walmart. Hell all big box electronics stores are the same unless you have specialized repair training. Neither Target not FYE have this.

Not trying to pay myself on the back. All I'm saying is that when I've been there for 4 years, I'm told that someone who just came in is referred to as an expert because of working at a store that had some similarities to the department, but my 4 years of experience doesn't count, and I'm an enthusiast? I'd rather not have either titles exist and I am not arguing the actual titles, I'm just irritated at the principle of it. What the titles mean, is that my 4 years mean jack shit. That is what bothers me.
I do not know everything about every electronics item ever, I don't pretend to. I have my weaknesses. Cameras would be mine. But, I know most of my shit.
Question.....During our most recent handslappling, ummm....huddle, we were finally told of some of the newest changes coming up. We are now officially to be known as 'dedicated stockers' formerly known as 'flow team'. We have each been assigned our dedicated areas. I'm cool with that. What I'm not so cool with is what felt like a vailed threat that we are currently 'miserably slow'. In the very near future we will be expected to stock not 1 but 2 (two) cases per minute from our flats. Time begins from the moment we first touch the box until it is empty and placed in the cage. We were reminded that with this incredibly generous amount of money we are about to be receiving, if we can't keep up that pace there are people lined up at the door ready to take our place! Seriously????
What are other stores newest expectations in this realm? Two cpm just seems like an unrealistic pace to ask for hours at a time.....or is that just me?
I'm the replenishment TL at our store for another week before I change to the Guest Service and Experience Lead. Does your STL let you see the productivity report each week. Mine does and we are consistently at a 1.0. Anything less is being more productive then what the company expects. Anything more is less productive. I went from my team being at a 1.25 when I took over to a .98. You want to try and hit as close to a 1.0 as possible. Of course this only is helpful if your hours are allocated in MyTime correctly. I bet if you ask your STL would be happy to share. This is much more helpful than trying to figure out CPM.
It feels like they already started doing this. Before this last ice cream POG, the last major change in grocery was the last POG rotation before Grocery Operation Model rolled out. After scrolling through my google images, it doesn't look like anything in grocery has really changed since April 2016.
The total grocery reflow was a few years ago. However there have been major transitions since then. Aisles have flip flopped (think candy) When looking at old adjacency maps you can see where an aisle totally reverses or swaps sides. Even though the candy all stayed within the valley it moved completely. Same thing with cosmetics last year, Health and Beauty, chemicals etc.
Revisions that are 98% change. Adding shelves or removing shelves which also means adding or removing shippers. 4 new products in spices mean maybe 50 items move. Of course don't forget dividers, clean shelves, update capacities,pull, push and backstock and remerchandising the clearance. I really think a dedicated POG team is much faster, much more efficient, more thorough and much better equipped to deal with the inevitables such as incorrect spacing, missing fixtures, missing signing and last minute changes.
Question.....During our most recent handslappling, ummm....huddle, we were finally told of some of the newest changes coming up. We are now officially to be known as 'dedicated stockers' formerly known as 'flow team'. We have each been assigned our dedicated areas. I'm cool with that. What I'm not so cool with is what felt like a vailed threat that we are currently 'miserably slow'. In the very near future we will be expected to stock not 1 but 2 (two) cases per minute from our flats. Time begins from the moment we first touch the box until it is empty and placed in the cage. We were reminded that with this incredibly generous amount of money we are about to be receiving, if we can't keep up that pace there are people lined up at the door ready to take our place! Seriously????
What are other stores newest expectations in this realm? Two cpm just seems like an unrealistic pace to ask for hours at a time.....or is that just me?
um that was our store in 2016.

dedicated stocking is the first step in E2E for HL. Its to see what areas need the most attention, who is the best and at detail oriented tasks. Also, 2 boxes a minute is 120 an hr. Thats amazon level and is unsustainable unless everything else is always running on all cylinders.

I can't do that and never I bet can sigma7.
60 is fine. 45 - 30 is realistic in certain area where issues crop up repeatedly
Our core of solid team members has been eroded away over the years down to a meager few by poor leadership. The next ones up just don't stick around or just do enough. This change is going to have a little bit of a learning curve to it and require a little knowledge of how things work.

That being said after what I have learned today about the DC's and the turnaround time, this modernization thing is not the solution to what ever they are trying to resolve. It's going to put a lot of pressure on LV stores to maintain profitability in during the slower times of the year (about 8 mos.)

It's more along the lines of "job creep" in disguise.
its a sneaky way to figure what stores really need to be closed.

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