MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

  • I like them.

  • I dislike them.

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And in a tight labor market there's tons of folks looking to work in the middle of the day? The same kind of mid shift that most TLs loathe.

It's like they don't think parents exist. Most parents who were working here a year ago have left because of this crap. Even if you aren't a single parent this kind of schedule doesn't work.
Corporate is most definitely narrowing the talent pool with the way they want to schedule.

Must be why we now have evergreen job postings. Somebody up there knew there were going to be issues.

I feel like I am seeing new hires abandon or quit faster today than they were last year. We had an orientation less than 2 weeks ago and one of those guys put in his 2 week notice today. I'm like why bother but I respect the integrity I guess.
Some things I've noticed lately:

-Apparently, 11am unload is coming soon at my store, and eventually they want a midday unload everywhere, so the "salesfloor" flow team is there at the same time the store is busy. You know, because the time there should be tons of vehicles on the floor is when the store is busy. Also, doesn't that mean the autos will have stuff in them that's on the truck? Isn't that something we try to avoid?
-The "one for one" thing is totally pointless. Having 6 of something on the shelf as opposed to 5 doesn't increase sales in any meaningful way. This way of pulling was abandoned years ago for being pointless. Also, if they want less product in the backroom... maybe don't send stores so much product. And the manuals don't even fix the real issues, which are incorrect counts. Wouldn't that time be better spent researching outs? You know, the places that are empty?
-Zoning officially seems to be dead, now that the evening TMs are also having to push, and the unrealistic times given to push truck mean that none of the truck team bothers to "push as you go" like was supposed to happen.
-Set Workload in myWork is so comically slow, I feel like I'm being Punk'd when I open it. They can't seriously expect that to replace the Adjacency Calendar and TWT.

How stupid are the people who run this company?
Yeah zoning is not dead at my store but it's certainly on its last breath. There's just so much shit to do at night, We're having TM's work on reshop most of the time or some bullshit off the truck.

Also that 11am unload time thing is going to be completely garbage unless they want to spend payroll on midshifts for tech and beauty everyday. Those areas need open to close coverage and there's no way that truck is getting anywhere near done if the opener has to start it after lunch,
We're having TM's work on reshop most of the time or some bullshit off the truck.

Hello, I am one of these people. I get reshop when I first clock in, work that, grab one of the Uboats out of the back (there's always at least two huge ones, maybe a flat if I'm unlucky), then push that until 1 hour before I leave, where I promptly go back up and get more reshop, then work that, and then audit.
I'm going to be sort of douchey here for a minute and say that I can kind of understand leadership's frustration when it comes to pushing truck (and reshop). My SL TL timed himself pushing z racks and carts and then had a meeting with the team and basically said "you guys are moving too slow and taking too long to push this merchandise, I know how long it should take because I've done it." (I was not at the meeting, only heard about it from several TMs who were.) Maybe this was a directive from above? I don't know, but the thing is, he wasn't wrong. I know I have certainly seen my share of TMs who seem to be doing what I would call "putzing around". Like taking 2-3 hours to push one rack. No sense of urgency, not worried about getting things done in any sort of a timely manner.

Modernization has lit a fire under their butts, and we are moving things better now. Still some dawdling, but not near as bad. Now, all that being said, if a leader can see that a TM is trying, working hard and efficiently and still having trouble with set times, then they should be understanding and at least appreciate that the TM is trying, and not put undue pressure on people who are working hard. A good leader knows their team and knows which ones are trying and which ones don't give a crap.
I'm going to be sort of douchey here for a minute and say that I can kind of understand leadership's frustration when it comes to pushing truck (and reshop). My SL TL timed himself pushing z racks and carts and then had a meeting with the team and basically said "you guys are moving too slow and taking too long to push this merchandise, I know how long it should take because I've done it." (I was not at the meeting, only heard about it from several TMs who were.) Maybe this was a directive from above? I don't know, but the thing is, he wasn't wrong. I know I have certainly seen my share of TMs who seem to be doing what I would call "putzing around". Like taking 2-3 hours to push one rack. No sense of urgency, not worried about getting things done in any sort of a timely manner.

Modernization has lit a fire under their butts, and we are moving things better now. Still some dawdling, but not near as bad. Now, all that being said, if a leader can see that a TM is trying, working hard and efficiently and still having trouble with set times, then they should be understanding and at least appreciate that the TM is trying, and not put undue pressure on people who are working hard. A good leader knows their team and knows which ones are trying and which ones don't give a crap.

I would certainly repsect the TL for actually being able to do the job, and respect what they had to say about it.

However, not all TL's know how everything works in their respective areas. for example, if a TL with zero breakout knowledge (can be hardlines repacks or softlines) tells me that I'm going too slowly, I'd challenge that TL to give it a shot themselves or find someone faster. Our SD has no clue how long softlines breakout takes. He's always asking the inbound breakout person why it is not finished. She stops, counts the boxes and can give him a time within 15 minutes as to when she can be done. It amuses me when she says that, because she knows her job, and he doesn't really care to even ask how she may know this because he doesn't seem to want to know. Just get those 100 repacks finished in 4 hours!!
not all TL's know how everything works in their respective areas.
No kidding. My store's leadership recognizes that I do an excellent job pushing truck in my DBO area, so they let me do it differently - in a way that actually makes sense and helps me do it faster - from how corporate says it should be done.
And in a tight labor market there's tons of folks looking to work in the middle of the day? The same kind of mid shift that most TLs loathe.
If we go to an 11:00 unload, that'll be the end of me. Target has never provided enough hours for this job to be my only job and my other job can't be done early in the day. And won't guests appreciate having even more vehicles in their way while they're trying to get through their shopping lists?
For myself due to my availability, I come in and unload/sort the truck. Then I typically sort the cosmetic repacks. Then I am done. If there is time left I got find my lead and see what else is to be pushed. So if I push an area, I have started to write my tasks and the approx time I did them. Its time consuming. But if my GM1 wants to harp on me about taking too long (which I don't), then I'll fill out a paper or verbally give them my entire day run down. And I feel that its bonus time so leadership can get their $$.
Has anyone else been required to fill out a Daily Work Report (? - worksheet not titled) for your shift?

Apparently our DTL wants the GM Team to fill out these sheets with time and notes for 6 Task (Sp's/POG/Rev, Zone, PC/PC Batches/Labels, Autofil/EXF Fill, Truck, Update SFQ/SFC).

Any idea what the plan is or what they plan to do with these?

PM me this info if necessary.
Might just be a district thing. Forcing TMs to self report on this kind of stuff could potentially save lazy TLs and lot of time. It's quicker to simply skim a spreadsheet for outliers than actually get to know your team or pay attention to 30+ TMs working habits. But yeah, it's a bad idea. I have some super toxic, morale destroying programs my DTL has tried at my store which I haven't seen anyone here mention before, which tells me some of these initiatives are mostly localized.

If it ends up "working" and they see it as beneficial, it will spread like a highly contagious disease company wide and we'll all be infected soon. 😩
No kidding. My store's leadership recognizes that I do an excellent job pushing truck in my DBO area, so they let me do it differently - in a way that actually makes sense and helps me do it faster - from how corporate says it should be done.

If we go to an 11:00 unload, that'll be the end of me. Target has never provided enough hours for this job to be my only job and my other job can't be done early in the day. And won't guests appreciate having even more vehicles in their way while they're trying to get through their shopping lists?

What area do you have, and what do you do differently?
Good lord what are they trying to accomplish? Ensure no one wants to work at target anymore?
TBH, I imagine they want tms to know that info without requiring the sheets in future. For a year now, Target has been asking tms to be able to speak to the basic metrics of their areas. Sounds like that was not happening, hence the sheets. Once it is a routine, the sheets can go.
This is just me speculating though, because ASANTS.
TBH, I imagine they want tms to know that info without requiring the sheets in future. For a year now, Target has been asking tms to be able to speak to the basic metrics of their areas. Sounds like that was not happening, hence the sheets. Once it is a routine, the sheets can go.
This is just me speculating though, because ASANTS.
Exactly this. I have discussed utilizing a version of these sheets for the team, tweaking the one that I saw another store using. It has nothing to do with the TL as another suggested. These sheets are an aid for the tm to KNOW what they need to KNOW. Our team is just NOT changing. The am people push truck, the closing people do re-shop. No one thinks they have time to audit, fill, pull, set SPL, work price change etc. the team is struggling with the new expectations. The
‘Sheet’ to fill out, is simply a listed reminder of priorities. We will have the tm use it until they CAN work correctly without it. If you had an unexpected visit today, are you ready to answer questions about sales ? Your dept.? The sheet has all your answers on it.
Please stop being negative (not yetitive, the other posts b4 that one) and seeing every change as a new chore benefiting someone ELSE, when in reality it is simply to HELP YOU deliver what is expected.
Many people have unrealistic expectations placed on them, no matter how fast they work. How is turning in a sheet that doesn't have everything marked off even after putting your all into it so that it's easier for your TL to have ammunition to coach/write you up a positive and helpful thing for TMs? That's what it'll be used for and having the TMs fill them out is like telling them to bring the rope to their own hanging.
Many people have unrealistic expectations placed on them, no matter how fast they work. How is turning in a sheet that doesn't have everything marked off even after putting your all into it so that it's easier for your TL to have ammunition to coach/write you up a positive and helpful thing for TMs? That's what it'll be used for and having the TMs fill them out is like telling them to bring the rope to their own hanging.
At the store I saw do this:
A. Hard working tm’s loved this - proved how much they do
B. Slackers hated it - showed how little they did
So....if you want to see it as your rope - it can be short OR long enough to reach the ground, all in your hands. Will not be short if you work hard.
Also, the list specifies what is important. Maybe a tm is working really hard doing what doesn’t need to be done, the list will help focus energies.

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