Likely no profit is really lost. It's just redirected to online impulse buying, which is frequent. Target's good at generating it too. If they send out an email one afternoon highlighting an online only deal on women's shoes, today only with promo code SUCKERS, I'm going to spend the next hour or so picking shoe after shoe after shoe. Also, if someone has a thought that hey maybe they want something, they can order it online within in a few seconds before they change their mind or forget about it. Once someone starts ordering online frequently from Target, filling their online basket becomes easier and easier. Karen might have jumped online to order a new set of sheets, but she's also going to see the special suggestions just for her and oh yeah, she does want to go ahead and stock up on her favorite candy. This all works extremely well with clothes because even the gaudiest of gaudy Exhileration jumpers looks good on the model.